Ann and Izzy


Alvin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have had pets my whole life. Love having animals around. They are so calming. We got our first Corgi, Izzy, two years ago and we are hooked! We love Corgi meet ups.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Izzy is our wonderful tri-colored girl. She was born 1/24/10 in Arkansas. She is a very sweet loving girl. We just went back to Arkansas and got our second little girl. Taffy is a sable Corgi born on 1/29/12. She and Izzy have the same parents. Taffy actually belongs to our 14 yr old daughter, Breanna. She loves Izzy so much she wanted her own Corgi.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Ann and Izzy! I hope you found some good advice for dealing with the barking problem.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you! It always makes me feel better to hear success stories about the hip dysplasia surgery. Sidney gets closer and closer to "normal" every day :)
  • Connie, Abby & PJ

    Hello Ann and Izzy, we are new here too! We also have barking issues, but different ones. Abby barks (and barks and barks and whines) in the car...and in training class when she is supposed to be sitting QUIETLY while the instructor is explaining something.
  • Connie, Abby & PJ

    We haven't figured out if she's afraid in the car, or is excited. She is very happy to get in the car, but as soon as it is moving...yip yip yip. We go to a free puppy play group at Petco twice a week, where she can tumble and run and puppy wrestle with about a dozen dogs of all sizes. She gets nicely tired out from that and will ride quietly home. Good luck with daycare! It should help a lot!
  • WhiteDove

  • WhiteDove

    Have a great weekend. . . .
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    So glad you could join us, hope to see you guys at a meetup!

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jenny & Bentley

    It was go great meeting you, Izzy, and your family as well! We will see you soon!
  • Jenny & Bentley

    Thank you for thinking of us! Bentley is doing really well today. He is having a fast recovery and we will def be at the meet up next month!
  • DeeDea & Pudge

    Breanna is right. You need a fluffy.  Once you go fluffy, you don't go back. Although Pudge really is extra barky. We are working on it too, but we have a whole neighborhood of barking dogs so he kinda blends in. Pudge was honored to meet such a dedicated fan!
  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

    Happy Birthday from Daisy and Scout!!! (Well, it is from me and Anna too!) We can't wait to see you soon and hear about the new pup's arrival!
  • Kathy Sanouvong

    where did yall find taffy? so cute!

  • Worthington Natalia

    Thanks, Ann. Did you get Izzy from Debbie Williams? We are thinking of getting a pup from her soon. She seems like a very nice lady.
  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

    How are Taffy and Izzy doing? We need to get together soon.

  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

    Hey Ann! We have missed Izzy and have yet to meet Taffy. She already looks so big in your last pictures. We are going to try to go to Petco on 45 and 646 this weekend. They have a pet photographer there but I need to call and find out what day and times. Can you guys come too? We had a blast at the agility trial! Anna ran Daisy at our last practice and did great. I think Bre and Anna should start one of the upcoming classes together. I'll message you my email and phone #.

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Thanks so much for the warm words.  We have missed you guys and are looking forward to meeting the precious Taffy.  Hope to see you soon!

  • DeeDea & Pudge

    I cannot even tell you how many times I kept calling Taffy "Twinkie" (no idea why, she reminds me of a Twinkie). She's just the sweetest!!!