

Key West, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Key West
About Me:
I'm the canine mother of 3 of the coolest and craziest corgis in Key West.I love all dogs but when I see a corgi my heart just melts.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Frankie is always stealing the car keys and doesn't mind talking the other 2 into going for a ride.Once the Key West police called and said they found them at Sloppy Joe's.They love those margaritas! Needless to say all 3 were GROUNDED.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey JoAnne! It was very nice meeting you! It was such a pleasure to meet your corgis :)
  • Silvia Li

    Hi JoAnne! What a pleasure meeting you in Key West today! I'd never thought I'd run into a member while traveling (looking for dog beach in Key West...) And your corgis are just so lovely! Great corgis you have there! Well, wish you a Merry Christmas and welcome to!
  • Corgi Bear and Handsome George

    How did you get so many looking so good
  • Christine Glossman

    Oh - my good friends in Key West in their Christmas best. Miss swimming and ball chasing with you three. What a small world meeting Sam & Silvia at "dog beach"
    Merry Christmas! ^.^
  • WhiteDove

    HA HA HA. . .more "OTHER" reindeer!!!
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you for your comment JoAnne. . .yes they are behaved but I think Sid is showing the little girls how to behave like Corgis. . .(that's Corgi humor!!!). . .they follow him everywhere. . .they never lose sight of him. . . .
  • NatalieJJ

    I, too, am new to the corgi world, looking for a pet/companion for myself, grandkids and friends who have dogs to play with. I am pleased that many of the participants in this website are my age, and have so many cute and funny stories. I live in Kansas City, Missouri, am a nurse manager and work for a large railway company. I have trained dolphins, horses, and dogs in the past. I will visit with you again soon. Must get my dinner menu for Christmas Dinner! Merry Christmas!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! What a great picture of your girls! :-)
  • Cindi

    Woof and welcome! Great pic! I understand about wanting more. They're like Lays Potato Chips: can't have just one. CorgiMom has informed me that if I bring another home, I will be sleeping in a tent in the back yard. lol
  • Corgi Mom

    You're welcome and thank you. Moonmystic got Tank for me while I was still deployed in Iraq (2003 - 2004). They used to watch tv together and was her shadow. That is until I finally came home. ;-) In addition to being a Service Dog for me (psychiatric assistance - PTSD) he is also an AKC Canine Good Citizen and a Delta Society Therapy dog. He's definitely ALL about the love.
  • Florence Fong

    Hi JoAnne,
    That's a lovely picture of your girls. By the way, this is not a picture of my Ritz. I've yet to upload. Were you the one that Sam of met while on holiday? Sure looks like a beautiful place.
  • JoAnne

    It seems to have been a BIG New Years for the Girls! I'll post some photos later to show what a great time they had.........They brought in 2008 with a Bang!(well not a bang...that usually scares them but with a heck of a Good Time!)
  • JoAnne

    I've never seen so many good looking corgis! This seems to be the site for the "Best Looking" Like I originally said.......I can't wait to show you how "cute" mine are.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    I agree about the picture but have to wait until I get back to NV to get a picture. I have to use Bob's laptop while in KW so the "No So Good" picture will have to wait. I head back to NV Jan 22. I will change it ASAP!!!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    We have a NEW picture!!! What do you think?
    We will see you later today......
  • JoAnne

    I'm afraid my girls are "hard core" it's many,many tennis balls and it's a BIG run and slide! I admit...I'm bad, I can't help myself, they talk me into it every time! We of course do this when Dad's not home! and we depend on those "magic sponges" I'll have to have some "in action pics" hahahahaha We'd love to have Katie and Dash join in if you're ever in the area,,,,or maybe tennis at the beach.
  • Kristen

    JoAnne, thanks for you comments about Basil. The repeal bill made it out of Committee, but I don't know if it has any legs. I will continue to work against it. Your Corgis are such charmers. I would love to add a Cardi to the mix, but life will be sufficiently crazy after we pick up the new puppy this weekend. I was laughing as I read about your girls playing ball. Around our house you can wake a Corgi from a deep sleep just by bouncing a ball on the floor. When Lizzie wants to play and she feels she isn't getting the attention she needs she will toss a ball under the sofa and sit there and cry pathetically until it is retrieved and the game begins.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    I'm in MOrro Bay still./ It's a long story... But I haven't been home to get the CD yet. Maybe by the end of this week.. Not sure yet. But THANKS in advance! Casey tried to make a CD from the pictures off Bob's computer and wasn't able to open it. SO I hope I can figure your out! Please What do I owe you for that!!! Scooter and I walking on the beach here twice a day. We wish you are the girls were here too! I'll write you as soon as I get back home. Thanks again! Carolyn & Scooter..
  • JoAnne

    just hurry and get back home! want me to put the pics in for dog30 photo contest? I'm finally ready to do all that today,I was a crazy lady because of "open house" but now I'm back to trying to get things done. It rained here sooo bad last night it got wet inside and took all the wax off the floors in some areas,I'll have to try and correct that, other than that I'm taking the day OFF! It's nice out today so maybe later it'll be off to the beach, xoj
  • Kristen

    I just looked through your pictures. Absolutely beautifu. You have certainly captured the Corgi spirit!
  • Carol Braitman

    What wonderful pictures!!!!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi JoAnne, We will be down for Christmas!! Not sure if it will be Christmas week, or New Years. We stay at the Hyatt Vacation Club on the Atlantic. Can't bring doggies though :(. Charlotte diesn't travel very well. They get to go to the corgi farm, and run around with 25 other corgis. They have a blast!
  • JoAnne

    I hope we meet.I'd love that. It's too bad the kids won't be with you, that would be sooo cool! Where is the Corgi Farm? that sounds better to me than vacationing here! I could be Tasha Tudor(sp?)...if lived on a farm I would have a corgi day
  • Kim

    Here is a youtube link to what fly ball is.
    Dog participates on a team of 4 dogs against other teams of 4. It is for the tennis ball fanatic doggies. They must complete a set of jumps, at the end they pop a tennis ball to bring back (again going over the jumps) then the next dog on your team goes..then the next..
    RACE! SPEED! Fun!!!!!
  • JoAnne

    that is crazy fast! I can't even imagine anything like that in my area..........we're way too laid back for girls are active but they'd never find anybody to compete with anyway. I am going to look for NEADS or companion classes ,that'll be enough for now. I'll keep my eye open for flyball comp. though , maybe I can see one for myself.
  • Patti

    Joanne - Sam Tsang thought I should check in with you - I'm up here in Jupiter FLA - near WPB, and thinking about coming down for Conch days, I'm not sure if Christine is in town - will you be in town, or any tips on where 2 stay with 2 cardigan corgi's?
  • Florence

    Hello Joanne,
    Christine told me about you, and I at least, I could find you !
    3 Corgis, wow !!!
    I've only 2: one Pem and one Cardi.
    I'l be happy to know you !
  • Carol Braitman

    Thanks Jo Ann! We are coming to Key West for Christmas, but without doggies.
  • JoAnne

    I am sooo disappointed ! Im going to be in the New England area and I can't make it to the corgi meet up! All the way from Key West and Im going to actually iss this event. I bet it'll be grand! Sorry, I wish I could have. have a good times my corgi friends!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    We miss you too! It is snowing this morning. Scooter keeps going outside to see if there is enough to play in. She loves the snow. As for me I want to be in Key West where it's warm!!! When I look back at your pictures I have to laugh out loud with I see the pictures of Riley play in sand. She was such a cute puppy!! How is she doing? How are you, Scout and Frankie doing? How was your trip up north? I heard this morning Homestead had over 8 inches of rain. What about KW?
  • Boots and Superstar!

    hey joanne! love your pics and corgis! you must be living in paradise in keywest! Alley from Orlando :)
  • Katie

    gorgeous pictures!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Oh, it was easy. google images for "corgi christmas" and you will save those fun corgi pics. then edit your your background and header... if you want music, go to, open a free account, look for fave pics and generate a code!:)if you have any questions, let me know!:)
  • Katie

    I would love to see how my two bangers ( I call them the gang bangers! lol!) would react to surf and the beach. It must be better than when they get a bath! :)
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Seeing the kids at the beach really make Scooter and I miss Key West. You'll have to check out our new pictures we just posted on our page. I bet you miss Riley!!
  • Florence

    Sorry sorry to be sooooo laaaaate, Joanne !!!!
    Oh, I'm going to go to have a look at your photos....
  • Jessica

    Your babies are darling! I can't wait until I can bring my baby to the ocean, especially after all this snow we've been getting.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    I think of you often and check here for new pictures all the time!! Looks like it will be March before Bob gets down there to start on the old Conch Flyer. After he gets settled in an appartment Scooter and I will be able to come down. I can't hardly wait. How is everyone? Scooter is fine and the doctor has changed my meds. I have had the first of 2 infusions. I feel so much better already! So I'm hoping we are FINALLY on the right trail...
    Miss you and the kids and KW!!!
  • Patti

    Hey Joanne, thanks so much and so sorry you had to endure cold weather - altho we've had to have the heat on here - a couple of 40degree days! this is not right - it's FLORIDA! I can leave after monday, but have to be back by the 14th, kids are coming home for spring break - oh joy........... - don;t get me wrong it will be great to see them, but the clean up is horrendous! thanks again, patti
  • Spartan

    You have great pictures. They made me all warm inside looking at the beach. Your corgi's are beautiful.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Hi im glad you found me,,,Cooper and Scout i think are Twins lol thay are so much alike thats great :o) fun in the sun,,Cooper would love to come over to play!!! LOL :o)
  • DR, Nala & Simon

    Loved your pictures! Your babies are soooo cute! Where is that?
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Hi JoAnne, How is everything going. I miss the warm weather. We are waiting for snow right now. It is cold and windy.
    I have had quite time in the last 6 weeks or so. I almost lost Scooter this past Monday. She is one sick girl. For weeks she has been off. Couldn't put my finger on it just off. Anyway the as time past she went more down hill. She started not to eat all her food. She didn't want to go on walks or play. She was getting weak in the rear end and would have tremors. She could no longer jump up for loves or jump into the truck. I called our vet last Wednesday and made an appointment for this past Monday By the time Monday came she had stopped eating all together. Her appointment was at 9:00 and by 9:30 she was in the hospital hooked up to IV's. Then the testing started. To make a long story short she was diagnosed with Addisons Disease and was in full blown Addisonian Crisis. She was in the hospital 2 days before I could bring her home. During a stress period (4 weeks ago she slab fractured a molar and had to have surgery to remove it) there was an imbalance of the electrolytes which damages the adrenal glands. Then it fails to produce sufficient corticosteroid hormones. So we are now trying to get her electrolytes and corticosteroid hormones levels in balance. But her adrenal glands will never product again. She will be on a DOCP shot every 28 days for the rest of her life.Plus she will be on a low dose of Prednisone. I joined a support group on the internet and they have over 2800 in the datebase and Scooter is only the fourth corgi. Why us?? I just don't get it... This has been quite a blow to me. With all this I'm not sure if Scooter and I will be coming to Key West. I don't know about the stress of traveling on her.I'll just have to see how it goes. Right now I just take it hour by hour....
  • Michelle

    Hi....I have had the margaritas at Sloppy Joes...The trio made the right decision highjacking the car!! ^-^