Buddy & Wynstan


Demopolis, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Demopolis, AL
About Me:
I live in a small town, and will be getting my first corgi shortly
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Wynstan was born on October 3, 2009. He is just a little ball of energy. He loves food and fetching but still trying to master the frisbee. He is wonderfully goofy. So far, his favorite past time is to pester the Bailey, our German Shepherd, until she is ready to play.
I have:

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  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Will you be able to show him..what do you mean by akc reg name? I guess i still need to look at my akc paperwork lol
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Hehe! I just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something lol. I love the name!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Just checking in to see when the pupster comes home. Getting close....you must be eXcItEd!!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    I doubt you will sleep tonight! I'm thinking about you guys! Can't wait for the first day pics!
  • Cynthia

    Sorry I took so long! I haven't visited Corgi.com in awhile!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    When do you go get him??
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    The FL game will be a blow out, but I love watching Tebow. We're for Stanford, & REALLY enjoyed their game against USC. Had some hope for Toby Gerhart to win the Heisman until the Cal game. So we'll see how they fare with Notre Dame. And then a Laker game. Quite a day for corgi lovers and sport fans!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hope we can still be friends even though we're rooting for Stanford. LOL.
  • Wind Dial

    I know the Bedwell's. They are nice, you didn't happen to see a dog named Charm did you while you were there?
  • Wind Dial

    They bought a puppy from me earlier in the year.
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    YAY! I am so happy for you and your girlfriend! You got a tough boy!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Welcome home Wynstan!!!
  • Carol & Ein & Widget

    YAY! a puppy in your home! Hooray! k...now dont get mad cuz he finds ALL the things to chew on that your forgot in your puppyproofing...for the next 2 years... hee hee
  • Lorie and Zoe

    Awww, he is soooo sweet! Congrats to you all! Enjoy every second with him!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Pictures??? LOL!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Wynstan is probably teething. Try substituting a puppy-safe chew toy and hold him and the toy while he chews away on something other than you! He's a cutie.
  • Dawn

    Thank you for the kind words on Gabby. Wynstan is going to be a handsome dude! Please keep up the pictures as he grows. The cute time is when their ears pop. As for your boy biting, in my experience, they have thankfully grown out of it. I did like some others have said, be sure to substitute a safe toy instead of you or your clothes. I found once their teeth are in the problem subsides. Good luck and enjoy, they are a life changing experience!
  • Bev Levy

    Hi Guys, The time out was based on how old he was. Not too long when he was less than 6 months. About 5-10 minutes as I remember. Sparty was pretty feisty but Izzy and Buffy were crushed by a stern tone of voice so they were easy to train. Not as smart as Sparty though. Good luck!
  • Bev Levy

    You have to be consistent and have patience. He is still a baby but will catch on. Sparty made us a little crazy at times but turned out great. Obedience classes really helped me because when they are that smart you have to be ahead of them! Think of him as a toddler that is just beginning to discover all the stuff he can do with a strong urge to sink his teeth into something! Actually that describes my 8 month old grandson... LOL.
  • Marion Hebert

    Hi: Just wanted to say what a smart little Corgi you have...barking at the pointsettia.....and not going toward it....Maybe he has hidden talents.....I have two Corgies...1 male and 1 female...names: Merry, and Sammy...they are both 8 years old, but not related....They are the delights of my life and travel with me everywhere....In fact they are so cute that a Corgi craze is hitting our area and we will soon have more Corgis to play with. Best Wishes for a great holiday season with your Corgi's.
  • Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall

    I hope you're having fun with your adorable little Wynstan...
    Ha..it took patients and a calm dog to accomplish the balance...
    good luck with your pup =)
  • Jane Christensen

    Great pics, they made me smile and I noticed you have good toys for him that will last! He is a very handsome little guy!
  • Geri & Sidney

    I'm so glad to hear Wynstan is doing better. Merry Christmas to you!
  • John Wolff

    I am amazed.
    McConnell's research is interesting; she says that all professional human animal trainers, regardless of language, use similar sounds. "Stop!" is a single abrupt syllable; "Go go go!" is a series of abrupt stacatto syllables, etc. Interesting book.
    I believe Rico was feared to be deaf as a puppy, and so got much extra verbal attention.
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    haha I love things like that!
  • Rachael & Waffle

    I'll be able to visit Waffle when I'm home for spring break. If I come home during a random weekend, I will definitely stop by then, too. :] They live next to my old high school, so pretty much whenever I visit my family, I can visit my fur family down the street. :D Wynstan is looking great by the way. He's growing up so fast!
  • Potus

    Thanks for your message! We bought a medium at first and found it was too big for Potus as a pup, so we had a smaller size until he grew into it. I love the secure feeling you get with a harness, but they still get some movement. Wynstan is gorgeous! How is he going following the attack?
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday season.
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    I watched an episode on Cats 101 and the main coon seems like a great option!
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    We went to Petsmart last night to shop for our puppy, and it broke my heart to see the cats in the adoption center! My boyfriend had to remind me, puppy first! Maybe someday! A cat would make a great companion.
  • Bev Levy

    Just want to clarify that I have no problem with getting a non-rescue! I had Siamese for years and loved them all. My husband and I travel a lot more now that we have no kids at home and cats rarely travel well. I decided after my last Siamese died to just get rescues because then I would not feel bad leaving them home alone for a weekend since prior to me they did not have a home! I am sorry if it came across that I was judging. I have a friend with a Maine Coon and she is wonderful.
  • Bev Levy

  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    lol...its getting harder for me hold him now
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    I FINALLY got to take a look at the pictures you have posted and Wynstan is Adearable! Corgis certainly do cheer you up and I am glad to have finally gotten to see these, as I certainly need the pick me up from time to time! He's just so darn cute that he makes me smile! I love his little 'big' belly!
  • Ray Lee

    thank you for your nice word. I will post more pics.
  • Alice

    I'm glad you have plans of moving and so soon. Just keep a close eye on Wynstan in the meantime and I'm sure you will both be fine.

    At least it was done quickly. Just out of curiosity though (and please don't think I'm blaming you or questioning your actions because God knows I'd kill for my dog) but would a shot somewhere else such as the leg not have been sufficient to save Wynstan and spare the Pit's life? I guess I just feel bad because I had a coworker who owned 2 Pits and they got out of her yard during a storm and someone called the police to report 2 wandering Pits. The police pulled up and when they got out the female Pit started walking towards them then running and one of the police shot and killed her claiming his life was in danger. The truth was that she loved people and always got excited and ran up to them. I guess there was no way for the police to have known this though; he just saw a Pit Bull running towards him and probably wasn't thinking about sparing the dog.

    Be safe and good luck! it would seem Wynstan isn't the only with superhero in his blood. :)
  • Alice

    No, you should not beat yourself up about it. You were protecting your family as any of us would. It is what it is and the end result is that you and your dog are safe and the police and shelter are finally stepping in as they probably should have done a long time ago. If they had, none of this would have happened. people do give Pit Bulls a bad name and it's so unfortunate; even more unfortunate that the dogs are forced to live these awful lives. He was even breeding them? That's terrible.

    Don't feel guilty though. Most people would be too caught up in the moment to plan. I'm glad you thought quickly enough to act at all. I don't carry a gun but I do shoot so I know the power behind those bullets and your right, no matter where you shot it, it could have ended badly for the dog. The truth is, if the dog was taken to the shelter, being aggressive (which it would seem he was) he would likely have been put down anyway. They never spend time rehabilitating aggressive cases unfortunately.
  • Alice

    Ah, that makes sense. I hope no one was ever injured during the robberies.

    There are a lot of sick people out there and you can make yourself sick just trying to understand them. I'm glad these puppies will be taken care of as will the mother.
  • Ellyse

    Thanks for the input about the Blue Buffalo food---I appreciate it:) As for your unfortunate dilemma, you did what you had to do to protect Wynstan. I'd say the majority of us on here would testify that we would do whatever it takes to protect our dogs. Best of luck to you---it sounds like your neighbor should be locked away, as well as anyone else that mistreats ANY dog, not just Pits. I don't doubt for one second that you'll be keeping a hawk-like eye on Wynstan until this matter is resolved. Stay safe.
  • Beth

    I'm very sorry to hear that. Had they taken action sooner the whole thing could have been avoided. Just keep a close eye on your pup, and I hope he wasn't too scared by the whole thing!
  • John Wolff

    Please see my comment on your blog post. I don't know if it's possible, but if you can make an overture to him and tell him you feel terrible about what happened, acknowledge his pain and loss, this might help both of you to deal with this. Forget all about his responsibility -- he ought to be feeling a lot of guilt, which intensifies the anger -- tell him that you feel horrible about shooting his dog, you can't imagine how he must feel, you're so sorry, etc. etc. It might take a long time to sink in, but it might eventually help him deal with this.
    Even though there was nothing wrong with what you had to do, it can't hurt to offer an apology. You're not admitting any kind of guilt, just acknowledging his pain. If he doesn't want to hear this the first time, you might try again later. Give him some time. Make sure you're sincere (he'll know if you're not). If I were in his place, I think it'd take me a long time to process this.
    I'm speculating that someone who'd keep two poorly-kept, poorly-trained, inadequately-restrained pit bills might be a person who hasn't seen many expressions of empathy from other people. You think? Something you could help him learn maybe?
    IMPORTANT: it would be a big face-saving thing for him.

    OMD, and I thought *I* was having a bad day....
    I wish you well.
  • John Wolff

    Here's a New Yorker article that's only tangentially about dogfighting, but includes the (to me) amazing and surprising observation that at least some of these fighting dog owners actually do love their dogs and vice-versa, to the point where the dogs will fight to the death for their person (the dogfighting thing is a metaphor for the abuse of trust). I've never been to a dogfight of course -- ick -- but I'd always assumed that these guys who are attracted to fighting dogs for the power trip don't really give a rat's ass for the dogs. One of the stars of the infamous U.Washington 2001 Rose Bowl Championship football team (at least 3 felons on the team, which retained a lawyer to insulate players from the consequences of their actions) simply abandoned 4 pits in his back yard as soon as he got his NFL contract. His neighbors had been throwing food over the fence to them. My neighbor lady has a pink-nosed pit named Cassius (I call him 'Muhamad' or 'The Champ' because of his muscle definition), sweetest dog in the world and the love is just so obvious; I wish some of these guys could see those two, to see what they're missing.

    New Yorker article
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    I have his first one:) if I can get a canine tooth id be happy lol
  • Jane Christensen

    Well, that sounds like some good doggie daycare for the time you're gone! Have a great trip and we hope it turns out well for you and Wynstan!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    haha....ur stories are quite..interesting. I always bring them up to friends..
  • Geri & Sidney

    LOL, yes, exactly! Surely it won't smell nearly as good :x
  • Alice

    That sounds like so much fun! Ever since I read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil a long time ago I've wanted to go and I hoped they had a ghost tour so I'm thrilled to hear you say that they do. My husband has no idea why I want to go there and just tell him it's calling to me because I really don't have a valid reason. :)
    You're in Alabama? That would make it a bit easier to venture into GA. I'm in AZ so it would be bit of a trip.
  • Alice

    I would like to see New Orleans as well and yes, I am a True Blood fan so seeing that town would be fun.

    Wow, you're taking a motorcycle trip all the way over here? I take Wynstan will be sitting that one out. If he were with you I'd say we'd have to plan a Corgi meet up for the same time.
  • Desert Corgi Pack

    Happy Birthday!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have something groovy planned!!
  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!