Henrys Person


Torrance, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Love my little Henry! :)

Check out my shops to get cool corgi stuff!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Henry is 3 yrs old now. He's my little adventurer!
I have:

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  • Kelli & Penny

    Oh yes, she would love a reunion. Over the weekend I was watching that video and she ran in, barked... jumped up on me, then attacked my laptop. We actually taped it because she just kept doing it if you looped the video. She definitely recognizes the barks on there so I'm pretty sure she'd remember Henry :)
  • Genna, Dustin & Stewie

    OMG, your photos are breathtaking! And Henry is GORGEOUS. I see that Henry and Penny are brother and sister! Stewie's parents are Sal(sa) and Cayenne. He was the black headed tri and she was one of the R&W females. We all need to get together sometime for sure!
  • Sam Tsang

    he he he, you're welcome! Hopefully that will bring you some business, they're mighty cute :)
  • Meg Jones & Indiana

    Cute pictures!! How do you get such natural-looking lighting in your indoor shots? They are fantastic!
  • Shannon

    Love the pics!!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Thanks for the advice! I'll try to work on roll over with Guinness some time! If I have any more questions, I know who to ask! Thanks again!
  • Susan

    Hi, Henry! (And Henry's person, too) I'm looking through all the stuff on your page -- wonderful pics, loved the music video, the greeting cards, plushies, etc. You look like a beautiful, fun boy!!
  • Macie Linne & Holli Berri

    Hey thanks for adding me to your friends list:))
  • Boo Buchheit

    Welcome to 2009 Puppies. Do you still have the Corgi notepads? I would love to order one or more. Please let me know.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks for the friend add,,:o) ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Kelli & Penny

    aww did Henry get neutered? Penny's getting spayed Friday... poor kids!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Henry is an awesome dog. Looks very smart and has a wonderful expression. The music video is great!!
  • Boo Buchheit

    That is great to hear. I would like 2 to start with.
  • Irene (and Pancake)

    really nice pictures! what camera do you use??
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Henry is a photo hound. He is a natural in front of the camera.. What a beautiful dog. thanks for the compliment.
  • Kelli & Penny

    So I have been meaning to ask you, but Penny reminded me this morning... haha.
    How does Henry bark...
    sometimes when Penny barks she adds a almost howl to the end. It's pretty hilarious.
    ruff ruff a-roooooooooo.
    I wonder if her brother does the same thing. She definitely didn't learn it from our older corgi.
  • Lil' Guinness

    Well, he's mostly interested in the treat, but we're working on it!
  • Boo Buchheit

    Thanks so much for the notepads..they are so cool. Prompt shipping and a quality product (with a corgi on it), can't ask for more than that.
  • Irene (and Pancake)

    you should post henry's pic on the cutestdogcompetition.com
    You have some really good pix!
  • Steve

    Henry is adorable and I like your pics & plushies. From a fellow South Bay-er.
  • Kelli & Penny

    Aw I love the new pic! Remember, if you're free this weekend to swing up to Burbank and check out the corgi meet up! Penny and I will be there! :)
  • Adrienne

    Great pic's of Henry..... he is very cute!
  • Kelli & Penny

    How much is Henry weighing now? Penny went to the vet on Friday (she has crappy skin, do you have that problem?) and she weighs 25 pounds.
  • Kelli & Penny

    Penny's doing good... growing up too fast! Can you believe they're almost a year old!!
    So crazy! How's Henry doing? We have to get them together soon... I like to think they'd freak out if they saw each other again! :)
  • Kelli & Penny

    oh my god henry's newest photos are adorable!
    here's penny and faulks's
    are those going to be your christmas cards?
  • Kelli & Penny

    Penny and Henry will be 1 year old in a few weeks! Can you believe it?
  • Kelli & Penny

    I have stuff planned for her but it's being postponed because I have to go out of town suddenly for a funeral. :(
  • Kelli & Penny

    Did you post pictures of Henrys party?
    I'm going to give her her presents tonight!
  • Kelli & Penny

    I love the new pictures!
    I still think we need to get Penny and Henry together again.
    When I play her the video of her brothers and sisters barking she gets sooo excited and kind of cries a little. I feel bad, I think she still remembers them.
  • Kelli & Penny

    Wouldn't even need to be halfway, I'd be willing to drive down there. Especially if you knew of a dog park down there or something where they could run around at.
  • Kelli & Penny

    Yeah that place sounds good too, I'm up for whatever.
    Penny hasn't really been in a huge dog park so I'm sure the smaller would be better anyways.
  • Kelli & Penny

    Weekends are usually best for me too. Next Saturday would work for me, I'm free all day.
  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you for sharing your pics with us :)
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Take a look at my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buster's compendium of tricks all in a row!


  • Kelli & Penny

  • Kelli & Penny

    Definitely, I don't know if Faulks (only if Pat decides to go too...two dogs are too much of a handful) will be going but Penny and I will be here!
  • LoveDK

    Thanks for the welcome, love your greeting cards, going to have to get me some!
  • Cherie and Charles

    Thank you Henry for the nice welcome! We love the site. Looking forward to some great times here!
  • Chansey and Pogi

    Hi there! =] Thank you for welcoming us.
  • Finnley Mae

    Thank you for the nice welcome.

    : )

  • Amanda

    Thanks for the friend request! I love your profile picture! :)


  • Brent & Marilyn

    thank you for welcoming us :)
  • Napolean (Joan and Gabby)

    Thanks for welcoming us the the site! Henry is a charmer :)
  • Tobi, Jack & King <3

    thanks for the add! hope i can get my Tobi to do all of those tricks, awesome!
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hi Henry's person and Henry. Delighted you joined and friended us.
  • Alison Prasavath

    Henry is just adorable. I love the pictures of him with his yellow rain slicker on. Too cute!
  • Harrison & Melyza

    I saw you and Henry at the belmont shore dog parade :D 

  • Appa and Iroh

    Thanks for the welcome and compliment on my pup! :)

  • Lu Patterson-Sisco

    Thank you very much for the welcome :)  I will post more photos of Holly when more are posted on the breeder's website.  We went to visit Holly this past weekend.  She is so precious.  I can't wait to bring her home. 

    Henry is a very cute Corgi.  I've enjoyed the videos and photos of him.

  • Whitney (Fawkes)

    Why thanks!! He LOVES that toy!