Geri & Sidney

58, Female

San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

North San Diego County
About Me:
I have three teenage kids and I just love being a Mom to a Corgi also! I live in sunny Southern California with the three kids, three dogs, two cats and a most wonderful husband.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sidney is our first purebred corgi and we are thrilled to have him. He was born 7/11/07. We planned to start him in agility training, but there was a long waiting list. So while waiting for an opening, we took classes for therapy dog training. As it turns out, he's a pretty good therapy dog, so we stuck with that and never got around to agility. Now he is training as a Rally dog. We love it! He's one smart little character! Oh, and he's undocked, so his beautiful tail attracts a lot of attention - good attention.

On August 30th, Sidney suddenly came up lame in his hind left leg. The next day we got xrays for him and found out he has severe hip dysplasia. On Sept 7th he had a Femoral Head Ostectomy to relieve the pain. His right hip is not in great shape either but we're hoping that with glucosamine supplements and exercise we can keep it healthy. *Update* You would never know Sid has surgery now. He moves beautifully. The water therapy and supplements have worked wonders.


Bruce is our corgi/elkhound (?) mix. We rescued him from the brink of euthanasia when he was approximately 10-11 years old (he had a day or two left to go). He's about 16 now and his only sign of his advanced age are bad teeth and slow mornings. I adore Brucie and he worships me. He's my funny short angel with a puffball tail (thanks to the elkhound side). He's about 18 now and going strong.

Chester is our "tall dog". He's a black dane/lab mix that we got from a "free to good home" ad in the local newspaper. He's also old, about 15 years old. We know his age because we've had him 14 years, and he was an adult when we brought him home! He's a very serious dog and not very affectionate compared to the corgis, but he has been a very good dog, just aloof. We can't take Chester as many places as the shorties because he does not travel well. He's almost 17 now and has definitely slowed down. *UPDATE* Chester had a sudden decline and was sent to the bridge on April 15th 2013 at the age of 17.

In February 2013 we added Connie to our family. She's a little tri corgi who was picked up as a stray and put up for adoption at our local Humane Society. She's a real sweet girl and loves to play ball. She's learning a lot from Sidney about life here. We can't believe that her family never came to claim her.She's got good manners and she gets along well with the other dogs and the cats, and everyone she meets is her best friend.

And the pack grows! In November we took in a black-headed tri who we named Copper. He and Connie were both born in 2009 and they are great buddies and a ball-chasing tag team. Copper is sweet and cuddly and eager to please.

I have:

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  • Elisa Fabian



    Have not been here for a while, my "kids" keeping me busy (now there are 2 of them - Sasha and Sammy)

  • Pepper

    Thank you so much!

  • Katie Adkins

    Well thank you! :)

  • Jon

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Frank, Laura, Guinevere & Arthur

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Jackie Corsun

    Hi Geri & Sidney. I have 2 tricolor corgis. The male is Reggie the female  is Rosie.

  • Karyne & Dr. Sheldon Cooper

    Thank you for the warm welcome :)

  • Tonya Carr

    Thank you... Still learning this site :) but everyone seems very friendly

  • Nola + Dylan

    Thank you for the welcome - I'm looking forward to getting more involved with this group!  What a bunch of wonderful corgis!

  • Sebastian

    thank you so much :)

  • Tiffany Armstrong

    Thank you for the warm welcome I have been busy and this was on the back burner but I'm happy to be here.
  • Gail And Percy

    Thank you for your welcome. Think Corgi's are a dying breed here in Scotland- everyone we meet says " oh a corgi I haven't seen one of them for years. "- were quite popular in the seventies I think - we had one next door when I was wee which is why I got Percy. A wee Pembroke lives along the road though but it is 11 and Percy too boisterous for it. Very popular this year with the Queen's jubilee - tourists in St Andrews ( ten miles away) wanting pictures taken with him.
  • Gail And Percy

    I'll have to load up a picture- Percy is Sidney's double- maybe he is just a Pembroke.

    Thank you very much for welcome.  :)

  • Maota Esau

    Tank you for the welccome :)

  • Tina Pizur

    Thanks!  I know I'm not supposed to feel sorry for Rosi.  Not knowing any history is difficult.  She's terrified of thunder.  We had a nice storm last Friday and she's still traumatized.  She just likes to be in her crate.  She eats and drinks fine.  We take her on her walks (she cannot wait to get back home).  But she really just wants to be alone.  Before the storm she was coming out of her shell.  Playful and content.  We start class tomorrow with a trainer, behaviorist and I'm hoping she can help.  Tune in:)

  • Gail And Percy

    We heard his mum was a pembroke and his dad was a red cardi but maybe they just thought that because he had a tail. He does seem sturdier than most Pembrokes that wee meetthough.he was from a litter of six - my sister was there when they were born - three boys and three girls. The boys all had tails and white markings while the girls all has little stumps and no white.she had one of the girls and used to get abuse from folk when we were out together with dogs as docking is banned here as cruel.

    Thank you so much for invitaion.  My corgi got friends. :)

  • Laurie Baack

    Thank you!!  I think she is a very sweet little girl.... and smart :)  She doesn't mind not having a usuable front leg at all....

  • Sneakers the Corgi

    ZOMG I love Sidney! He's so handsome in his bandana!

  • Cheri Caldwell

    She does...pretty much what Frankie wants - Frankie gets (except walks in the middle of the day in the summer - we don't want to burn her little feet). We love her and she has brought so much love and laughter into our home.

  • Antonius & Waffle

    Thank youu for the welcome!! :) Mine is named Waffle

  • Megan & Duncan

    Duncan and I thank you!!

  • rosemary

    My corgi is named Mini.  She is 7 years old, extremely affectionate, loving and just a doll! She has a history of issues with bladder infections due to struvites, so I cook for her once a week in my pressure cooker.  I pick acid forming foods like chicken, rice, etc and avoid "greens" as they are too alkaline.  She is bossy, telling our older golden retriever Pumpkin what to do.  She has quite a personality, and we all love her for it!

  • rosemary

    Your pictures are lovely, Sidney looks a very happy dog!  I love the corgi stuffed animal too!

  • Amy Kristen

    Thank you for the warm welcome!!! Your pup is precious!

  • J

    Thanks for the welcome! We named our lil corgi Four because when we started looking for dogs last year, my son wanted a dog from the number 4 kennel. We never got that dog but everyday he asked to go back and get number 4. When we got our corgi pup this Spring, Four was the perfect name for this perfect little hobbit dog :)

  • Lola and Paige

    Thank you!  Sidney is also very cute!!!  I'm glad that lola kept her tail cuz she loves to chase it and it is so funny to watch her!!

  • Tina Moss

    Thank you for the welcome! Looking forward to chatting. :D

  • skylar wisniski

    Thank you!

  • Cynthia Slater

    Geri & Sidney; Thank you for a warm welcome. Sam doesn't say a word about his pain, just smiles! Sam in his "ride".IMG_0011.JPG

  • Jeri & Dani

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Jeri & Dani

    *Gasp!* I love that Sidney has a tail! I wish Dani did. She was re-homed to us, so we didn't really have a say in the matter. 

  • Tracy & Sir Bentley

    Thank you for the warm welcome.

  • Pamela Van Buren

    I am so happy to be accepted for membership!  Harley just takes this sort of thing for granted as he knows he is too adorable for anyone to ignore!  I had three Corgi Girls until last year when old age took them all away.  I had two tri's, Aylett and Cassell, and one fawn and white, Gwyneth.  Although they had very different personalities, they convinced me that the Corgi breed is the best thing on four paws.  When our seventeen year old son died, I developed Stage IV (end-stage) congestive heart failure.  My family urged my cardiologist to let me come home from the hospital as I would do better with my girls around me.  It made all of the difference in the world!  I was so happy to find your link and, again, so happy to be on here!

  • Benny & Samantha

    His name is Benny! Yes I was very glad we were able to have the tail. The breeder we got him from allows the option to keep the tail if you notify earlier enough (we picked him out at 2 days old). We didn't see a necessary reason to dock the tail now a days, and we had seen a few pics/vids of some pembrokes with tails and I thought they were so cute. I definitly do not regret the decision to keep it!

  • Lina Phouthavong

    Thank you for the welcome!

  • ClumsyBluScout

    Thank you for the welcome! Scout would say thank you if he wasn't currently wrestling with our chihuahua Gidget.
  • Eric and Wicket

    Thank you for the kind welcome. Will be posting more as Wicket gets closer to coming home. Can't wait.
  • Jerrie L. Butler

    Thank you Geri & Sidney, I'm really new at this and I'm still trying to find my way around. I'm going to try and get a picture of her put up on my wall for people to see. The reason I found your group was I was searching  google for rescue groups for corgi's and found this group and it sound just like one I'd like to be involve with. I love both my corgi's so much and its going to be hard to let Mollie go but with my health problems and with her being so jealous of Ollie I fill that I have no other opition. I will soon post her picture and tell a little bit about her. Again thank you for welcoming

  • Renee Smith

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

  • Sara Morgan

    Thanks a bunch!

  • BH & Kona

    Thanks, Geri and Sidney!  Her name is going to be Kona Coffee.  =)

  • Zwinger vom Ellispark

    big thanks Geri, Sidney :)) very nice to meet you two beautiful Corgis, it's a small world indeed! have a wonderful day

  • Penny the WonderCorgi

    Thank you!

  • Mr. Barkley and Debi

    Hi and thank you for being the first person to comment on my site!  Our proud little fellow's name is Barkley!  And he is by far, the apple of my eye......and shredder of all paper products! 

  • Andrea

    Thanks so much!

  • Tracy & Sir Bentley

    Just checking in to see how you and your corgis are doing.
  • Sandy Bond

    Hi Geri and Sidney,


    Thank you so much for your welcoming us to this wonderful site.  Sooooo many Corgis, this is better than chocolate!!!!!

  • Mak and Jacqui Koepsell

    Thank you :) !