Geri & Sidney

58, Female

San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

North San Diego County
About Me:
I have three teenage kids and I just love being a Mom to a Corgi also! I live in sunny Southern California with the three kids, three dogs, two cats and a most wonderful husband.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sidney is our first purebred corgi and we are thrilled to have him. He was born 7/11/07. We planned to start him in agility training, but there was a long waiting list. So while waiting for an opening, we took classes for therapy dog training. As it turns out, he's a pretty good therapy dog, so we stuck with that and never got around to agility. Now he is training as a Rally dog. We love it! He's one smart little character! Oh, and he's undocked, so his beautiful tail attracts a lot of attention - good attention.

On August 30th, Sidney suddenly came up lame in his hind left leg. The next day we got xrays for him and found out he has severe hip dysplasia. On Sept 7th he had a Femoral Head Ostectomy to relieve the pain. His right hip is not in great shape either but we're hoping that with glucosamine supplements and exercise we can keep it healthy. *Update* You would never know Sid has surgery now. He moves beautifully. The water therapy and supplements have worked wonders.


Bruce is our corgi/elkhound (?) mix. We rescued him from the brink of euthanasia when he was approximately 10-11 years old (he had a day or two left to go). He's about 16 now and his only sign of his advanced age are bad teeth and slow mornings. I adore Brucie and he worships me. He's my funny short angel with a puffball tail (thanks to the elkhound side). He's about 18 now and going strong.

Chester is our "tall dog". He's a black dane/lab mix that we got from a "free to good home" ad in the local newspaper. He's also old, about 15 years old. We know his age because we've had him 14 years, and he was an adult when we brought him home! He's a very serious dog and not very affectionate compared to the corgis, but he has been a very good dog, just aloof. We can't take Chester as many places as the shorties because he does not travel well. He's almost 17 now and has definitely slowed down. *UPDATE* Chester had a sudden decline and was sent to the bridge on April 15th 2013 at the age of 17.

In February 2013 we added Connie to our family. She's a little tri corgi who was picked up as a stray and put up for adoption at our local Humane Society. She's a real sweet girl and loves to play ball. She's learning a lot from Sidney about life here. We can't believe that her family never came to claim her.She's got good manners and she gets along well with the other dogs and the cats, and everyone she meets is her best friend.

And the pack grows! In November we took in a black-headed tri who we named Copper. He and Connie were both born in 2009 and they are great buddies and a ball-chasing tag team. Copper is sweet and cuddly and eager to please.

I have:

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  • Ellen Andersen

    Have a wonderful holiday full of treats, stuffies, belly rubs, and fun!
  • Megan Leighton

    Thanks so much for the info! I had no idea about the Corgi met up group! I won't be able to attend this weekend but I will for sure make it to another upcoming event soon!

  • Daniele

    Thanks so much for the welcome - very happy to have found this site.  We love our new Corgis!

  • Daniele

    Hello new friends :) Hope you are all having a great day! We're taking Boots in gfor her 2nd round of shots today - should be but wish us luck just in case!

  • Marianne Timko

    Hi Geri,

    It has been a long time. My cold from a month ago turned into pneumonia and left me imobile for a while but it is all good now. Got a new computer which left me without communication for another week. But it is all good now. How is my buddy Sidney? Bet he is almost as good as new, well, as good as used new.

    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.



  • Lauren Cunningham

    Thank you very much! ;)
  • Laura and Maggie Moo

    Red Ribbon
  • Manita

    Thank you for welcoming us!!!
  • Gene Cochran

    his name is rocky ty

  • Shellyns

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Courtney

    Hi Geri & Sidney.  Orson is his name.  It means little bear in French.  He's part corgi/part chow.  He's been with us just over one month and has adapted really well.  He's 1 year 4 months and has lots of energy.  He's a genuinely happy dog...great disposition.  We feel very blessed.

  • B. Murphy

    Our two Cardis get along great!  Couldn't ask for better dogs...

  • Jeff Fort

    Thanks for the welcom.  I checked out Sidney's pictures, I have never seen a Welsh Corgi with a tail! 

  • alma anguiano

    We are out of the California drought so I guess we had to pay our dues. Very excited about that.
  • Janet Reed

    Thanks Geri and Sydney...this is a great little site...can't wait to get to know all the Corgis.
  • simone gibson-jamai

    so sorry that  it took so long to respond my father had a stroke and I am just geeting back online to read my email . his name is oreo and the cutiest thing ever
  • Pauline Cornett

    Geri & Sidney,

    I'm not sure exacttly what type of joint problem she has, on the x-rays it looked like a large flat spot on her right shoulder. She also has a bone chip in each front elbow. One day (in mid November) she just started limping for no reason and now seems to be going down hill fast. She's starting to limp on her back right side now even though she is taking medicine. We don't know what to do. She is only 5 and is on daily metacam. We are taking her back to the vet on Thursday to have a further exam and discussion about options. It is heartbreaking to see her not leave her bed and her fur is falling out. She is no longer herding our daughter and cats. I'm glad to hear Sidney is doing so well it gives us hope that something can be done to help Sofe. Any advise or information would be greatly appreciated, we have little experience with these issues because Sofe is our first dog.


  • Pauline Cornett

    Thanks we think she's beautiful too! Thank you very much for the specialist information. I'll ask for a referral tomorrow. I'm sure we don't have one in the area but Portland, OR is about an hour and half away and they should have one. I'm glad Sidney's surgery was so successful. Im surprised it only took her a few months to heal. With a surgery like that it seems like it would be  a long, hard recovery. It's amazing what doctors can do. Do you know anything about stem cell therapy for dogs with joint issues?
  • Alyssa Linton

    Thanks for the welcome! Widget gets very excited when I tell him how adorable he is lol
  • Nancy L Powers

    Geri and Sidney...My pems names are (in order of Rescue) Lexington KHP Powers (I rescued him from the Kentucky Horse Park guessed it, Lexington!  Of course he goes by Lex until he does something off color, which is rare since he is the most incredible dog I have ever owned!  Next came Ladybug my beautiful tri-color pem with a chunk out of her ear and a personality that doesn't end.  She was a mess when I got her.  Had to have 6 teeth removed right away, she had ear infections, skin problems and nails that were very long!  She is all fixed up and beautiful would think she never endured the imagined hell she was living.  And finally...Lucius Malfoy Powers...we call him Luke.  He is the youngest and most recent adoption.  We have had him since August and he is settling in quite well.  They are 7, 3 1/2, and 1 ish.  I am so impressed by this website and a little embarrassed that I don't have any pics on here for them...Happy New Year!
  • Nancy L Powers

    Oh my goodness!  Sidney is such a beautiful many smiles!  You are blessed.  Your three babies look comfortable together and your daughter is beautiful.  My son's love our Corgis as well...they make such cuddly little pals.  Way to go on the babies will be eternally grateful...and judging by their ages already are!
  • Jill Meyer Greber

    Thank you and yes, I agree fluffies are the cutest and sweetest!!!Sidney is quite a bueatiful corgi too!
  • Jeff & Cheryl Weber

    Hi!  Thanks for the welcome! 

    Jake started out looking like quite the corgi but as he's grown up his body doesn't seem 'correct'.  He's a great dog, don't get me wrong, not a mean bone in his body. Most of his actions are 'corgi'.  But he's too tall and lanky and doesn't run like a corgi.  He's missing the 'corgi trot', etc.  He doesn't herd either (which is very strong in Art).  BUT he does have the 'little bark' and that 'always ready' approach.  His coat is pretty coarse down the middle of his back that've I've never seen before.

    But still we love him dearly for what he is - a truly great dog.



  • Shana Dillon

    Hi and thanks for the welcome!  I'm not really sure what she is mixed with.  She has some purple-ish spots on her tongue which makes me think there is some Chow in her, but she also kind of looks like she has some Labrador in her.
  • Kit Schanz/Adam

    Thank you for your words of welcome and kindness.  My wife Sunnee and I are lonely without wonderful Mr. Adam Corgi.  We still see him and hear him at times, just out on the periphery of what we can see and sense.  And we're both dreaming about him already.
  • darlene

    Red Ribbon
  • Colleen Borchardt

    Yes he is! I saw another gal on this website with dog that very closely resembled my Daisy - it surprises me sometimes how much she looks like other corgis. this is my first purebred and I really enjoy being owned by one! Thank you for the welcome!
  • Alice Kim

    Thanks! We're excited to be here among all of these other adorable corgis. (:
  • Nikki and Luca

    thanks so much! I'm excited to start taking pictures of my cutie :D
  • Pauline Cornett

    Thanks so much for all your information! Well we finally have an official name for Sofe's joint issue, she has OCD with joint mice (bone chips). Surgery is not very good for this problem in her elbows but works well in the shoulder area. She has it in a shoulder and both elbows. We did locate a hydrotherapy place about 50 min. away that we're hoping can work with us and a doctor that does acupuncture. Sofe's vet also thought she might be a good candidate for the stem cell treatment. It's showing promise treating the elbow area when combined with surgery. We are currently waiting for a call from Portland State Vet School. On a bright note we have had very cold, sunny weather and she seems like her old self. I think the cold, wet, Western Washington weather doesn't help her. How is Sidney doing?
  • Victoria Jackson

    Thanks Geri - Sidney is gorgeous too and i also love your old boy Bruce, cant forget the corgi friends!  Nice to see a Pemby with a tail, Australia has supposedly banned the docking now but most breeders still do, Sidney is big for a Pembroke, it will be harder to determine soon the difference in the two breeds but that doesnt matter as they really seem to have the same traits and temperaments.

  • Bellin Cox

    Her name is Taffy.  She's a wonderful pup :) 
  • Ebru Gokteke

    thank you very much! her name is Bozo, and she is absolutely adorable. i am a cat person although i've always loved dogs, too. Bozo is my first dog, and i am in love with her :))) i guess she is a mixed breed, soon i will put her photos here.
  • Ellie

    Thank you very much. Sidney has a beautiful/handsome tail. When we got Da Vinci it was a very rainy summer and the grass grew like crazy. His tail helped us find him in the backyard.

  • Jessica Baker

    thanks  guys
  • Jill Meyer Greber

    Thanks, We think that fluffies are way cute too. This is so much fun beng with other corgi fanatics:-)

  • Morgan

    Thanks for the welcome Geri & Sidney. I would love to see all the corgis at the meet-up, but dog parks are stressful/overwhelming for my pups. We stick to long walks and lots of swimming. It looks like a great group though.
  • Princess CoCo

    Hello Geri & Sidney,

    I have just posted a picture of my baby girl.  She looks a bit grumpy, because she is not particularly fond of having her picture taken.


  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Hi Geri,

      Luna will be getting her final shots this week so will be all clear for the next big meet-up on the 22nd on Fiesta Island. Any advice on taking her there, as it will be my first time there as well.

    We hope to see you there. :)

  • Rose

    How do we post a question to the community?
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Oh darn - hopefully we'll get to see you and Sidney at a mini-meet or at February's big meetup then.  I'm glad he is doing so well post-op and I hope that that continues to be the case.



  • Don Shaw

    Hi Geri & Sidney,

    My corgi's name is Betty Buddy, Betty being the name I inherited when she was rescued.  Figuring Betty was not a cool name for a man's dog, my grandson and I added "Buddy" and now call her Betty Bud.  Glad to hear you like dancing.  I've been doing it since 9th grade, just a few years ago.  Spent a few years as a dance host on the cruise lines where it was my job to dance with the single, unattached ladies on board.  Tough job but somebody had to do it.

  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Oh poor Sidney!  I hope it's just something like a twinge as a result of our wonky weather we've been having lately and not something more serious.  He's definitely in our thoughts as he is such a sweet guy.
  • Harriette M. Forbes

    Hi,  My fluffies names are Corey, a seven year old red and white, and Sophie soon to be two, black headed tri.
  • debra stanger

    Thank for the welcome!! My corgis Name is "little Princess" and she is 1 year and 4month old and quite a hand full.

    She is my second corgi. My first corgi livedonly 9 years she died of canine limphoma. I lost her march of 09

  • Jenny Sandstrom

    Thank you for the welcome!  Your dogs are so CUTE!!!  :)
  • debra stanger

    THANK YOU !! AND "Little Princess" says thank you also. looking forward to our visits.
  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Oh I'm so glad that he's doing better!


    And thank you for the compliment on Luna's picture.  I love how great that turned out.  She doesn't look real - it's so freaking cute.

  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Request sent :)