
64, Female

Mobile, AL

United States

Profile Information:

I was raised in Western Massachusetts and now live in Mobile, AL
About Me:
My partner and I are the proud parents of 3 Pemmies,a Cardi X, and a Cardi, of whom are spoiled rotten. I'm a dog trainer. I also volunteer my time to an animal welfare organization here to train their dogs on the basics so they are more adoptable. I continue to work with service, therapy and special needs dogs. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia now and only train privately. My partner, Patti B., is a groomer and all-around animal whisperer! She also is disabled; an Iraq War Vet. We also have a catahoula x and mini aussie x to round out the family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tank, CWC X, is AKC-CGC and Delta certified and is retired as my partner's service dog. (She is an OIF/Iraq War vet.) Everybody in town knows Tank. I'm no longer Cindi, I'm Tank's mom. We also have Rainer, Riley, Harmony (service dog), Dundee, Moira, and honorary corgis Ranec (catahoula) and Aine' (aussie).

Dundee, PWC, is a puppy mill rescue. When we adopted him, he weighed 14 lbs, was missing fur, teeth were rotten, ears eaten was sad. Now he's a healthy and happy boy!

Moira, PWC, was a rescue organization adoption. She was grossly overweight, close to 48 lbs. She's now a svelte 25 lbs. She's the boss of the whole pack!

Harmony is a CWC who came from a wonderful breeder in the Huntsville area. She is just a sparkle princess! So sweet natured and good hearted. She joined our family on August 21st '09. Harmony is now trained as Corgi Mom's new service dog. She's so SMART! Everyone loves her and she has her own fan club now.

Rainer was an owner surrender to me after he was attacked by an intact pit bull and it's owner. He was in pretty bad shape. Now he is such a happy boy, running and jumping and frapping! He loves everyone he sees. Still working on liking other dogs, but that will come in time.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Kate

    ty for the link to the article! Seems we're still not low enough on food for him. We'll have to cut Kirby down another 1/4 cup more to get him in the range that the article talked about. I'm sure it will not be easy as Kirby is so desperate for food he tries eating carpeting
  • Kim Sigernes

    You wandered what a basset artesien looked like?
    Now, I have updated my album - be welcome to take a look :)
  • maggity

    You are doing wonderful things in your life.
  • Mike L

    You have so many corgis! That must be a house full of love!
  • Kim Sigernes

    Well, now I have seen pictures of the american basset.
    - Everything is bigger in America! Hahaha
  • Avyon

    Thank you! :)
    I promise I'll get another vid with the missing stuff. We were all full of turkey and her 'cousin' was barking through the glass doors so we did what we could hehe.
  • Theresa W.

    Thanks for your comment. My Border Collie came from a shelter as a pup and started training after our Corgi had already been thru Obedience 1 and 2 (almost a joke, Corgi obedience? They just let us think we're getting them to do what we want them to do!) Ollie, our BC, learned sit and down before we got to it in class, from his lil sister Tori --- and we got in trouble for getting ahead of clicker training.

    Glad to see the Susan Strickland article on the BIG Corgi. I ope Moira has slimmed down. I was happy to have read the artcile when we first had our Corgi. Our previous dogs (German Shepherd and Malmutes mixes) had always been free range. Corgis cannot have control of their food. They're instatiable!
  • Corgi Bear and Handsome George

    Big attitude most definitely.....this is her pic waiting for room service and a cup of joe...
  • Angie DesPeaux

    Thank you! I am so glad I finally joined this site, I've been looking at it for weeks (haha, and I just got Emma on Sunday, hehe) and it seems like there's a lot of people here who really know Corgis.
  • Natalie

    Thank you. Glad I joined this site.
  • Patti

    Moon, about Luna's coloring - when my 14 yr dog Maxie passed away we waited till the right time to get another dog and contacted out usual breeder, but she had no litters for another year, however she put us in touch with a friendbreeder who had a litter/ We wanted a b/w like Kai, we went to look at the pups and as I was speaking to the breeder, my daughter appeared with Luna in her arms - 'nuff said... Thanks 4 your comments and all tht u do with the rescue, therapy, and weight loss stories - Kai has been on the green bean diet a time or two!
  • Mandy and Lori

    It is nice to know there are knowledgeable people on here!! I will keep in touch with you and CorgiMom. I may need help some day if Mandy ever gets sick.
    Congratulations on Rudy!! I cannot wait to see the picture!! Have a nice day!!
  • Laurie

    Thank you for your comment. This was Rosie's first birthday and we were having quite the celebration. We bought her a special doggie birthday cake, but she much preferred the people cake. Rosie is our third corgi. We lost our other two babies in a housefire in July 2006. Rosie came into my life when I really needed her and I love her more than anything although I still miss my Sophie and Millie.
  • dancer

    Thank you for the welcome!
  • Brian Davis

    Thanks for the warm welcome :) Your babies are so cute .
  • Shel7997

    thank you! yours are adorable!!! he LOVES the back of the car seat-he's such a little goofball :)
  • Mandy and Lori

    Happy New Year 2008!!! Have a great year!! ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Kevin Luke

    Hey there :) Glad to meet you. You've got so many corgi's! that's so cool. I wish i had more but Miso is already a handful and needs lots of attention. I'm not sure how i came up with the name. I thought it sounded cute...her fur is also the color of miso! Anyways, its nice meeting you. :)
  • Kimberly Walsh

    It certainly is amazing! We were at my sister-in-law's house and she had been playing with my SIL's pug. She was plumb wore out!
  • Christine & Fargo

    Mmmm.. hopefully this year I'll become an owner, but I've been a corgi lover for years now.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Moonmystic, what methods do you use to teach tricks? I just started a free shaping and clicker training class and am a novice. Used traditional positive methods in the past, but never this. Fantastic is all I can say. Looking for some pointers, started a discussion looking for others who may use free shaping, too.

    Thanks in advance. Got to keep up the learning for the kids, no matter the age.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Do you use a log book to track different tricks you're working on? Our trainer suggested it since we might be working on several tricks. Also, having used the clicker in combination with luring previously, this is a whole new concept for both of us. I keep wanting to name what we're doing, (Bad girl, I know) before the behavior is proofed. I guess I just wanted to know if there were other mycorgi members using this method for teaching.

    Thanks for your response. "Sam" responded in the discussion and seems to know a little too. I'm open to and need some cool ideas for tricks too.
  • Dominique

    Thanks! I have a lot of questions and corgi tales to tell. Glad to find such a friendly forum!
  • becky ash

    thank you for the warm welcome! yes i'm active duty and your comment about the best made me laugh. i'm only 21 so...i've still got a lot to learn about being the "best" at anything XD

    anyway-thank you for the welcome! <3
  • Andrea

    Thanks, from me and Cricket :)
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Thanks.... Scooter and I are going to enjoy the time on line at this website. I just have to figure out what to click on to do what I want to do.
    I read about your FAB 5 and 2 big guys. Sounds like a few of yours have been pulled out of hell into heaven! Good for you. What services does Tank help with. Scooter and I also do the nursing home thing too. We have a older lady that the only time she even moves is when Scooter comes to see her. Then she cries in joy. Amasing how much joy one small dog can bring someone locked into her our world. My mom is in the same home too. So we go often. It is so rewarding to see the faces of happiness on people who have no family or much of anything to live for except a little dog visit!
    Keep up the good work!!! Carolyn & Scooter
  • Maribeth

    Thanks for the welcome - you guys have quite a tribe! It sounds like they've all come to the right place. I think we'll learn a lot from the MyCorgi group!

    Devo & RUby
  • Christine


    Thanks for the welcome and words of encouragement. I'm so thankful I found this site. What a great way to get in touch with others.

    Moses Bleu is doing well. Doesn't care much for our weather right now though. His little paws are not found of the cold.

    Thanks Again,
    Christine and Moses
  • New Corgi Mom

    Well I finally got our Corgi and she is wonderful but i was just wondering if new puppies sleep alot she is real playful and then she sleeps for a long time is this normal for new puppies she was born Dec 3, 2007!
  • DudeWheresMyCorgi

    thank you for the comment! I appreciate the welcome!! you have adorable dogs as well! =]
  • Miles McDougal Carman

    thank you for your very warm welcome =)
  • Ras987

    Thanks for the welcome!!
  • New Corgi Mom

    She is not lethargic she just crashes!! We are working on potty training not going so well we let her outside 30 mins or so then she comes in and uses the bathroom on the house ARRGH!! I immediatley pick her up and take her back outside, I am crate training and she has done well not using the crate I just dont know what to do about her using the house instead of the yard, I bougt her from a breeder and she was kept outside alot in an xpen and crated whenever not outside so I dint know maybe she is confused with the house and outside!! HaHa But she is so sweet and loving I hate to be angry at her I just wish she would do her business outside Thanks for the info on sleeping!!
  • Linda Baker

    We got a little but not alot. Your pictures are great, I hope to download some soon but I am computer challenged and will need help from my husband-I have really enjoyed the corgi page-it has been so helpful to see others as in love with their corgis as my husband and I are. They are our babies.
  • CastleBee

    Thank you! They're a handful but also the joy of my life. Love your Blue Dog portrait and all your pics!
  • Bethany

    Thank You! It's great to meet you too. Your Corgi's are so cute!
  • Jesus Marinez

    thanks for the comments. and thanks for the hospitality
  • PB&J

    Thank you for the add! Love your mycorgi page glad to have such a valuable resource and new friend! Good luck with Rudy, ttyl
  • CorgiFan21

    Thank you for the welcome!! I look forward to learning more about these special dogs! Seeing all of the cute photos makes me want one so badly! :o)
  • Ruth Bergloff

    Hi moonmystic! That's awesome that you're a trainer. We loved our trainer Jessica and bring Pancake back to see her once in a while. Pancake went through Puppy and Intermediate and we were so happy how quickly he picked up on things. He loves going to PetSmart!
  • Amanda

    They are-we have tons of fun. Daisy's in training at Petsmart now actually. Ein already went through Beg and Int. She's learning how to heel and not to jump up on me. I spoil her a lot more than I did Ein so it's a little tougher.
  • Frances

    Hi, moonmystic! Thank you for the welcome. I love living so close to the Smokey's. It is great to talk to other Corgi lovers.
  • Linda Baker

    Hi moonmystic! Thanks for the welcome! My corgis are my heaven sent angels! They give me so much joy!!!
  • Duncan

    Hello moonmystic :) Happy to be part of this wonderful community! thanks for the welcome
  • Mallori Shortridge

    Thanks! Tucker and trini send a warm hello!
  • Sam & Maximus

    Thanks for the welcome. Max will be learning to ride 4 wheelers in the spring. Has to like outdoor stuff in this family.
  • Francine

    Yeah, we usually save the ice cream cones for the summer! Winter time treats are usually McDonalds french fries (but just a few!).
  • Stephanie Hochuli

    WE do love the motor coach and so do the two corgi. Our girl is put up on the sofa with a blanket and our boy who is shy climbs under my seat as a passenger and off we go. This is our retirement dream and we do love seeing the US.
  • Kim

    Thank you! Happy to join the community! Woof.
  • ♥ AdEle

    Thank You for welcoming us.
    Looking forward to read everybody's page.
