Lil' Guinness


Fredonia, WI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've loved dogs all my life. Now I finally get to have another one. My friends think he's adorable! Well, he is!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We are the proud owners of a little tri-colored Corgi named Guinness. We got him on September 28, 2008. He just turned 1 year old on August 5, 2009! He's a big boy now!
I have:

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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks Lil Guinness for the Belated Birthday wishes and for looking at my new pictures.....he is growing up, it is amazing how fast it goes, cant believe it is 3 years already!
  • Gracii

    Love those ears! What a gorgeous pup!
  • Todd & Hannah

    You puppy is so adorable!! I love the name!
  • Lisa B

    Hello fellow cheesehead! I like the way your paws and chest match your nose and throat!:)
  • Lisa B

    I just saw your comment, yes Rhinelander is great esp when you get to grow up on a lake there, as I did, Crescent Lake. Lots of wonderful memories and happy times for me there, I hope you create many there also!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    hey! you had reached the 100-member mark for awkward lil sleepers club!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Hannah, the purpose of showing the city and state is to allow other members in your area to contact you for a meetup, is there a problem that you're experiencing?
  • Tammey & Caven

    We haven't looked in on Guinness in a while, sorry. That is a great profile pic. He is such a cutie!
  • Dooby

    What a handsome boy! ^^
  • Carleigh and Ein

    haha i posted the picture of him sleeping funny late yesterday :p
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

    Great idea for the Corgis caught in Crime Club! Hopefully I can get a pic of Tucker in his finest moment's. Great job!
  • Lauren and Daisy

    Lil' Guiness is very adorable!
  • thejokester

    Guinness, that is too amazing I wish I had thought of a name that great!! And he is incredibly cute!! =)
  • Kate & Brandon Hesson

    We ♥ Guinness [beer and corgi!] I had to click on your page because of the jack o lantern. We're pretty obsessed with Halloween. :)

    Guinness is too cute!
  • Henrys Person

    Thanks so much! Henry is a very smart dog, sometimes too smart for his own good! ;)

    Rollover was a transition from "bang" or play dead trick. If you get him into the lie down position, you can use a treat to guide him into the play dead pose. I also use a clicker when training him cause it helps him catch on quicker as to what I want him to do. Once he's got the play dead trick down, just use the treat to make him rollover the rest of the way and you've got it!
  • Henrys Person

    How's Guinness doing on roll over?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Hannah, the birthday can be changed if you click on settings, then change it from there. As far as the city goes, you can click on settings and change it from there.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Hannah, yes, that's the way to do it :)
  • Sam Tsang

    I'm not sure what you did, cannot tell you what happen. did you change the setting?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hannah, you need to "check" display your age in order for it to display
  • Edward and Gemima

    Happy 1st Birthday Guinness! Gem will be 1 year old on October 4th! Would love to see some pictures of your big boy!!
  • Michelle

    HAppy birthday G!!!
  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    Happy Birthday Guinness.
    Sheldon and (RIP Myles) and myself knows your parents well. They are very good calm dogs.
  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    I was there last when the girls were in heat. I live about 20 miles from her. Riah is my friend, and Melanie needs to watch her when I leave, so I don't steal her. :)
  • Kahuna and Gail

    this is the cutest puppy picture ever!
  • Kahuna and Gail

    that is Lil Guinness's picture!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday Lil'Guinness!!! Is your birthday August 5th? Hope you had a great 1st birthday!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Hannah, because they didnot resize the picture before posting. that's why it's stretched, also it depends on what browser you're using. some browser will automatically fix that problem.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Awww, we have the same birthdays!!! My birthday is also August 5th, its a great day, lol. :) Does your chat work for you if you click on chat, its on the top of the page as well as the bottom, you just click chat and click the red button so it turns green and then you are on!! When do you start back to school? Hope you had a great summer. Talk to you soon. :)
  • Jessica

    Okay, okay, the summer is officially away from us. Is anyone available to meet up on Thursday the 20th? There is a get-together of lots of dogs of all breeds (and their people) at Bartolotta's Northpoint (by Bradford Beach) from 5 to 9, with food proceeds going to the Wisconsin Humane Society. I figure we can get together, say hi, eat some food etc. There won't be a place for us to let the pups off-leash, but after we meet everyone we can try to get something else together. It's a good cause, and a relaxed environment. Any takers?
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    That is an EXTREMELY adorable profile picture :)
  • noel lutchkus

  • Sam and Finley

    Guinness is sooooo cute!! What a great picture. And he has spots on his nose! My corgi pup does, too! I love them, but haven't seen a lot of pups with them!
  • Tammey & Caven

    Where's Bear is a game we play. As we travel around the country I stop and take pictures of Bear at every cool and or historic spot that we can and then post a Blog titled "Where's Bear?" along with a pictures and a clue or two, and let every one guess Where's Bear! Take a look at the blogs on our page and you will see the last three games still listed. I have not deleated any of the games or any of the guesses as of yet! I don't know how much space we are allowed to use. Last month I added everyone who played to my friends list and sent out the note about watching for the post we put up last night because the blogs don't last long on the MyCorgi front page if they have a picture attached. The winner gets full bragging rights about how smart they are until someone beats them to the guess on the next game. Ginny is the current winner. She correctly guessed that Bear was at the new Cowboys stadium. She lives in Denver. Let me know what you think.
  • Brewer AND Lilly!

    happy halloween
  • Bev Levy

    Hi, I don't know if you had an answer on the gift thing. It is being used to generate $ for Corgiaid. You can buy points and send gifts to people. You also get points when people send you stuff. Bev
  • Aj

    Thanks for creating the Awkward Sleepers Club!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    did you see adult lucy sleeping the same way? i'm not too sure about how to post messages and photos together. anyhow, happy birthday to Guinness and many many more!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Glad we're friends. Have a fun weekend.
  • CorGeek

    Hey! I grew up near Fredonia! Corgidom is a small world. :)
  • CorGeek

    Thanks! Maybe I can convince my Mom to host a Corgi meet up. She has 83 acres up by you. :D
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Hannah Montana! We've been pretty good I suppose. So, you are going on vacation to Canada? Awesome! I've never been there. I hope you have a wonderful time! Is Guinness going with you or staying at doggie camp?
  • Misti, Guinness and Finnegan

    Awwwww, another Guinness! Happy (almost) birthday!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Belated Birthday to Guiness, wish I turned 2 this year!!! lol
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hey Hannah, it's been ages since I've talked to you! How have you been? How's school? What grade are you in now? I bet Lil' Guinness isn't so little anymore.
    Thanks , I'm so glad you like Sidney's photo. WE took that one for fun, but I liked it so much I decided to submit it. Did you know Sidney had surgery? OH, he's a boy, by the way ;-)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Wow, 6 A+ is wonderful! Great job!
    Thanksgiving was good but a little crazy with all the little kids. My kids are the oldest, but then there are 7 kids age 9 and under that belong to my sisters!

    We found out in late August that Sidney has really bad hip dysplasia. This means his hip sockets didn't form correctly and the knob at the top of his leg bone does not fit correctly in his hip joint. It was making walking difficult for him because the leg bone was rubbing against the hip bone, which you might imagine would hurt a lot! We didn't know about it until one night his leg bone popped right out of the socket, got dislocated and poor Sidney was in crazy pain. We took him to the vet next day, they did xrays and told us about the problem. They said the best thing to do was this surgery on the worse of the 2 hip sockets (the one where the leg bone popped out). In the surgery, they cut off the highest part of the leg bone, the part that rubs against his hip. Then the hip is not a ball-and-socket joint anymore, but something they call a floating joint. When it first dislocated he could not set is foot down at all, but now he walks and runs on it normally again.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Hannah, unfortunately the old themes are gone with the old system, sorry :(
  • Durri Bakht

    Cute pic of Guinness!  Did he get some quality trick or treating in last October?
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I love your group. It's guaranteed to make me smile, or laugh out loud, no matter my mood. I always recommend your group to new members. Congrats on your group being 3 yrs. old ( I think). MyCorgi could do a GREAT, hilarious calendar with the photos. I guess the challenge will be to get members to use a camera and not a cell phone to capture these photos. I get a lot of flak from members for my iPhone photos. But, we all know, if we move to grab THAT camera, the moment is gone. Thank you for all the joy you've given me, since I joined mycorgi! I'm going to attach a few photos.

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )