
Vero Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Spring City TN
About Me:
I am retired now and we have move Dyllan and Korie to the mountains in TN.They love it here ..


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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dyllan will be four this December, he has two sisters who live with him . Our Greman sheppherd Korie who is also 4 and we rescued a wire haired terrior we call Jenji and guess she is around 2.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Jane and Dyllan! Nice to meet you. I followed closely Jamie and her valiant voyage with Riley. I am so happy to see another corgi in both your lives.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    They are great dogs. I don't think I'll ever be w/o a couple in my life.
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Jane,

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your fur-baby. . . .Yes Corgis are great dogs. . .I've had many, many dogs over the years and by far, these just have something about them that makes them special. . .I'll do anything for my fur-babies. . .we're leaving for Arizona today for a short trip. . .it will be their first visit and they are already excited. . .taking their papers with me "in case". . .last summer I took them to Yosemite Nat'l Park and they had the best time, they loved it. . .our first night a bear came into the campground and Sid wanted to eat him. . .little did he know that the bear was as big as a house. . . .LOL
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey!!!! It's fun to have you on here. Ryan is in a hurry so I will have to play on the website and check my emails later. Love you talk to you later. Oh thursday would be better to go to the stores!!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I always enjoy shopping with you mom:) I Will have to come over sometime and you show me what you are talking about when the message doesn't pop up? Maybe Sunday when we go to kristens shower we can let the guys play for a bit. Thats up to dad though. I told you Ryan had someone switch for monday right?So dad doesn't have to watch Koby? I really want to eat those M&Ms maybe we can remember and eat them on the drive to the shower...talk to you soon
  • Christiane

    Yes, Jane, Tegwen is from the Corgi Lady, how cool! I hope I can see you at a Corgi meetup--do you go to one near me?
  • Tracey


    Just curiuos how potty training is coming along? Baxter seems to go outside when he wants then slips up and goes in the house! I think he will need a few more weeks! lol
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I wonder why our music stopped playing..?? Great I sit down to check out the site for a minute and koby is farting! lol I guess I better get him outside and start dinner. Love you. What are we going to do friday?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    When I go on your page I hear music! Maybe dad put on a stupid pop up blocker so it is blocking the music for you??? I will have to look at it. I love the photo of Dyllan and the yogurt cup! I have to go check on koby he is on the couch sitting and Ryan is in bed. He is behaving himself pretty well.
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I'm glad dad could figure it out. Koby had so much fun with Barb's puppy! She has a big growl like Korie. They wore each other out! I feel so bad for Lily Bart's owner! She was one of the sweet people who helped talk with me about Riley!!! That is sooo sad. The pup wasn't even 2 yet!!!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I'm tellin you dad has got a pop blocker up or something. I always hear my music and yours from my computer! Tell dad I got his email he sent me from Blue dog food. Poor Ryan is still working!! He said he wont be home until 9pm! Good thing I cleaned the house earlier because I am taking it easy and relaxing and hoping Koby isn't pooping somewhere because he is walking about and I am in here. Better go xoxo
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I haven't been on in awhile just wanted to say hello!
    Their surgery is coming up sooo fast! I am so nervous about it. Do you think he will need a head cone like Riley had to wear? I hope not but the hernia is on his belly and he can reach there!! He is doing great with advantage no fleas!!! xoxo
  • Matt & Hilliary

    Yeah, our breeder stopped docking tails starting with Oppy's litter. At first I liked docked tails better, but I've grown to like his full sized tail :)
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I really do think that sheporgis would be cute though! But yeah I know what you mean. Ryan is still sleeping ahhhh I may take Koby for a walk again. Talk to you later thanks again for the pizza
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hows my little Dyllan doing? Good luck on your walk tomorrow. Is dad walking with you? I will miss you guys on your trip !!!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Just thought I would add a photo of the satellite dish around Koby's head!! Poor guy. Keep him in your prayers!
  • Jenna, Jasper and Cersei

    Wow I don't doubt you're busy...I can barely keep up with Jasper, much less him and another puppy! So sad about your first dog, but it's good that you had room in your heart for more, and it's neat that your daughter was able to get his brother! I sometimes wonder where Jasper's siblings are, I'm sure he would like to meet them again. Have fun with your cute pups!
  • Amy Balash

    Well I guess Sasha is Koby's cousin and Dyllan's neice.
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Just stopped on to say hi! I am cooking dinner. I talked with Kristen, she is doing good. Her mom is helping with the baby. Luv ya talk to ya later
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey!! Ryan is cutting the grass so I thought I would come on here since it has been awhile. I wish I has more time to just sit down and do stuff like this you know...oh well at least I have a job. I stopped in the vet and bought heartworm. For 1 cat and Koby it was $124!!! At least it is a 6 month supply and it will save us money in the long run. Ryan called the landlord of our neighbor about asking her to cut the grass he said no problem he would talk with her,,,,so we shall see. I hope he did not start anything with her you know...oh well talk to you later xoxo
  • JH

    Jazzy was born Feb 2009, she will be 24 weeks on Tuesday
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey mom I haven't been on the corgi site in awhile!
  • Dyllan

    so cute!!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks Dyllan :)
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Great! Can't wait to see how you and Koby have grown!!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Happy B-lated Birthday Dyllan :)
  • Mary Stephens

    Hi Jim & Jane,
    Mary Stephens here. Wife of David Stephens. He told me you suggested this great site. I just joined and it looks like lots of fun. I will be putting up more photos of Daisy and Cinnamon soon. Dyllan is such a cutie!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey long time no talk! I have not been on here for awhile and of course I must get off as soon as I get on....baby is crying :) See you tomorrow
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey brother! It is so hard to be apart!We miss you! xoxo Koby