Ana & Taco

Brooklyn, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Brooklyn, NY
About Me:
I'm a first time dog owner who was never really a dog lover until I first laid eyes on a corgi. It was love at first sight! After finally moving into a dog friendly building and reducing my crazy work hours, we got Taco as a 9 week old puppy in July 08.
About My Corgi(s):
Hi, I'm Taco! I love to eat, play and cuddle (in that order). My favorite thing to do is run off-leash in the park by our house and chase other dogs.

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Ana and Taco!
  • Katelyn

  • Sam

    awwww some cute babies you gots there
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Ana and Taco! Jillie says Hi! What a cutie pie! Taco and Jillie look alot alike!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome, what a beautiful pup you have there!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ana, Taco and family!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Taco is so beautiful.. he looks alot our Yogi.. when was he born? Yogi was born on July 28th. and is a ball of energy. LOL>
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Hey, thanks for adding us as your friend! Taco's such a cute puppy :) We're first time dog owners too, you just can't say no to a corgi after you've met one ;) Do you have a blog too?
  • Ju Lo

    Hi Ana! Wow, I think we have way too much in common. Theo is my first dog too, and it's been so fun I have a whole blog about it! ;) Taco is adorable. Good call naming him after food. If you don't know how appropriate it is, you soon will. Hehe. My husband and I considered changing Theo's name to Hoover. ;p
  • Ju Lo

    Ah gee, you're making me blush! Hehe. I'm so glad you've found it helpful!
  • Colleen

    Hows the little guy doing?!
  • Tauna and Kota

    taco is soooo cute. i love the pics
  • Colleen

    aww he looks like h got a little bigger! Still doesnt compare to giant brother Beckett though! He is obsessed with the snow..cannot get enough of it!
  • Elaine

    Awww, I can see why it was love at first sight with Taco!
  • Colleen

    Hey Ana! Hope all is well with you. Mike and I would love to come into Brooklyn again to meet up with you so the brothers can play again! It seems like its starting to warm up so hopefully soon!
  • Michael Hong

    Hey Ana, does Taco goto Eva's Play Pups in Williamsburg? We just saw a video on Eva's Youtube page that's tagged with him and Dash in it... or maybe it's an imposter Taco haha.
  • Michael Hong

    Yeah, we didn't know either until last week when they emailed us with a link. We're in Williamsburg... when we're not too lazy we try to trek over to Prospect Park for off-leash hours... usually near the dog pond area since it's closest to the subway where we get off. We haven't been to Hillside Park yet, but we'll be sure to check it out. We usually goto Cooper Bark or McCarren Park in Williamsburg, but we also hit parks in the city... Sometimes I take Dash to work with me :)
  • Colleen

    Hey there!! Hows it going?? i saw that you might be putting together a meet up- if you need any help let me know. I can definitly spread the word in Long Island- I have seen quite a few Corgi's at the dog park wtih Beckett. We should make a date to meet up soon again! Beckett has been packing on the pounds this winter so he definitly needs a work out!
  • Colleen

    Hmm well Brooklyn is obviously easier for me, lol. I actually have plans on the 16th all day so wouldnt be able to make that, but the 17th definitly works. The only thing about Manhattan is that the parking last time was horrible, but thats Just me.
  • Colleen

    Happy Birthday to Taco <3 his Fluffy brother Beckett
  • Sam Tsang

    Congrats Ana! Looks like you guys had so much fun! I hope your group will continue to have meetups in the future :)
  • Sam Tsang

    I have just promoted you to "admin" for the New York Group, now you have the ability to contact everyone in the group. Enjoy!
  • Sam Tsang

    I have just promoted you to "admin" for the New York Group, now you have the ability to contact everyone in the group. Enjoy!
  • Milo Love

    Anna - Thank you for posting the photos of yesterday's event. It was a fantastic and fun day for all the little corgis and the owners. Thank you for planning and setting this up!!
  • Amy and Ivy

    Great photos, Ana - thanks again for planning the meetup!
    Ivy and I had a wonderful time!
  • Alicia & Ferris

    Hi Ana and Taco,
    Ferris and I were so looking forward to the meet up. Unfortunately, we missed it, as my boyfriend has the worst case of poison oak I have ever seen. Thanks for posting all these great photos. Will there be another meet up this summer? We hope so, it would be great to meet everyone.
  • Mary & Kaycee

    Ana, Thanks again for planning the meet-up! Kaycee and family had a great time. We look forward to our next meet-up!!
  • Mary & Kaycee

    Hi Ana, Thanks for organizing another meet-up. We'll see you and Taco soon. <3
  • Mary & Kaycee

    Hi Ana & Taco,

    Thank you so much for coordinating the meet-up! We had fun!! :D
  • Cori

    just wanna take the time to thank you for coordinating yesterday. Had so much fun.
  • Mary & Kaycee

    Hi Ana & Taco,
    Kaycee and I will not be able to attend the upcoming meet-up. Have fun and take lots of pictures. :D
  • Mary & Kaycee

    May 23rd works for us! We'll be there!!
  • Mary & Kaycee

    Hi Ana, Taco & Family! Thank you for coordinating the meet-up. We had a lot of fun! Enjoy your Summer and we'll see you in the Fall. <3