
las vegas

Profile Information:

Las Vegas
About Me:
I'm a Wifey, Mother to my lil puki bear, and a full time student

About My Corgi(s):
Puki was born Feb. 29, 2008, leap year!!! I got puki May 8, 2008. She's adorable, loves attention and quite a handful but we love her!!

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome to mycorgi! Cute picture, cant wait to see more.
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome. . .WOW a leap year fur baby. . . .VERY cool. . .your profile picture is precious. . . .
  • Karen & Bailey

    ahaha i literally just sit down and decide him to teach him something and he learns. all it really takes is a corgi, patience and repitition and some yummy treats in bite sizes. =P haha. dogs in general follow very well with hand signals. Bailey just picks up things so quickly!!!!

    Puki is adorable! =D you need to upload more pics! but i see that your new to the site.... so welcome!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Linda and Kaijuu Le

    more pics please! Puki looks super cute! ahh!
  • Kristen

    Congrats on the new family member. Puki is beautiful. Welcome to MyCorgi great place to be for the Corgi obsessed.
  • Stephanie & Lola

    haha the puppy stage is the best :) you cant even get mad for all the pee and poop because theyre just too cute
  • Juel

    Your little girl is sooo cute! I saw her picture when you were talking to someone else and had to go look at all her pictures. does she know how cute she is? I bet she does and tries to play that card when she needs to. "Mommy you can't be mad at the cuteness, could you?"
  • Adam & Brittany

    She's so cute!!
  • Stephanie & Lola

    haha that confused/sad look it so funny!!!! when Lola was potty training she ALWAYS peed outside, and the second we walked in the door she pooped right on the mat! So frustrating, but the puppy eyed look killed me haha
  • Cindi

    Puki is SO cute!
  • Leia (aka Princess Leia)

    Yay! Another person from Vegas with a Corgi! Puki is adorable! Where did you get her?
  • Vladimir

    awww your corgi is very cute! I live in Las Vegas as well! It's nice to meet fellow Las Vegans :-)

    Puki is very very beautiful! She looks like a real sweetheart. Her markings are absolutely gorgeous as well - very very pretty :)

    Take care
  • Vladimir

    Thanks for the comment :-)

    It's hard to avoid people with Vladimir as well, sometimes I get followed by a lot...lol! I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me "What kind of dog is that?"
    I'm sure you get that as well, my twin has a corgi and she gets that a lot!

    yep, I take all my photos myself :-) Thank you very much!

    I hope to see more photos of your Puki - she's very sweet :-)
  • Leia (aka Princess Leia)

    I have been to the dog park on Rock Springs with my other dog but not Leia yet. I'm waiting for her to get her last set of shots too! Should be the end of this month! I can't wait! I want to take her hiking with me to Red Rock too. My other dog does so well but he's big....Leia may need a little more help!
  • CaptainCorgi

    Hello fellow Las Vegan! It's nice to hear another person living here in vegas. You're Corgi is absolutely adorable! Such a sweet face!

    About taking Eowyn out, We go for hikes all around Las Vegas. We go to Red Rock Canyon, Mt. Charleston, Lake Mead or anywhere that just looks cool. We also go to the dog park at Sunset park a lot. I use to have that too when Eowyn was a pup. People always asked me what she was, but now that she is older, everyone says "Aww look at the Corgi!"

    I've only seen a few corgis here. We've lived in Vegas for about 10 years now and I've only seen I'd say five of them, give or take a few. They have a corgi meetup here every once and a while, but we've never managed to catch one yet. Hopefully maybe one day we will. :)

    OH!~ My God! what a sweetheart!!!! She is So~~~ CUTE!
  • Ashley

    Oh my gosh she is sooooooo adorable! Look at those markings!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Hi! Puki is such a cutie!!!
  • Butter

    Hi, I inadvertently erased your lovely comment on Buster and his Tweety Bird; I have been editing my photos. You should take a look at his new Tweety Bird photo as you seem to like pink, haha! Puki is absolutely adorable.
  • Freddie

    I'm just learning how to do this type of web page, so I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings. Puki is adorable. I'm trying to get different pictures of Freddie on here as well. What cute Corgies everyone has!
  • Butter

    Thanks for the adorability compliment!!! Joy
  • Lynn

    puki is soo cute! i love her coloring!
  • Mark Ryan

    Thanks for the comments. PuKi is crazy cute...I wish I had pictures of my Bon Bon as a puppy! The Corgi I grew up with had puppies (my brother bred her once) -- the most adorable li'l balls of fluff on god's green earth!
  • Andrea

    Puki, you sure are a sweetie!!
  • LeAnne

    Thanks for the compliment. That pic is minus Bliard, our fawn bluie boy. I'll try to get some pics up soon.
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    She's cute, she has an impish look in her eyes.
  • jolanda

    What a cute Corgi puppy! You are very lucky.
    In Holland it is forbidden to cut off any tail (it is Animal cruelty by law) of an animal. So the few corgis that live here all have fluffy tails. Exept the one's that are born without.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Thanks for the friend add. Puki looks like a real cutie. Can't wait to see the further adventures of Puki bear!