Joanna Hubbard

Anchorage, AK

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Traveller, science educator, birder, artist, diver
About My Corgi(s):
One furry toddler - Gemma, a talkative female tri-color pembroke with a sweet nature and love for shredding cardboard boxes.

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! Happy Holidays!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Shannon

    love all the pics on your web site
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • Kristen

    Welcome Joanna and Gemma! Your profile sounds like me in my earlier years. Former wildlife biologist--still a birder and I do continue to work with Raptors--wish I was a better artist and was certified to dive when I was 13. Not much diving in Nebraska so I haven't been in years...actually not since college...lots ofyears ago! Your Gemma is absolutely adoreable.
  • A & P

    Gemma is very beautiful!
  • Elaine

    What a beautiful dog! I was just browsing your blog, and noticed your comment about how some folks move from German Shepherds to corgis; that's funny, a friend of mine who has an adorable Pembroke got hers from a breeder that raises both German Shepherds and Pembrokes, Rae Lew Kennel. (One of the kennel co-owners has described how she went from raising GSDs to corgis. LOL.)
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Loved your blog and I'm another one of those converts, GSD's to PWC's. Used to obedience train and raise GSD's in a former life. Belated welcome to MyCorgi.
  • Sam & Maximus

    Just found your airport video, very cute. Linked to your page and discovered you are in Anchorage. We are in Eagle River. Don't see Corgi's around here much, nice to hear there is another. Welcome to the site and your baby is absolutely adorable.
  • Renee

    Welcome to Tri-colored!
  • Karen

    Gemma is one beautiful pup. Love the videos!
  • A & P

    I am sure everyone is telling you that Gemma is just way too cute! Keep taking tons of video and photos...because Gemma is beautiful!
  • Porter & Burleigh

    Another Sippiwisset Corgi!! She is utterly precious and I love the stripe from blaze to collar! I'd say we should compare pedigrees, but I never ended up getting Porter's from Julia, her printer was down the day we picked him up. I used to dogsit for her when she was still showing alot and we co-owned a dam... Sippiwisset Sea Urchin whom we bred 4 times. Porter is her great nephew as he's descended from her sister, Sippiwisset Sea Sprite. Lots of snow in Alaska now? We got about 8 inches today here in New Hampshire.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Gemma is a gorgeous pup!! I love her markings. She has a sweet sweet face.. Where did you get her? welcome to the site!!
  • Simi Corgi Girl

    Gemma is too darn cute! My only female was a tri. I've been watching her videos and am so jealous...I want a puppy!!!! Oh, I guess I have one but he's not a baby so his cuddle factor and puppy smell is all worn off. Have fun with her while her puppiness is all in tact! And even when it is, you'll have a best friend for life.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    joanna: when we took them to the beach.. i didn't know if they would swim or not.. but they just followed up right in and did it.. we were very surprised. i would love to have them experience snow.. they wouldn't know what to do!! Your Gemma though has the cutest face i have ever seen... what a beautiful pup!! you must get compliments all the time.
  • Kate

    Your videos are just great! I can't help but smile at them!
  • Buster Bluth

    What a cute baby!!! We are here in Anchorage too! - I can tell you that Buster has not enjoyed the recent negative weather we have been having!
  • Will Smith

    Thanks for the post. I'm looking into breeders in the southeast but I'm not sure what all to ask them. Is there anything besides socialization, temperament, and health issues that I should ask about?
  • Buster Bluth

    I watched some of your videos- how cute! Gemma is such a good looking corgi? How far did you go to get her? Also I was wondering if you know of any good training classes I could take Buster to, we are planning on going this summer. Buster also has a love of shredding cardboard boxes, paper towels, or actually any paper.
  • Liv

    Gemma is so beautiful! I am amazed at how well behaved she is! I don't have a corgi yet but I'm planning on getting one. Any special way you trained her? I would love my corgi to be like her!
  • Maisy

    Hi Joanna, I saw you were interested in tracking and I just started a tracking group on this site. I hope you'll join!
  • Ginny and Diggory

    Sorry it has taken me a while to respond. We ended up just doing a standard spay procedure. Cost was a factor, I'll admit. The clinic we had been going to was going to charge about $400 for the spay, which I thought was too much. A friend recommended another clinic where she was spayed for $120. The first two days she seemed lethargic and a little sore, but she was sent home with pain meds and recovered with lots of TLC. After just a few days she bound back quickly. Her incision was only a couple of inches long, so it was not a very large wound. I just kept my eye on it. It never seemed inflamed or anything and while she did lick it at first, I would get her up to snuggle with me so she wouldn't lick at it. If she had been licking more, we probably would have used an E-collar. I was a nervous wreck the day she went in to get spayed, but she was a trooper and it turned out just fine.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Wow! LaVerne and Gemma really DO look alike! I hope LaVerne has the same coloring as Gemma when she matures. She is so beautiful!
  • Joanna Hubbard

    We just did the laparoscopic spay procedure, two tiny (less than 1cm) holes mid belly in a vast expanse of shaved puppy tummy and only ovaries removed. Gemma was up and trying to get home mid-afternoon and right as rain the next day on her antiinflammatory and pain meds - trying to keep her from full-out exertion has been tough! She did want snuggly tlc the first night but I'm not sure it wasn't from the trauma of being shaved and cone-collared at the clinic. Corgis were NOT built to wear the head cone made for their neck size, every other step she caught the collar on something on the floor :(
  • Joanna Hubbard

  • GoGoRainbow

    Its just part of Padre Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. I've always liked Gemma and thought I couldn't figure out why you had a black headed tri puppy, and a red headed tri adult corgi with the same name! =P
  • Tina and Cooper

    Ohhh shoot,,I guess Romba is Gemma and a her not him,,,,sorry shes so sweet `tina~ and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks for your comment and those are refered to as bunny butt's lol `tina~!
  • Kahuna and Gail

    Gemma is very charming! I love watching your videos
  • I L

    Gemma is so pretty!
  • Katie and Yuki

    How old is Gemma in your profile picture? Short of the perfectly pricked ears, thats what my puppy looks like. Im just trying to gauge when she'll look more like a corgi and less like a long border collie.
  • LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\

    Have a nice day=]