Staci B & Howie


Rockledge, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is staci and I am a full-time graduate student for my masters of social work. I had a boxer growing up but when I moved to an apt with my boyfriend, we were limited to a dog 30 lbs or less. I began searching and found a black lab-corgi mix who was the best dog! He was the biggest dog we could have and was a great "medium-sized dog". I fell in love with this dog and now am so in love with corgis I cannot ever see myself owning anything but a corgi or corgi mix :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My first corgi mix tragically was hit by a car on 9/22/09. I now own a 2 year old male corgi mix who is red in color. His name is Howie and he is such a sweetheart!
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hi Staci! Welcome to mycorgi! Howie's a cutie!
  • Ashley

    Hi Staci, I saw that you were looking to meet up at the Melbourne Dog park. What time were you thinking about going this weekend? I have been wanting to go down to that park for a while now but always seem to end up at the Cocoa Beach park instead.
  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome.Sorry about your first corgi.Enjoy your new baby!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Staci and Howie! So sorry about your first corgi mix..those run-ins with cars just terrify me.
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    welcome Staci and howie!! its great to have you on here! i am sorry about your first baby. howie is a cutie though:)
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    thank you so much! thats really nice of you. im sorry your hubby is working right now. i know what you mean about the military, it gets very chaotic lol but im glad he has a stable job. right now we want to move to DC so he can be in honor guard but they wont let him finish his application since he works night shift:( its hard but i got my fur babys to keep me company lol. thanks for the support! u definitely need it in the military=)
  • Avyon

    Thank you so much :) Howie's a cutey!
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    and thats awesome that your boy friend is in the air force:) we can share stories! lol
  • Sunni A.

    Welcome to the site, Staci!
  • Ashley

    Would Saturday afternoon work out for you? Sometime between like 1-3pm? If not, let me know a better time.
  • Cody

    Thanks! He's quite the little guy. :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Staci! Glad to see a fellow rockledge resident! Contact Virginia, JH and Candy in the group, they go to wickham park. Suse goes to cocoa beach in the weekends. Good luck!
  • Ashley

    That sounds great. We will look for you in the small dog area.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Staci! Brevard have a 38 year ban on dogs at the beach :( So we take ours to the south, you can also do that if you have friends who have their own beach front property. I know many owners downsouth take theirs to the beach, ask jacki, she takes cinni and nutti to the beach. The pics were taken at key west, there's also a lake beach in orlando, you'll need to join the central florida group and ask Jenny for more info.
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hi Staci - Hope you enjoy mycorgi.. howie is a cutie!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. I love these guys dearly. Its easy when they are so magical.
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    thank you for the tip:) he isnt really bad around his food. ever since i got him i would pet him and tell him he was a good boy, he didnt seem aggressive but he would really hurry in eating his food. but last night i petted him and he did a little growl, i took his food away and told him no. i know corgis love to eat but he scared me. so i watched a video from "its me or the dog" and i put some food in my hand and then pour just a little bit of food in his bowl and then wansnt so bad. my husband tested him by moving his food bowl around and he didnt react but i am scared it will get worse:(
  • Ashley

    Staci, I have been so excited about our get together tomorrow but I don't think I will be able to make it. I hit a whole truck tire on 95 tonight and now my car is sounding funny. I probably will now be spending most of tomorrow trying to get it fixed. Maybe we can plan on another play date soon?
  • Virginia

    Wow! 3 hours! Wow! Arlo really liked Howie. Howie looks so much like Arlo too. We'll meet again as my babies love going to the park.
  • Suzanne S. Aaron

    Hi Staci1 Howie is one good looking boy! Our "action" shot & profile pic was taken by a friend who was watching Chester one weekend while we were away. It is one of the best pictures taken of him ever! Thanks for the compliment. :)