Dez Hunter


Newport News, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Newport News, Virginia
About Me:
New corgi owner, first time puppy experience.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a Welsh Pemmie named Dexter.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jessie

    I really wish we had gotten our Dexter as a puppy (he was a year old when we adopted him), but it's great seeing another adorable Dexter at that age we missed!
  • Rojo

    The Puppy Days are awesome but the personality change that comes at six months when they become clingy and "lovey" is better.
  • A & P

    So cute! Enjoy this time as it will pass quickly! Take plenty of photos!
  • A & P

    Would you believe we couldn't decide on which Corgi to get! :D Corgis are the best and we are loving every minute of it! I know you have the best time with Dexter!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Dez and Dexter. He's soooo cute!
  • Jessica

  • Shelaine

    Two is better than one! =P Your little pup is too cute for his own good!!!!!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Dez and Dexter!
  • Eleanor M.

    Honestly, I think you should approach the parents and have a meeting with them and the kids and Dex all in the same room. It's harder to be a meanie to someone's face. Then you can show them the consequence of their negative actions... Dex is so adorable!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Beth

    No problem, ask away! When Jack was little I did almost exactly what you did; I knew that I should be able to take food from him, so I experimentally just picked up his dish and was horrified when he started growling ferociously! So I went online and did a search and found more or less the advice I gave you.

    The best thing to remember is that pup lives in the moment and cannot fathom your intent. In your mind, you are just moving his food so he understands you are allowed to do that. In his mind, he's a very hungry puppy and you've stolen his lunch! LOL Plus, if the breeder fed them altogether (and she probably did), they get very competitive for food. You do want to nip it in the bud, but do it from the point of view of earning your pup's confidence, not so much as showing your pup who's in charge. The whole first year is all about gradually showing them what we expect from them, because so much of what a dog does instinctively is counter to what we expect from him as a model citizen.

    He's adorable! It makes me want another puppy. Best of luck.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!

  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!


    I've been reading some of your posts and it looks like my puppy, Stella, and your Dexter are very close in age. It also looks like we have a similar schedule of events (minus the car show!). I just took Stella to the vet this past Thursday and she's scheduled for her last round of shots in three weeks. I also plan on taking her to obedience classes in August! Has Dexter started his super teething stage yet? When Stella was at the vet the vet said that she still had her puppy teeth and would be losing them really soon and teething more, and almost overnight Stella started losing teeth and needing harder things to chew. What does Dex like to chew? Stella seems too big for puppy stuff (she destroys "puppy" anything and chews it up in seconds--literally), but I don't want to give her adult dog stuff that might not be good for her. Anyway, I was just curious since your little Dex is the same age. When was he born by the way? Stella's Bday is April 1, 2009.
  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!

    Thanks for the message! Yeah, Stella has pretty much lost all of her fuzzy puppy fur. She just continues to get more of the smooth coat and fur on her chest every day! I guess Dex is just a *little* behind Stella in age--even a week is a big difference at this stage!--so he hasn't started teething as much. Stella actually does damage to rawhide, and this morning she chomped a full size chicken greenie bone, a mini dingo, a dingo chew, and a piece of plastic off of her pull toy--all before 8 am!! I should have named her Ms. Pac-Man! She also seems to be entering another weird behavior phase---so watch for it with Dex. I read that at 4 months they go into another fear phase. I'm definitely seeing it with the Stella-Monster!

    Thanks for the advice with the Kong--I'll have to get her another. I had gotten her one early on, but the coloring was coming off of it and it freaked me out (it had a tie-dye pattern, I think Ill just go with the red). I also found a really early thread (from May) in the 2009 puppies group that mentioned these things called "bully sticks." Apparently, they are made of smoked steer muscle and really stinky when they chew them, but really keep them occupied.

    Oh, and as for the teeth thing-I haven't seen them (although I've read that ppl on this site have). I just notice that some teeth are missing and sometimes there is blood on her bone---totally normal, by the way, so when it happens to Dex, no need for concern.

    It should be interesting to compare our pups as they grow. Feel free to write anytime with questions or puppy stories!

  • Beauty and the Beast

    Dexter's got the most precious puppy face ever! So cute! I hear you about the water :) Shiro loves to hop in a lake and then roll on dirt making crazy sounds.
  • CorgiDewey

    Dexter looks cute!!
  • ederyn

    Glompies! I created an account here just so I could say that. Hee! *pets widdle Dexter on the noggin* He's so kyooooooot!
  • Shannon

    Love the pic of Dexter sleeping on the floor of the car. Now you have to get your friend ederyn to get a corgi so they can play together
  • Beauty and the Beast

    Thanks for the friend request! If you're ever in NC, Raleigh area come over for a playdate :)
  • Shannon

    they are fun. After you get one corgi it is hard not to get anther hahahahaha
  • Beth

    Thanks for the comment on Jack's St Pat's Day pic! We didn't think he would leave the hat on. Around the house he would paw it off after a few seconds. But once we were in the parade, he was so excited by the dogs and the crowds and the noise that he totally ignored it. He also pooped in the middle of the parade route, much to our embarrassment. LOL
  • Maddy & Keke

    I am sure Dexter will grow up to be a handsome boy:) Have fun carrying him now before he is "too long and too heavy" lolx.
  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    thanks! dexter is really cute too =)
  • Dee & Yoshi's Page

    Thank you! OMGosh! Dexter! What a cutie! Not to mention what a great name!!!
  • Dee & Yoshi's Page

    Thanks! Yes.. my experience is going great. He really is my first puppy experience. We rescued Max in Feburary but he was already big. :) Does he sleep at the bottom of your feet when you're driving??? That is too cute! Yoshi will be 4 months next week. :)
  • Christina

    Yeah I know that lady - she comes to the dog park all the time. I can't think of the breeders name that Wendy came from. We actually got her from a lady in Hampton who got her from the breeder, but her husband would not let her keep her so we adopted her. We should meet up sometime. There is another Corgi that comes into Care-A-Lot - I can't think of his name - he is about 9 months old. Wendy just turned 8 months a few days ago.
  • Chris

  • Edward and Gemima

    GreetScraps - -Ning Comments!