
, Female

Washington, IL

United States

Profile Information:

The Big W
About Me:
Corgi's are so awesome that even my license plate says Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
George and Rosie are both tri-colored Corgis. Rosie is a water baby and George is a beach baby. Rosie is crazy for squeak balls and George has a collection of squeaky chickens which all have names.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carol Braitman

    Welcome Laurie. Was it a special day, or does Rosie always dress for dinner???? She is very cute!!!
  • Cindi

    Welcome Laurie! Looks like someone's celebrating a birthday?
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Rosie is just adorable in her outfit. :-)
  • Laurie

    Thank you! My son who is home from ISU for the holidays found this site and it is absolutely awesome. I have more pictures of Rosie, but I am not very computer savy so I have to wait until my son can help me.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Laurie!
  • Laurie

    I am sorry that I waited so long to answer your question. I lost both of my corgi girls in a house fire. My husband and I were at work when the fire started and my son who is a paramedic heard the call come in over his radio and called me at work. I drove over seventy miles an hour to get home to get my girls out but it was too late. I fought with one of the police officers on the scene to try and get my girls but he wouldn't even let me even get close. He actually was going to put me in handcuffs. I lost my two corgi girls and also my cats. My Millie was only three months old and Sophie was 18 months old. I still have a very hard time dealing with their loss and I spend a lot of time questioning God as to why he took them in such a way.
  • Hannah and Ruby

    Those names are super cute. I have to agree that Welsh names are pretty hard to pronounce. My mom thinks that my brother's name (Connor) is Welsh. I'm not sure though. My friend had a pretty cute name, Nacho. :) I think that would be a good name for a chihuahua though. But still, It's cute. Anyway, thatks for the good ideas! :) :) :) :) :)
  • Hannah and Ruby

    I am so sorry about your girls. I can't imagine what I would do if I lost my pets to a fire. It be so devistating. Once again, I am sooooooooooooooo sorry. It must be hard to still be on and see all of the corgis. So sorry to hear about this incident. :( :(
  • morningstar

    Hunter loves playing with balls but he always ends up deflating all of them! Sometimes Hunter takes his bone and uses it like a golf club to push the ball!

    It's so cute that Rosie thinks the balls are sheeps or cows! It must be entertaining watching that!
  • Karen & Bailey

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to message you privately lol... so here it goes..

    I saw your discussion, but since i didint want to post this (in fear of embarassment!!!) i - do you think you can help me:

    Is it obvious when the testicles have descended? I mean I haven't been checking everyday, and I haven't been told to take a look. lol. Are they visible to the naked eye right near the wee wee? Appear as lumps near hte wee wee when hes standing? I wil check when I get home.. lol...

    Bailey is 4 months and 1 week old.

  • Karen & Bailey

    =O fake testicles!?!?! lol... i cant imagine doing that... how .. AWKWARD!

    Ohhhhhh, it looks like bailey does have a descended scrotum - which i guess houses the two testicles (if my anatomy class from high school serves me right) lol, and is covered in fur. I thought he was missing it because i thought it would be more visible.. but im glad. ?!?!? unless thats not it?!?!?!!?!?!??!?

    Bailey's ears didn't come up till about around that time - 10-12 weeks. I forget the exact, but probably can determine that if i go back and look at my pictures. I don't think the ear and testicle thing are related. =P

    Good luck, i hope to hear good newssss soon!
  • Rachel

    Hi Laurie - we love your pics of Rosie and baby George. We have a George too!
  • Rachel

    Laurie - George sure DOES chase the cats (Tom & Ollie) in fact I think it's one of his favorite past times. We were initially concerned, but then we realized that the cats were actually coming back for more. Now we just let'em at it and the three of them go in circles. Best part is when they "change direction" and the cats chase HIM.
  • Butter

    Thanks so much; your dogs are adorable!
  • Trice

    Thanks Laurie! Even though Trice isn't officially home with us yet we have gone out and bought so much doggie stuff. We go back to see him this weekend and the breeder said his ears may be erected up by then. Can't wait! BTW I just added the Tri-Colored Corgis group. =)
  • sandra

    thanks laurie for commenting on her video...obedience, her way!
    she is a riot and still is so in the agility field, but we are better being a team... come and read, and you can see what she is up to and get other pups news and stories!
  • Patti

    thanks for the opossum tip - we have yet to deal with that - but after reading about the cat box issues u have - Luna has this interesting habit of earning her "treat" and then refusing to eat it. She carries it with her ALL day, like a pacifier. Imagine a milkbone sticking out of your dog's mouth ALL day. Now Kai, our other dog, has severe eating issues, so his function all day is trying to figure out how to get that treat OUT of her mouth..... Very interesting household.
  • Tina and Cooper

    How wonderfu; George has the cat traned to push the pencels and pen's off the counter,,Thats great;;I hope Cooper and Bandit our cat dont start talking or im in big trouble :o) wonderful story ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Teresa Gilpin

    I love the coloring of your babies!  They are both beautiful!  I really love your pictures, too!  I feel the same way about my babies, after a long day at work, they are so great to come home to.  A wiggly furry butt can really make me smile!