Brenda and Gary


Springfield, IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in central Illinois with my husband Gary, our Corgi Lilo and our cat Calypso.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our little girl was born on May 5, 2009. We adopted her on August 15th at 14 weeks. She's been keeping our lives busy. Not use to all that puppy chewing, but love that soft puppy fur.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • A & P

    Hi, hope all is well with Tiki! He is beautiful!
  • Gail L

    Brenda....just saw your post on Darleen's discussion about Brooklyn's cancer. My thoughts are also with you and Tiki. Hoping for the best. Please keep us posted.

    What a handsome corgi, hope all is well
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome! We are in IL as well! Hope your pup is ok!
  • A & P

    Hi Brenda, our thoughts are with you! Thank you for your comments on our dogs.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. Your boy is very handsome. I hope I remembered that right. (blushes and ducks)
  • Stephanie

    I hope you find some answers soon! There is nothing worse then to watch our babes be sick. We recently had a scare with T8er, he was lethargic, losing hair and had unexplained pain. We were able to narrow it down to his food. Once we made a switch he was better within days.
  • Adam & Brittany

    Thanks! That's one of my favorites too :)

    I love the pic of yours on the couch with the glowing eyes -- Kirby's eyes do that too, I call him cyborg dog haha
  • Dixie

    Milo & Tiki do look a lot alike. In a couple of his pics, they look identical!
    I'm very sorry to hear about the cancer. That's a horrible thing to hear, and he looks like a really sweet guy!
  • Alicia

    Hey, you're not too far. We're in Atlanta. Ever heard of it? It's up 55 toward Bloomington/Normal. Your boy is adorable! My Chloe had weepy eyes like your guy. She is 4 1/2 months old and seems to be growing out of that.
  • Alicia

    Actually, I got her from IN from a small time breeder who was getting out of breeding and everyone had to go. Even the moms and dads. I got her really cheap! A part of me wishes I would have gotten two. But I already had a corgi mix at home and my husband would have KILLED me if we had three dogs. hehehe. We'll have to plan a playdate this summer. And if I hear of a good breeder around here, I'll let ya know. I plan to adopt a corgi when my kids are older. They're usually not good with kids unless they're raised with 'em. I support a corgi rescue in St. Louis.
  • Alicia

    Aw, poor baby. My father is a vet in IN and I have seen so many dogs battle cancer. I'll be praying the new medicine helps tremendously. We just lost our pek. about 4 months ago and she was 13 years old. It was one of the worst things ever, even though I knew she was sick and lived a great life with us. It's hard to watch our babies be sick. :O(
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    How have you been doing? How's Tiki??
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    Awww...I'm glad he's at least feeling better. Keep me posted--he's such a gorgeous boy
  • Nicola Porter

    I am so sorry, please let me know if I can do anything for you.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    "It is amazing how these little ones can carve a spot in your heart forever."
    You worded that so well.....Perfect! It is also amazing that even when your heart is so full you think it may burst......there is still room for yet another. Tiki is now in my heart too. Thank you for sharing your sweet boy.
  • Riley & Sadie

    Brenda and Gary. My heart goes out to you in this difficult time. You have had to endure one of the most painful things in life. I have been in the same spot twice now, and it doesn't get any easier. I hope Tiki's suffering was minimal. It looks like he had parents to be proud of.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Marion and Vern are perfect Corgi parents that I have completely enjoyed working with. We have spent a few hours on the phone and tons of e-mails back and forth since my Dec. 2 litter. I was so heart broken for her on the news of her beloved Tedi. He was gorgeous. I'm very excited for them to be getting their new puppy. Some of her e-mails are just the cutest and they really do add a smile when I'm reading them. I would be more then happy to work w/you when you feel you are ready. Like Marion had said and I said to can't replace the one you lost so don't even try..just try to fill the void w/new love and memories for a deserving pet. I'm sorry of your loss. It weighs heavy on the heart and this is the main reason for most of the requests for puppies I get. Its sad but in the end a happy ending. I hope your dealing w/your grief well and brighter days soon lie ahead.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks :o)
  • Tina and Cooper

    I am so sorry to read about Tiki,, :o( good luck on the search for a new friend
  • Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

    wow, thats so cool that your so close to me! Maybe after you get another corgi we could totally have a play date!
  • Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

    if and when you fall in love with another furry baby to love certainly give me a ring and we will def. have to set something up!
  • Jane Christensen

    Thanks! We are really enjoying the new adventure BUT I do realize that 1 litter a year is plenty...these guys take alot of work and we aren't even their mom! It is so fun watching them grow and their personalities start to show!
  • Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

    I got Cooper from a really nice lady outside of Lacon, in this little town called Oneida. Heres her website if your interested:

    good luck!
  • Dot Brooke

    Reading your comments and I am crying. I lost a Corgi on 2/15/08 suddenly. I now have two Corgi's.Your Tiki looked like a great little guy so sorry. I know how your heart feels like it lost a piece out it and it can never be filled again.
    I will never forget my Rosie, but Carrie and Song have helped me so much to live again. They make me laugh.-----------------------Dot
  • penny spencer

    Just saw your page today. I'm so sorry you lost your dear friend Tiki. He was sure a very handsome boy. It shouldn't break your heart to love so much should it? We can only take comfort that these wonderful creatures blessed us with their love and companionship, and that we give them the best we can. Whenever we've lost a loved pet, I say "no more, can't go thru this again", but my heart gets captured by another lost soul and I' m hooked again! Take care.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Heather

    Hi, my name is Heather, and I know the loss you feel over Tiki. I lost mine March 20th, and I wonder if the pain and crying will ever get better. I pray your heart will heal, that you will never forget the good times, but can forget the pain, and feel a sense of closure. Time heals, but some times it takes an awful lot of it.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you for the birthday wishes
  • Marion and Vern

    Wanted to check in and see how things are going. After seeing the new pictures I see exactly how things are going. Aren't you lucky!!! All full of spit and vinagar, energy and lots of lovin'. She is such a beautiful little girl. Has Calypso got her trained yet? Just wanted to touch base and say Hey. LATER
  • Marion and Vern

    Hope you had great holidays, we did. Sami got to play hostess over the holidays to two little fellows that came over. She did very good but boy was she tired after they left. Proof of the saying a tired corgi is a good corgi. I am starting to get excited about going to get another pup from Wendy and it probably won't be until Sept. or Oct. I've been thinking about names. May go with Chandra Lee for a girl and Bomber for a boy. As I will be 52 (B-52) this year thought Bomber Boy would be cute. LATER
  • Marion and Vern

    Good to hear from you! Lilo is such a beauty and a rascle I bet LOL. We have been out today getting things for Sami's First Birthday party. We will be having a cook out on Valentines day party will consist of eight humans and three canine guests. Picked up the doggie cake today--peanutbutter will be putting some pics on our page of it all. LATER
  • Courtney and Zoe

    Your girl is so beautiful! I love your pictures!
  • Marion and Vern

    Thanks so much! She got ice cream last night and this weekend will take them both to Three Dogs Bakery so she can get a cookie or cupcake. Bomber has never been there so this should be fun. Will try to get back to you soon to catch up on puppies. Just been so busy with home and work. Was great to hear from you.
  • Rebecca

    Hi, thanks, i hope all goes well. i don't have him yet and im worried. I told them that i can't get there till thurs or fri, and its looking like fri. Cause i'm 2 1/2 hrs away and i have work that i can't get off right now. They are being real pushy to get him out of there, i don't know why, our shelters arn't like that. so i hope they will hold him for me.
  • Rebecca

    I wish i would of known about him a week ago i was down in springfield for the horse fair, i could of got  him then.
  • Rebecca

    Hi, yes i asked about that and they said they found him wondering the streets. I can't believe nobody is looking or called for this dog. He looks so good.
  • Randy DeJaynes

    Brenda & Gary:

    Thanks for the note. We are actually in Forsyth--north edge of Decatur. If all goes well, we will get our new baby in May. They are due mid-March. Are there any kind of Central Illinois gatherings for Corgis?