



Profile Information:

Paris (France)
About Me:
Hello !
I'm French, living in Japan (because my husband is Japanese), and I have 1 daughter (21 years old) and 2 Welsh Corgis.
We live in north Japan: Sendai city. (350km north from Tokyo)
I've never lived in an English speaking country, that's why my English isn't very good, but I want to try MyCorgi because I'm so happy to know people who, like me, like Corgis !
There is very few Corgis in France, and nothing like this community.
I enjoy very much looking all your Corgi photos, thank you !
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Nana: Welsh Corgi Pembroke, 10 years old
(born in north Japan, Iwate prefecture)
Nana is the "BOSS" !

Uyanga: Welsh Corgi Cardigan, 5 years old
(born in France, Bourgogne)
Uyanga is...always happy !
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall:

  • Anne

    Welcome! Such cute dogs and love that you have one of each! Great picture. Look forward to seeing more.
  • Florence

    Thank you very much, CorgiMama and Anne !
    I'll try to add some photos, and see how "MyCorgi" works !
  • Tammey & Caven

    What a great photo of two good looking corgis. Welcome to you and your beautiful pups.
  • Steve

    Welcome Corgiflore, Nana and Uyanga. Great profile pix.
    Are you from France now living in Sendai, Japan?
  • Florence

    Thank you Tammey and Caven !

    Thank you Steve ! Yes, it's right, I'm from Paris, France, and living now in Sendai Japan ! That's why it's not always easy to find my way in an English (American ?) site, but there is nothing for Corgis in the French web....here, I'm so happy to see all your Corgis and to get to know people who, like me, love Corgis !

    CorgiMama, thank you so much !
    I just have a little problem, if someone can tell me about this: I received 2 friend request from people I don't know, and cannot see their page ! Here, for you, I could easily click on your icon image to see your page, but not for these 2 persons, who didn't write any comment like you, Steve, Tammey and Caven, and Anne did.....I wonder what to do...someone help please !
  • Tammey & Caven

    The creator of this wonderful website is Sam Tsang and there is a link to his page on the bottem left of this page. I am sure that he can fix any problem you might have.
  • Carmen

    Welcome to MyCorgi! I love to meet corgis from all over the world!

    Uyanga looks a lot like my Trunks. Both of your corgis are very cute!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Your Corgis are beautiful! welcome! I would say this in French, but my french is not very good!
  • JollieEllie

    Hello!!! Greetings from OZ!
    Your corgi kids have such beautiful smiles! Now, do they learn their commands in French or Japanese?? :)
  • Florence

    Thank you very much, Tammeu & Caven, Carmen, Jenni & Dave and JollieEllie !

    I'm going to have a look at San Tsang's page, but I found that I could go to the pages I wanted by the e-mails.

    Nana and Uyanga understand both French and Japanese, escpecialy for food and treats (Nana) and toys (Uyanga).

    I just noticed "Comment back" and "View Threat" under the messages....sorry, I'll try it next !
  • Argo's Parents

    Hello and welcome, though I'm new here myself :) I love the picture with Nana and the flowers! How long have you lived in Japan? My husband and I would love to travel there someday. I hope you find this site as helpful as I did!
  • sandra

    hi, hey, cool you are here and me too, we are now pals here too!

    smiles : )

    kaley corgi kisses and Sandra smiles : )

    you are gonna have a ball here!
  • sandra

    ps, just come and join my group here for fun, after all, you are already part of the flickr group.....it is called of course, corgis of the world unite, flickr style!

    smiles : )
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hello from myself, Lisa, and Midas!
  • Michelle

    What adorable dogs you have...Welcome!
  • Cheryl

    That looks like double trouble to me!
  • Katelyn

    Cute corgi's!!!
  • sandra

    hhee, i just saw your corgi kid w a ball, and ooooooooooo you have the cutest pics....hehe, i love their tongues!-----------you do take the greatest pics!

    i want a cardi so bad.....soon but not soon enough.
    you gonna join my sansanpals?

    smiles : )
    hehee, kaley corgi better watch where she is goin!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Corgiflore! Glad you're enjoying the site :) Spread the word for us!
  • sandra

    hehe, deal is....she had better keep an eye on me cuz she and i were get movin to the next obstacle! we are a team, right?

    she looks or acts here as if it is a modeling shoot!

    smiles : )

  • JollieEllie

    Uyanga is a real unique name! What does it mean?
    Your babies certainly looked like they're enjoying each other's company. My 2 are still in 'adjustment' stage. I hope they get over it soon and can be perfect companion for each other like yours. :)
  • Anne

    do send a shot Of Uyanga's father. would love to see. Le-Le's father was a beautiful blue merle.
  • Mary Hart

    Florence your babies are beauiful.
  • Anne

    thanks for sharing the links. They do look alike. The breeder has some great looking dogs. Can't get enough of those corgi pictures.....
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Florence and family!
  • sandra

    hi florence,

    i love the pic...i can never resist a corgi mug shot!....hehehe

    hey, jake is gonna be a year old on the 12th, oooooo my, how time flies, and then kaley will be 6 yrs old in sept, 18!

    how many hrs diff is it between calif an japan?????

    hehee, busy typing away!
  • cecy phyillaier

    they are loving all the attention, they know they are cute!!
  • sandra

    soooooooo means it is bout your 9 in the morn!

    hey, where in calif does bro live...puppy bro, right???

    smiles : )
  • JollieEllie

    I like the name Uyanga very much :) nice meaning too! We don't have such naming system in Australia. You can name your pets whatever you like.
    Truffle and Bailey still haven't worked out who's the boss yet.Truffle is currently the boss but she is not the dominant type so things might just turn when Bailey is a bit older. I'm so looking forward to the day when they finally work out the pack order. Then hopefully we can have some more peace :):):)
  • Gizmo

    Hello Florence,
    Uyanga and Nana, your corgi look very healthy and happy indeed. Gizmo and his buddy would love that big field, where's in your pictures, they love high speed chasing game. And all your pictures are very beautiful.
    We are the same, expatwomen. I'm glad that you were visiting my page...and my English(ESL) is different from others, as you know...
    I love dogs,any kind and have had many dogs before, but
    Corgi Gizmo, is differnt, he has personalities I never experience before. We love him eventhough he is very DEMANDING.
  • Arlette

    Thank you for the nice words!! Both your dogs also are very cute!!
  • sandra

    gee, same thing as france sorta, for i go to france and it is 14 hr flight

    smiles : )

  • Katie

    Bon jour, Florence!

    I can't believe you know those corgis!? So funny! Are there a lot of corgis in Japan?
  • sandra

    oo my, it is confusing....gee, i think i can just say, it is , hmm, nite for me, day for you!

    smiles : )

    hey, jake is gonna be one yr old next wk.

    can you beat that one????

    jake and kaley corgis water bowl----he is fascinated w water!

    good thing water bowl and water is clean! it was in the hotel so i cleaned her car water bowl finally!
  • JollieEllie

    Watching TV? haha, cute. What's her favourite show?
    Nana is absolutely beautiful. You can't see that she's actually 10 years old, can you?
    We were trying to get a red head sable tri colour but this colour is so hard to find so we settle with black headed instead. Do you still have her puppy photos?
  • Gizmo

    ESL=English as a Second Language..
    I think for you EST;English as a Third Language... haha for EST, I made it for you.
    I love French language ,when you talk it sounds like a song for me..I got chance to hear a lot when I worked for French's company in Bangkok:and I am more understanding English-French than English-American...HAHA
    I also like Japanese language,I think the way they talk is very very polite and cute.
    I admire you that you can speak Japanese cause it's totally different, you also can read it too, I guess.
    My English is not better than you at all, believe me...Because,right now I talk with dogs more than people.....:)
  • sandra

    jake to be one on the aug 12th

    read his blog, www.jakechow.com

    yes, cake, maybe only single slice, i mean---how much can a kid eat, a baby eat??

    need a hat, so gonna make one, cone shape, easy stuff

    was thinking to make one, but hey, it will be personalized and yes, to take pics!

    heheehehe, shall be a fun day, deal is everyone has a first b day, but the big day, is when he is officially mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    that is gonna be sept or oct!

    smiles , the champagne comes out!
  • Christine Glossman

    At 7:56am on August 5th, 2008, Christine Glossman said…
    Bonjour Florence,
    Bien sûr .. Pumpkin promenades sur le Croisette. Elle est une grande étoile. How nice to hear from a Parisian. I was beginning to think Pumpkin was the only Cardi in France. She's been in Cannes for 14 months, but doesn't speak much French (like her mom). She likes it here compared to Key West's heat & humidity. She especially likes the food!!
    Your girls are adorable & they look like they're having fun. Are there a lot of Corgis in Japan? Delete Comment
  • Christine Glossman

    At 3:32am on August 8th, 2008, Christine Glossman said…
    Bonjour Florence,
    Look up my friend JoAnne, she also lives in Key West, and has 3 Corgis. She would love to hear from you since she has 2 Pemmies and 1 Cardi. Is your Cardi breeder in France?
  • Christine Glossman

    Hi Florence,
    Interesting about the restrictions in Japan, how long are the dogs in quarantine? Pumpkin went back to Key West each winter for 2 years, but last winter we stayed in Cannes. I wanted to experience all 4 seasons. It was good, but the winter was long and cold for me. The Cannoise say it was unusual so maybe we'll stay again this year. Pumpkin was born in North Carolina, it was hard to find a blue merle in 2001. Key West is at the very tip of Florida, its 90 miles from Cuba and sticks out between the Atlantic Ocean & the Gulf of Mexico. Miami is 160 miles away but its very different from the rest of Florida. We lived in Florida almost 30 years & I promised my husband, who is Swiss, we'd spend the next 30 years in Europe. I love it!!
  • Gizmo

    Hello Florence,
    When I walk the dogs, once in a while I'll see people jogging pass by, it’s suburb, there is no park close by, and dogs always have to be on leash.
    My problems are culture shock, feeling lost identity and poor English; those effect my self-confident to interact with people. I hope it’s only temporary problem, I’m working hard on improvement. As I've said,too old,takes more times to adjust.
  • sandra

    hehe, i am gonna start answering you on the other site, okay!


    smiles : )
  • Gizmo

    Thank you Florence :)
  • JollieEllie

    Hi Florence,
    Do you speak Japanese with the dogs? :)
    Are you going to stay in Japan or go back to France one day?
    My breeder (who mainly breeds tricolour corgis) told me once I had a tri, I would be hooked for life. :) and boy, she is right!
    I'm glad you like the icon :) I like your new icon too. How did you get them to sit pretty and stay like that?
  • Cheri

    Thanks for your comment on my corgis. Yup, I've got one of each. The best of both worlds!
  • Katie

    Hi Florence- I love your new icon. One with tail, one without! HA!
  • Gizmo

    Your update page is vey nice..cute &funny butts
    There are a lot more to see in Thailand. You will love it.
    We have planned to go back there very soon, to visit my Mom.
    So, you can do Sushi ?
  • Carmen

    I love your new profile picture. Very nice!
  • Gizmo

    My home town is in the north of Thailand, the province by Burma, then I went to the University in Chiang Mai for 6 years, after graduated I worked in Bangkok for 13 years and now here I am in America. I never cook when I live in Thailand,it's cheaper to buy, a lot fresh foods and variety of fruits.Well talking about food..hungry..:) Now I cook, and my husband loves Thai food...spicy..