
Brush Prairie, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Brush Prairie, WA
About Me:
My love affair with Corgis began with the search for a new furkid.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Phoebe is our rescue PWC and Yoli is our rescue CWC-mix.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Welcome to MyCorgi Ginny. I was just getting ready to send you a message on Dogster regarding being Dog of the Week, and here I see you joined. Congratulations. I'll bet Phoebe is getting lots of kudos from all her pals.

    Hope to talk to you soon. I hardly go on dogster any more except to check the forums for good stuff. If you hear of any cardi boys that need rescue, let me know. I'm in the hunt for a cardigan boy.
  • Katie

    welcome! i love rescue corgis!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Ginny, Yoli and dink!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ginny, Phoebe, Dink and Yoli!
  • Krystle

    Thanks for the add too...........greetings from the corgi's
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    She's a beaut! Welcome!
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    I do have a weakness for the tricolored pups! Our Chapin came from California. It was a bit of a challenge to find a smaller than normal corgi to go with our Cagney. But we managed to pull it off and the girls are really happy together. Cagney was a rescue.

    Hope you get a chance to load more pics. Sounds like you have 3 pupkids at home.
  • Juel

    I am on the phone with Silvia, and she asked me to relay to you, that the issue she had talked to you is taken care of. If you have any questions feel free to call her.
  • Juel

    nice to meet you also! your girl is soo cute!

    Thanks for the friendship too!
  • Eruc

    Actually we've met. We missed last year's picnic but were at the one before that.
  • Michael

    Hi Ginny, looking forward to seeing you, Phoebe, and all the Corgis at the picnic. I'm going to see if I can reserve a spot in the beginning agility class that has to offer since it might fill up. I hope Mac can handle it if he gets in. I'm sure you and others at the picnic will have some good tips on how and where to go to get started in agility so that should be helpful too.
  • Ginny

    Good deal & agility is all about fun! That's what we as humans have to remember! Beginning classes are on leash and you get to use treats or toys as rewards, so it is pretty easy to motivate a Corgi...LOL. Phoebe told us that she wanted to do agility by what she did in our home. Things like walking along the BACK of the couch & climbing anything she could find to climb. One of her nicknames is Fearless! She loves the A-Frame and the tunnels too. She was 2nd fastest in her class for the timed jumps...but the 1st place doggie cheated! His legs are about as long as mine!

    Mac already has a head start over others since he likes his doggie pool! That was one of the things we used in beginning classes to have the dog get used to a different & unstead surface. Phoebe's biggest challenge was the teeter. But after a little bit of work & a teeter at home, she is a champ with that and will take it on her own if it is left out!

    Just remember to have fun & Mac will do the rest!


    Ginny & Phoebe
  • Michael

    Hi Ginny,

    The Corgi picnic for Corgiaid was a great experience yesterday. It was great meeting you, Phoebe, other Corgis and their human companions. Thanks for sharing info on the event; I wouldn't have otherwise known about it. With all the activities, I forgot to ask people more questions about agility. But that's ok, I have contacted local trainers and agility clubs for their advice. If I decide to enroll Mac, I still have to decide whether a recreational or competitive class is best.

    Anyway, I posted online pictures I took at the picnic. Links can be found on the event page and my latest blog entry on my Corgi page.
  • Judy and Jason

    Hi Ginny and Phoebe,

    Thank you for posting the Corgi picnic information on It was soooo fun! JiBi was sooo tired he actually fell asleep on our drive back home. It was great meeting you and Phoebe!
  • Ginny

    Wow! This is a group shot from the 9/6/08 So. Cal. Corgi Picnic. What a great day! I hope that everyone agrees that the event was all that it was promised to be and more too!

    There were sooooo many Corgis! And this year, we had a lot of puppies too! If there is anything cuter than a Corgi, it has to be a Corgi puppy!

    It was great to see old friends and to meet some new ones too. I was especially pleased to meet some MyCorgi folks and their Corgis!

    We hope to meet more in the future too!

    Corgis Rock!
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you Ginny. . .I had a wonderful time at the Picnic. . .I was coming down with a summer cold, but it didn't keep me away. . .my pupsters had so much fun with all the other Corgis. . . .and I too hope to attend next year's event. . .by the way, that red dress was too cute. . . .
  • Mickey

    same here!! love your puppy! June
  • A & P

    Hi Ginny, I think we met before at one of the Corgi picnic at a year or so ago I donated several cates. I got Dolores' email and doubtful that we can make it again this year but will send a check...the dogs are in agility training on the weekends. Will you post the new picnic information on the site?
  • Irene (and Pancake)

    It was great meeting you too! I had soo much fun at the picnic, never seen so many corgis in my life!!
    I can't believe how tiny Pancake is compare to the other corgis hahaha
  • Kelli & Penny

    We loved the corgi meet up. Thank you so much for posting the event, I would've been clueless otherwise!
    Do you know where they'll be posting pictures? I'll be uploading mine here and on facebook.
    Thanks again! :)
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Take a look at my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buster's compendium of tricks all in a row!

  • Veronica, Alex & Conan

    Thank you!! I'm soo excited. I already have my dish picked out that I want to bring. Conan is going to have so much fun. We will definitely come by and say Hi! Hopefully we will win one of the raffles =) Can't wait!!!
  • Annie Hsu

    definitly.. ill make sure to keep him on short leash.. i just dont think other owners like it much when he growls at their dogs tho.. he wont bite tho .. just defensive
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    you are most welcome! looking forward to mtg you soon!
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    btw, is there another picnic in the works?? We'd love to go and know others who would as well!
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    I heard about that from Darryl & Keir (Oofie & Moonpie's parents) -- do you know them? They are the main organizers for the Redondo meetup!
  • Renee and Lacey

    Happy New Year (2 weeks late) to all corgis and their admirers from Renee and Lacey.
  • Renee and Lacey

    Will you be coming to the dog park this Saturday? Depending on how long my company stays, I hope to be there with Lacey. I know she would love to meet other corgis.
  • Renee and Lacey

    If my company leaves in time, I definitely want to come meet all of you. Lacey wants some new corgi buddies too.
  • Renee and Lacey

    I am so sorry that we arrived too late to see you at the dog park yesterday. My company stayed a bit late, and traffic on Lincoln Blvd. was very heavy. Lacey and I certainly hope to meet you soon. Renee
  • Renee and Lacey

    I hope we will be able to meet with our corgis soon. Do you know if there is another meet-up planned? It would be fun to meet at the beach sometime. Do you know which beaches allow dogs? I am fairly new here, having moved back from the Santa Cruz mountains to help out my elderly father. I grew up near Santa Monica, and am back in my childhood home again!
  • Renee and Lacey

    Since I have eyes that get strained by driving long distances in the car, I doubt I would be able to go to Long Beach. I am spoiled from living in Santa Cruz county, in which there were several dog friendly beaches.

    My Dad is so special that I feel honored to take care of him. I also have three siblings somewhat close by who also help out. The main problem is that I left my friends, network for creating portraits and art classes and lovely Santa Cruz. Lacey and I are trying to meet new friends and re-create our life here. I am really a country girl at heart!

  • Renee and Lacey


    Maybe Ollie and his mom would be willing to drive me to SCCPWC events. I usually don't like to drive more than one hour, but am not used to the city traffic either! The drivers in Santa Cruz area seem to be more mellow to others on the road than LA drivers.

    I have been a member of Golden Gate PWC Fanciers for about 20 years, and got Lacey through the rescue committee. I used to be the Santa Cruz county rescue rep. Could you let me know what events are coming up in the local corgi clubs here or give me their websites? Thanks so much.

  • Lisa && Yoshi

    Thank you! and thanks for accepting! =) I love the headline at the top.. because even though I just got Yoshi two weeks ago, I'm ALREADY thinking about getting another corgi! haha (I'm gonna have to force myself to wait)
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    Hi there -- just wanted to pass on info for a pem corgi female (listed as 5 months) at the Lancaster shelter! She looks like a sweetheart.. I hope someone can give her a forever home! The Corgi's # is A4101135 at the Lancaster shelter, 2-17 owner surrender. 

  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Your Invited!

    Hi there can you make it to a westside corgi meet up on Sunday March 20th at 12pm at the oberreider dog park?