King Koby of the Treasure Coast

Vero Beach, FL

United States

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About Me:
I recently lost my beloved Riley "His profile is SirRiley of Pembroke" check it out! I really miss him but am ready to move on and start over. I will never forget him and I know he would want me to be happy. This little bugger that I got is from his same breeder so is within the same family! So here Riley now I have your little brother to take care of, wish me well.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Koby...nickname Koby Jack. He is my little bundle of joy who is now 2 and 1/2 years old! He is in the same family as my last corgi Riley. He is a great little chub! My parents got his brother Dyllan who looks similar and they also got a german shepherd puppy Korie. They are the three amigos! So through the loss of Riley we have gained three new additions to the family. What were we thinking??? I do not know!!!


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Koby will be living with my two cats kira, and Sadie, myself and hubby..
Dyllan will be living with Korie who is 10 weeks and my parents.
I have:

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  • Monique

    congrats on the new pup!
  • Parker

    Aww, what a cutie! Congrats on the new fur-baby!
  • Rusty

    Ahoy King Koby! Be a good pup and don't chew up anything important... ; )
  • Mandy and Lori

    I am so happy you have a new pup!!! Koby is cute!! Riley will always be missed. ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Susan Stanton

    How great that you were able to get a pup from the same breeder, so you could still feel connected to your Riley. Your Koby is adorable! Every time I read someone's blog about their new puppy and see the pictures, I think, maybe I need one more (I'd like to be like Tasha Tudor and have a herd of Corgis). Enjoy that cutie Koby!
  • Anne

    Great that you have a new puppy and that your parents got one also. Hope to see you at the round up this year. We plan on coming to Vero in April.
  • Carlie

    I love the new pictures you've put up of him, he's so freaking cute! I have forgotten how little they are when they're babies! Hope things are going well with him. Oh yea, his brother is adorable too!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    You definitely won't be lonely and they are up for anything you would like to do!!!
  • Tracey

    Hello, you are in VB? Me too! Where did you get your pup from?
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Koby is adorable! Give him kisses. Glad to see a smile on your face!!!
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Our babies sure seem to know how to make the world seem right when everything in it seems wrong. They have a great knack for that! I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. (((((Hugs)))))
    I lost mine and not a day goes by that I do not think about her, so I will not say it will get easier. Koby will make the days so much better, as he already does! Give him smooches and hugs!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    How adorable!
  • Tracey

    I was not aware there was local roundup? Could you send me the info when you get it? Both little guys would love to go!!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hey Jamie - We can't wait to meet Koby!! See you in a few hours!! Thanks for all the great comments about the roundup!
  • Dyllan

    Tell Ryan to stop being in a hurry. Us working people need to breath when we get home!! HA!!! Its fun to see all the pictures of the corgi's on here and now that we have another one its not sooooo sad. But I still think of Riley everytime I get on here he was so special. Our little guys have alot to live up to.Dyllan got an attitude with Gunner this morning and he backed off!!
  • Dyllan

    Hi Jamie I got an e-mail that says I have a message on my page and I accepted them as friends but when I go to my page there is no message!! That is funny about the mm's!! Its fun shopping with you even if its just at Walmart....It give the puppies a chance to spend time together........
  • Dyllan

    Dad said "yes Koby can come over Uncle Gene can see him too"
  • Dyllan

    I got a new friend named Christiane and her puppy Tewgan or somthing like that she is from Tampa and got her puppy from the corgi lady!!!
  • Dyllan

    I saw his trading card its really cute!! My music stopped playing!! Even on your site your music is off and the speaker is on!! I hate computers.The puppy I told you about from Lee is Tegwan little girl our color so cute. I got a comment on you holding Dyllan while he is smiling!! Have a good day....
  • Tracey

    Hello I was curious if Koby loved this cold weather as much as Baxter and Butterball? They are so cute when its chilly they get so frisky and want to stay outside all day! Its like the cold gives them evergy or something.Every time I turn around they are at the back door trying to go back outside. Seems cold weather is Corgi weather!
  • Christiane

    Yes, I see the resemblance between our Tegwen and your Koby, too! Koby is a doll! Teggie's the child of Miss Priss and Harry Potter of Lecanto. Who are Koby's parents?
  • Dyllan

    It too quiet without the music...We are still going to the movies we have to get together on which one!!!!!! after 3;00 of course.....The doc says I have bronchitis and he gave me an antibiotic that I think I am allergic to I have to call him today.....
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Christiane

    How neat that Koby is related to Tegwen! Harry Potter is a total sweetie. I think Lee's Corgis have excellent personalities. We will have to get Koby and Teggie together sometime.
  • Dyllan

    Your Dad got my music working!!! It was on mute!! One of those computer things!! Kori loved riding in the car with her face in the wind!! Poor Dyllan is still a little short to get up to the window with the car moving and Kori shifting her weight around over him.
  • Carlie

    Just popped in to take a look at Koby's pictures :). He's getting so big! Hope things are going well with him! Kiwi sends nub wags.
  • Dyllan

    Sounds like you had a fun day. Mine wasnt bad I stayed UNbusy. My music isnt working again even on yours I cant hear your music UGH!!!!!!!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hi Koby and Jamie!

    I'm sure you are growing by leaps and bounds! Mr. Wiggles uses Frontline Plus for flea control (so far never had any flea issues - cross my paws) and for food, well the chubster has Iams weight control - not that it's helping his waistline! Koby would want the puppy variety! I met a lady and her husband last weekend who have a 1 yr. old corgi (one of Deb Shindle's) and invited them to join our group!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Wiggies likes cooler waeather too - not too happy about walking in the heat! But then he doesn't care too much for the snow in North Carolina either! Yes, we did put all the photos on a website - thought I sent out the link, but I'll check and send it to your e-mail address, ok? Wags - Wiggies
  • Dyllan

    Your little Dyllan is as fiesty as ever!!!! No dad is not walking with me.....have lots to do before we go washing the dog beds so they dont smell and Dyllan gets a bath!!
  • Dyllan

    When you come over to take care of Dyllan check out my computer. When I browse it goes straight to Dyllan and friends!!!!! So I have to go round about to get my Dyllan file up..........Anyway I will see you in a week take care of my babies and thank you.......
  • Dyllan

    I changed my page, it says Dyllan now........I updated my picture too.....
  • Dyllan

    Its been two weeks since I wrote on computer is still crashed so I got on Jims for a stinks I cant eve do any pictures or anything....Dyllan did good swimming you should stop over with Koby tomorrow to see if he likes te vet first and see if its ok now that his hernia is healed......
  • Tracey

    Baxter and Butterball are GREAT! Baxter is still not 100% potty trained but hes almost there! We go to the doggy park over where we had the Corgi meeting, so if your ever out and about stop by. Are you going to the corgi picnic in November?
  • Tracey

    How much is Koby up to? Baxter is already 28 lbs! And he is only 8 months, he's going to be a BIG corgi!
  • Emma

    thank you yours too!!! guess we will see you at the picnic
  • Tracey

    Baxter is very well proportined, but man is he getting big! lol Butterball is built much more compact and is definately the smaller of the two. They are looking forward to the Corgi picnic, Baxter will get to see his brother and sister and I can't wait to see all the different Corgis! Baxter got out last week and I was scared to death, I called 911 and luckily a woman had found him and also called 911 to try anf find his owner. I was so happy that there are still good people in the world. I went that next day and bought both of them a name charm with my number on it in case they ever stray from home again!
  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!

    Koby's such a cutie! He looks A LOT like my puppy, Stella! I'm sorry to hear about your beloved Riley. I had lost my Scottie to Cushing's disease six months before I got Stella.
  • Linsey & Grissom

    I never knew it either until I started working with dogs! Unfortunately, pretty much any of the super common breeds have been over bred so much their lines have aggression in them, among many other isues.
    That's why I am really hoping that Corgis don't become super popular. I keep seeing them popping up in commercials and on various dog food bags/ cans, though and I worry about it.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Aawww Koby is soooo cute!!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    So cute!
  • Tracey

    You going to the Corgi Picnic on Saturday ?
  • Dyllan

    Happy B-lated Birthday to you too brother!!!!!
  • Dyllan

    Mary Stephens finally joined she is the realtors wife from Tenn, she has Cinnamon and Daisy I told her to check out Koby too........
  • Dyllan

    Congrats koby on the addition to your family and ours!!! Teagan is so sweet and a month old already!! I hope your Mom doest feed you leftover baby food LOL !!!
  • Dyllan

    Hey brother, I will be moving to Tenn. in a couple weeks we have never been apart since we were born we have seen each other a few times a week its going to hard!!! I will make mom and dad come visit so I cane see you I love you brother......
  • Dyllan

    We miss you too alot!!! See you in December
  • Dyllan

    Happy Halloween Brother!!! I miss going to the costume parties with you...I am really going to miss the Palm Bay Party this year that is the best...and now I wont see you at Christmas.....this moving away from YOU is sad but I still love you hopefully we will see each other soon......Love Dyllan
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hi Koby and Jamie!!

    I heard from your Mom that they are now in TN.  We have moved to NC, so won't be at the Corgi get-together either this year.  Bob and Liz are planning it, and hopefully Liz will send out a notice - I gave her everyone's email addresses.  But I'll post it on here too for everyone as soon as they decide on a date and time.  Hope all is well with you and the folks and the dogs.