Suzan and Tommie Girl


Omaha, NE

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi, I have a 3 year old corgi and a 12 year old shitzu. I love them and have been thinking about adding another corgi to the family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi is a female named Tommie Girl. She is red and white. We got her from a breeder in Nebraska and love her dearly.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Suzan and Tommie Girl! She looks so mischievous in her profile picture...reminds me of my Sidney :)
  • Sunni A.

    Welcome to the site Suzan !
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Thank you! Its been one of his favorites since early puppyhood =)
  • Tammey & Caven

    Howdy and Welcome to you, Tommie Girl, and the unnamed Shitzu.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!

  • Tammey & Caven

    Thanks and hello to Molly also. Be sure and share pictures of her too, everyone here are dog picture junkies!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the friend add :) I love all your pictures, they are awesome!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! If you would like to leave a comment on someones page you can use the search if you know who it is you want to leave a message for or you can click on view members and click on their photo and then leave a message on their page when it pops up under comments. If you want to send a private message you need to be that persons friend first. Hope this helps you, if you have any other question let me know.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome!! Glad to be of help. :)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kristen

    Welcome to Suzan and Tommie Girl! Nice to have another Nebraskan on the site. We have a Nebraska Corgi group here and we are having our first Meet-up next Sunday (November 4) at my Farm about 40 miles west of Omaha. Several Omaha members will be coming. Maybe you will be able to join us. Should be fun!
  • Kristen

    My mistake. It should read November 15...long day. It would be great if you could come! I know for sure that there are at least three Corgis from Omaha that are coming!
  • Shannon

  • Bobbi & Penni

    So where abouts upstate NY is your husband from? My husband is from the Watertown area (just east of there, in Lewis County) but has been here for quite some time! We go back for visits once in a while but haven't been there for a while!
    When we lived in Omaha (that's been 15 years ago) my kids went to Ezra Millard, which isn't really Millard, but we were in that school district! But- I still work in Omaha!!
  • Bobbi & Penni

    So I looked on a map and the town my husband is from (Lowville, NY) is north of Kingston! Tom has been here since we got married (a long long time ago!) and would like to move back, but have no plans right now to do so!!
  • Bobbi & Penni

    I really wanted to, but I had to work (we both work at Methodist Hospital in Omaha) and I couldn't leave early (10 hour days) so I missed out! And it was like 3 miles from my house!! Maybe the next one! Did you go?
  • Bobbi & Penni

    When we got Penni, we had 2 other dogs - now passed :( and she grew up with them (Duke was a Saint Bernard and Jake was a black Lab/ Golden Retriever mix).
    She got along great, since she was a puppy, with them. Jake got hit by a car 3 years ago (? I think) and my boo-boo Duke had a stroke and passed in July 08. We got Zeb in the fall of 08. Three dogs is a bit much, and we live in the country!! 2 dogs is more manageable for us. Penni was a bit aloof when we got Zeb, she was 3 and a half yrs old. It took her about a month to warm up to him!! But now they play great and Penni is certainly the alpha here! I would love to get another corgi! But my husband wouldn't go for that right now!!
  • Beau

    Hi! Beau my corgi is from mkm corgis as well!!!
  • Beau

    The other lil puppy is my sisters. Her name is Zoey. Beau has the same parents!! Beau was born in October and turned 3 this year, I bet they were from the same litter!
  • Beau

    We live in Broken Bow. It's funny because Beau loves hanging over chairs and on our bed just like Tommie is doing in her pic!! I think they really do look a like. My sister's corgi is from a breeder in Crawford, NE.
  • Beau

    Yeah, I will have to put up some more recent ones of Beau.
  • Shannon

    love the pictures you have up
  • Shannon

    corgi puppies are the greatest things in the world.
  • Kristen

    I saw that the posting was deleted so I hope that means she found a home. Jessie posted that one. Are you still looking for a rescue? I believe there is one through Lakeshore Corgi Rescue that is being fostered in Plattsmouth that may still be looking for a home.
  • Kristen

    Here is the link to his pet finder page. . Sammy like a sweet dog. If you are thinking about a puppy we do still have two that are not spoken for. You could email me directly if you like. I know there are also a couple of Corgis at Hearts United that are looking for homes. They are Puppy Mill Rescues. I sponsor Lawri. Such sad stories.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    "He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
    You are his life, his love, his leader.
    He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
    You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." Unknown
  • Holly W

    Tommie Girl is beautiful!
  • Holly W

    I go to Walnut Creek park/lake in Papillion and walk the dogs (when it is much warmer!). They can play off-leash there. Maybe we can meet when the weather gets better. I also heard that Dogtopia Dog Daycare is having a small dog meet-up on the 27th. Have ever been to one of those?
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    I have not been to a Dogtopia Dog Daycare day. Tell me what that is please. Also I would love to meet at Walnut Creet and walk the dogs. Tommie needs some other dog time. She only has a very old sister, Molly who sleeps all the time!
  • Johnny and Zero

    I'm so sorry I never got around to replying! How embarrassing :(

    That's awesome that you live so close with another Corgi! :) I've seen others in passing, but never got a chance to greet them.

    Thank you for your comment on Zero's page. Tommie Girl is absolutely gorgeous :)
  • Johnny and Zero

    Thank you so much! :) That'd be a blast to get together in warmer weather. I'm sure they'd be great company for each other. Zero hasn't had many playdates, sadly, just dog park visits.

    I got Zero from Petland in Omaha. He was a new arrival when I found him, so I had to wait 5 days to take him home. My mum's still iffy about the place, but I got breeder papers when I bought him. Also, he's the healthiest dog in the world, I swear. Couldn't be happier :)
    Before I found him, though, I was looking for rescues. But before I could do anything, the few that came up were taken. That was very frustrating.
  • Mama2Three

    Thank you for the welcome. I see Tommie girl is 3 like my corgis. She looks very similar to my corgis. We bought ours from Tullys. When is Tommie's birthday? If you got her at Tullys does she have a tattoo on her belly that says 7a?
  • Mama2Three

    When is your little girls birth date?
  • Mama2Three

    May 2nd 2007.