Carrie Hall


San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
ummm....will add this later :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pistol...born 8/31/2006 ...thinks he's a BIG dog!! RIP Pistol Thibodaug 5/27/2011

Annie Oakley Thibodaug 3/29/2011 enjoys tormenting our lab, generally fitting in perfectly. She's channeling Pistol quite well :) She comes out to sleep in my shop just like he did :)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Carrie! Welcome to ! Pistol is CUTE! How's he dealing with a new born in the family? Invite your corgi friends to join us!
  • Katelyn

    Cute corgi!!
  • Katelyn

    lol thats awesome!
  • Sam Tsang

    I agree that our dogs are fearless, my dogs do just fine with the big dogs in the park, they go straight to them and try to herd them :) sometimes other breed owners get upset :p
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Carrie, our new member Erin is also from San Antonio :)
  • Carrie Hall

    hey thanks! I'll pop her a message!
  • Erin

    Carrie -- thank you for the message! I live in Stone Oak and I, too, am hoping for another Corgi. I've already picked out the name -- Watchamacallit. Now I just have to convince my husband.
  • sandra

    ooo i love your pic with new baby.... i have a new baby too, and i am the protector!

    kaley and jake, peaceful

    kaley corgi kisses : )
  • sandra

    good luck finding another corgi....keep checking the corgi rescue..there must be one in your area or near in tx, or ck, craigslist....gotta keep faith...right now where i live there are two on criaglist, adults but they seem sweet, but i live in san francisco bay area, calif.

    smiles : )
  • deelee lew

    I do have an xbox! and yes it's the halo 3 limited edition 360 :) my XBL gamertag is "dead soundboy" feel free to add me and we'll play sometime!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Hey Carrie! I Love, love, love the pics of Pistol and the baby. Absolutely adorable!! Pistol's eyebrows crack me up, they are sooooo expressive. One of my babies is a rescue, we got him through North Texas PWC rescue. As of Christmas it's been a year with him and he has blended seamlessly into our lives. If you are still thinking about making room in your lives and home for a rescue, it's a wonderful experience. Best wishes!
  • juliette

    ooh what do you have a sweet foto with the baby
    what's the name of your baby?
  • Carrie Hall

    Calleigh is our baby, who was a month old in that picture...she's 8 months old now, but won't sit still long enough to take another picture with Pistol. Pistol, the corgi, is my other big baby... :)
  • Amanda

    We're in SA too. Funny I think most of the people in the South Texas corgis are from SA. We're on Lackland near the Old Pearsall Rd. dog park.
  • Amanda

    You might be closer to the new dog park (Mccalister) I think it is. Not too familiar with the area. I just know we're more of the south part of San Antonio. I love it here. It does get way too hot in the summer though. The dogs get baked out there. I've heard of people shaving their corgis down in the summer. Have you done that?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Carrie, love all the pictures of Pistol and Calleigh, how sweet!
  • Christopher Zincone & Monty!

    Hi Carrie!
    Thanx for stopping by to watch our video! Cute pictures and I like your "pontification" about Corgis! We always kid our Border Collie friends about Monty! being a Border Collie 1/2 off (legs that is!).
  • Sam & Shelby

    Alright! Another person from the giant of a town, San Antonio. Maybe under the slimmest of chances, we may bump into one another.
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Carrie, so glad you could join us! It does sound like you have been extremely busy! I hope your everything goes ok with your daughter's surgery. And how exciting to be adding another little one to your family! I'll expect pictures of Pistol keeping guard over the new baby!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Carrie, just wanted to say hello. Looking through my friend list and saw your avatar and was wondering how everything is going. The baby must be getting so big now. Hold old? Looking through your pictures right now and they froze, I thought I saw a picture of the baby standing over Pistol though. How is Pistol doing with the baby, getting protective at all? Lance unfortunately doesnt have the chance to be around real young kids alot and when he is he thinks it is his job to protect them. He doesnt understand the cry of a toddler, it confuses him, I wish he had the opportunity to grow up with a babies/toddlers but oh well nothing I can do. Hope everything is going well, look forward to hearing from you. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.....Natalie and Lance
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Hi Carrie, What a great page!!! I found myself laughing and saying, YEP that's so true!!
    I came here to see if there was anything here about your clubs logo. I thing that is so cool! I'd like to have a copy for my "Corgi Wall".
    Thanks again for the laughs... Carolyn & Scooter
  • VanCleave's

    Your page is awsome! I saw your picture and wanted to comment on how cute it was! There are some corgi rescues that will not adopt to people with kids even if they don't have them yet because they say all Corgis will nip at kids and the kids will not be nice enough to the corgi! I don't believe this and your picture shows they can get along just fine!!!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Tracey

    Happy Birthday! I loved reading your site!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Hello fellow Texas Corgi owner. I am admin of a Texas group and I have a link to your group on our page. I was hoping that you could link to the Texas group to help network for rescue and charity events. Thanks so much!
    Corgis in Texas: