Sarah, Sadie & Dexter


Elk Grove, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Sarah and my husband and I have two Pembroke welsh corgis, Sadie and Dexter!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sadie - born 1/20/2009
I got Sadie at 11 weeks old, and we graduated puppy and intermediate classes. She loves chewing on her bones and toys and running round chasing her ball on the lawn.

Dexter - born 2/23/2013
I got Dexter at 10 weeks old, and he is very active and energetic. He and Sadie are learning to get along and he loves to follow her around the house.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome Sarah and Sadie!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! : )
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Sarah and Sadie! What pretty markings she has.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Alex

  • Marion and Vern

    We got the elephant actually at a local casino, I used my points. He trumpets like an elephant plus plays music! Sami has taken a liking to him and curls up in his lap to sleep sometimes. I can't wait to get a picture to post of that.
  • Marion and Vern

    No she was darker and yes she is lighter but her head just to the back of her ears is red red red. That is one of the joys now seeing how her markings will come out. She is such a strong willed loveable little girl. We could not be happier. Will be posting some more pictures later. What changes if any have you seen in Sadie since you got her? What is her personality like?
  • Carmen

    Thanks for the friend add! Sadie is beautiful. I've always wanted a tri. Guess I'll cross my fingers for the next corgi.
  • Carmen

    Yes, Trunks is a Cardi. There is definitely a difference in attitudes between my dogs. I love both, but my Pandora has my heart. She is outgoing, happy, and laid back. Trunks is a little crazy, introverted, and moody. Love them both and we'll probably always have one of each breed. I don't know if the attitude difference is really based on breed, gender, or just the way they were raised.
  • Kerry Lopez

    Hi Sarah & Sadie! Q.T. was born on March 22, 2009 and may be coming home to me this Friday! I'm so excited! I used to live and work in Elk Grove!
  • Kerry Lopez

    Q.T. is coming to me from Robin (also a My Corgi. Com member). Robin is the daughter of one of my co-workers.
  • Robin Evans

    Sadie didn't happen to be the runt of her litter did she? My friend Kerry is getting our runt and the shape of his face is a little different than the others, and looks a lot like Sadie!
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Thanks for the add request. Sadie is really beautiful. :o)
  • Dragster and Bailee

    Thank you for the add!
  • The John Family

    How precious! Oh I cant tell you how excited I am to have joined this site. Its so awesome meeting corgi families! I loooooove corgis!
  • Nelly

    Hi. Oh my gosh your Sarah looks just my Rubie when she was 3 months old. My little girl is going to be 9 years old and my Yogi who is the male will be 10 this year. I looovvveeee corgi's to death. Enjoy your beautiful little Sarah.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome from Lance and his family! Sadie is beautiful.
  • Robin Evans

    Nothing major, maybe just a bit narrower face. I think it's because their head is smaller in general. My lil runt seems like his nose is just a teeny bit pointier. He went to his new home today and it was hard because he was our favorite! I just love these dogs!
  • Ed and Michelle

    Jack turned 1 on feb. 27th.
  • WhiteDove

    I read you liked Corgi buses. . .here's one that always makes me smile. . . .

  • Kelly & Ozzee

    sadie is soo cute! i love corgi puppies!!!
  • Mary Robbins

    Lucy just turned 6 months!
  • Mary Robbins

    Sadie is a cutie too! I love the picture of her with her back paws crossed. We just finished puppy classes and it was great to learn how to train her and get her set up with some of the basics. She is finally getting the hang of potty training too, which is awesome.
  • The John Family

    Hello! I just wanted to stop by and see how your weekend was and how your guys' week is starting off. =)
  • Caroline

    Wow, someone who shares Izzies birthday! Your Sadie is adorable, her face is so expressive!

    Izzie looks like she was the big girl in the litter, I estimate she is close to 11.5 pounds by now. When she was last weighed at 12 weeks she just tipped the scales at 10lbs.
    Right now I feed Izzie Wellness Just for Puppy, she seems to like it. I give her around 1 1/2 cups a day, plus carrots and celery to chew and a kong with a little peanut butter and 1/5 a pupperoni. Izzie so far knows 'sit', 'stay', 'touch', and 'look'. I'm working on 'down', 'bang' (roll over), and 'shake', but she's more interested in getting the treat than learning another trick.

    Right now we attend a puppy socialization at the Houston SPCA where she gets both socialization and training from their behavior specialist. Strangely, shes not too hot on playing with other dogs; shes more interested in the owners!
  • Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt

    Sadie is such a cutie! I really want to get a tri-colored corgi now!!
  • Julie

    Sadie is adorable!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Well, Im going to log off of chat now, hope to chat again sometime. Bye
  • Chelsea Mae

    thanks so much!
  • Melissa Bee

    Hi! I'm glad you liked the video. My very first corgi, cardi Mr. Tigger, had a similar trick. I put the cookie on his nose and he would toss it up to catch it, instead of dropping it. Skeezix needs something new to learn--or he'll find something to do that he shouldn't--so I think I'll start him learning this trick. We all say HI to you.
  • JanRich

    Sadie is sooo cute! Aren't tris the best1!?!?
  • Jean Hall

    Your cutie Sadie and my Finnegan share the same birthday! Last vet check at 17 weeks, he weighed 12 lbs.
  • Bob Bedard

    Sadie is beautiful! She and Barkley are close in age although Sadie is about a couple weeks older. Barkley was born Feb 7.
  • Kim Kochis

    Congratulations on your new puppy & love of your life! Sadie is absolutely adorable. Glad you are on BB dog food, Bruce is on the fish & sweet potato and doing super! All the best, Kim & Bruce
  • Joey and Karlyn

    Sadie is too cute. When Sammy gets a bit older I want a tri-color.
  • Jenny and Kilgore

    Sadie is adorable!!! Our little guy is just starting socialization, we have a sable little guy!
  • Christina, Clytie & Kyler

    Sadie is so cute. She looks like our Clytie when she was a puppy :)
  • Chloe's parent Liz

    so cute! I am usually at Morse park early evening on Friday.
  • christy fry

    Hi Sara, I love the white streaks to!Teagens used to take up half her head but keeps getting smaller as she grows I'm afraid she's gonna grow right out of it. If you hop over to my page I have pics. of her sire and dam, its just like mavericks. I tried just to attach the pic here but it would come up as a string of gobbly gook not a pic??
  • Melanie Stage

    my site said you left a comment for me but I can not find it? Help melanie
  • Brandy Coleson

    your sadie is so adorable!
  • Joanne Koppenaal

    Hi Sarah & Sadie, a holler out to the itty bitty's. I feed Blue Buffalo and it is worth every penny. They look like copper pennys shining in the sun!
  • noel lutchkus

  • Corgibyassociation

    I love Sadie's costume!