Sir Riley of Pembroke

VB, Fl

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a real estate saleswoman. I love animals and wish I could work with them but I can't afford it. I also have to cats Kira and Sadie.

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About My Corgi(s):
I WAS 8 AND A HALF years old and full of life! I can speak spanish and do too many tricks to count! I am very smart and talented and will do anything for food! I like to run and chase balls. I also chase squirrels, cats, and birds. I didn't make the cancer battle my owners are waiting to see why because everything happens for a reason. Please keep me in your prayers I need them! Love Riley. Riley april 25 2000 to sept 27 2008

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  • penny spencer

    My tears are falling for you and your beloved "friend Riley". My family and I have lost sooo many loved friends over the years, from dogs to cats to turtles, rabbits, ducks, geese, guinnea pigs, none of them were easy, all God's creatures, Great and Small, the Lord God made them all. You and Riley obviously shared a love and friendship many people never have the priviledge of experiencing. Such a loss for them isn't it? You've been blessed.
  • Furpants McGee

    Abby and I are sending warm thoughts your way...still praying peace be with you on this rocky road. Dogs are angels that are heaven-sent and one day, we ALL must face that they must return from where they came. Know you will giving him his wings on that day.

    A Pet's Plea
    If it should be that I grow frail and weak
    And pain should keep me from my sleep
    Then you muct do what must be done
    For this, the last battle, can't be won.
    You will be sad- I understand
    Don't let your grief then stay your hand
    For this day, more than all the rest
    Your love and friendship stand the test.
    We've had so many happy years
    What is to come can hold no fears
    You'd not want me to suffer, so
    When the time comes, please let me go.
    I know in time you too will see
    It is a kindness you do to me
    Although my tail, it's last has waved
    From pain and suffering I've been saved.
    Don't grieve that it should be you
    Who has decided this thing to do
    We've been so close, we two these years
    Don't let your heart hold any tears.
    Author Unknown
  • Furpants McGee

    I just came across this website...maybe you'd like to check it out.
  • BeanDip4All

    A big hug to you both and many warm thoughts. Riley is so lucky to have you as his human.

    I've seen this online before and thought it might help:

    “I Stood Beside Your Bed Last Night”
    I stood beside your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
    I could see that you where crying, you found it hard to sleep
    I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
    “It’s me, I haven’t left you, I’m well. I’m fine, I’m here.”
    I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour your tea,
    You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
    I was with you at the shops today. Your arms were getting sore.
    I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

    I was with you at my grave today. You tend it with such care.
    I want to reassure you, that I’m not lying there.
    I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
    I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said, “It’s me.”
    You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
    I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.
    It’s possible for me, to be so near you everyday.
    To say to you with certainty, “I never went away.”

    You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew.
    In the stillness of that evening, I was close to you.
    The day is over, I smile and watch you yawning.
    And say “goodnight, God bless, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
    And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
    I’ll rush across to greet you and we’ll stand, side by side.
    I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
    Be patient, live your journey out, then come home to be with me."
  • Cindi

    I keep returning to your page, listening to the song and pouring over Riley's pictures. I'm crying with you. Kira and Sadie will help you through. And they'll need you because they will hurt, too. Saturday I'll be teaching class when you're in the vet's office, but you will both be in my thoughts and prayers. Give Riley a kiss from me.
  • Anne

    I just got your message thru the Vero Beach group and I am so sorry to hear about Riley's decline. Having gone thru this in Feb I can understand the grief and sadness. It is so hard to loose a beloved pet since for all of us they are so much more. Our thought and prayers are with you at such a difficult time.
  • Butter

    Hi there, last night before I went to bed I was praying for courage for you for today. I am still praying that for you. I would think that any feeling you have right now is normal. God gave us all our emotions so feel free to experience it all. Lean on Him for your strength during this difficult time.

    A few months ago I developed allergic conjunctivitis and was scared I was allergic to Butter and would have to part with him; well I cried all that weekend, everytime I looked at him. I thought how unbearable it would be to have to part with him. Well, I still have it and I still don't know if at some point it may get worse and I may have to part with him. It breaks my heart to think of it. I am telling you this to show that it is normal to love our pets so much. In some ways they are easier to love than people. They never hurt us. They are devoted to us. Take extra care today and keep in touch. Joy (at times my name is sooo inappropriate!!!)
  • Butter

    This is the verse I tried to send you the other day. It really says it all and helps me through hard times: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalm 46:1-3"
  • penny spencer

    Hi Can't stop thinking about you and Riley. Good peaceful thoughts for you today. Please feel free to call me if you would like to "talk" to a fellow corgi, animal lover okay? (Penny, 248-563-ll50 cell)
  • Juel

    I would like to second the posts here, May GOD give you courage, peace and hold you all close today! GOd Bless you and keep you and pour his blessings upon you, And GOD bless RIley!
  • Carlie

    Just wanted to let you know that Riley and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck through this difficult time, and keep thinking of all those happy memories.

    P.S. my family lives in Vero Beach, so if we are ever down there with Kiwi we'd love to say hello.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

  • Anne

    Well... I am so sorry for you and I know you must miss Riley so much. I can only say time does help. We had two beagles and one of our beagles, our sweet boy, died one day when we were out shopping of a heart attack. It was such a shock that it was months before I could not cry when I thought of him . Our remaining beagle, Buster lived to a ripe old age and we had to put him to sleep in Feb after his battle with cancer. Was the hardest things we have ever done but we knew it was the best for him. Did not make it any easier. We cried for days, weeks..... But time does dull the pain of the lose and you remember all the fun, silly times and that can help too. Also for us getting another dog was so helpful and brought joy and laughter back. I hope this is helpful and my heart goes out to you during this time.
  • Carmen

    My eyes are welling with tears. I know exactly how you feel right now. It is so very hard to lose a best friend, especially one who has taken up residence in your heart. Sincerely my heart is with you.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    I am so sorry about your is very hard to let them go, but you did the right and your family are in our thoughts and prayers
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hey Jamie - we are all thinking of you! Love your tribute to Riley - he was very loved!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Jamie - Wiggles has a blog about Riley - thought you might want to see the comments from friends.
  • Dannielle

    U are very loved! Warm thoughts and prayers to you and urs in your time of need!
  • Owen's Mom

    okay I am so bawling.. prayers are with you... I love to feel like I am tough but I don't know how I will do that when that time comes.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Just thought I'd let you know that Timmy and I still have you in our "lay me downs". Whenever you're ready to come back, we'll all be here for you.

    I wish this site had emoticons- I'd send you a page of hugs!
  • Kristen

    I'm with you. I wish they could live longer. They have so much to teach us in their short lives. I only had my Basil for 5 short years before he was taken two years ago. I truly know the meaning of sorrow because of that, but I also know that he opened my heart to many things and wouldn't trade his short life for anything. Love Riley!
  • penny spencer

    Hello hon. Just want to let you know you and your family are in my thoughts and I wish you peace and comfort. Hope you'll keep on this site. Isn't the support from these people wonderful? It's great you can look thru pictures of your Riley-boy and be comforted. Before I got Penny and Roscoe I had lost a brother and sister Shiba Inu on Thanksgiving day, the same year my mother died from cancer. I didn't find them for 4 days, snow, ugly, frantic. I just could not be comforted knowing they died alone because of my neglect. Still can't look at their beautiful faces in pictures. Four years ago and the pain is still raw. They were still very young, 2 yrs and l yr..too young to die the way they did. I will never forgive myself.
    My time with Roscoe is limited, amazing hes lived this long and Penny has a tumor that is very slowly taking her as well, but I treasure them for they have been gifts given to me when I most needed them in my life. And yesterday we adopted a 3 yr old male corgi from a young lady who could no longer keep him. .It is tense here right now but I hope they will eventually all be able to get along! I told Penny that we have more than enough room and love to go around. Glad you have other pets to cuddle with, sure they need you as much as you need them now. Take care.
  • Furpants McGee

    Abby and I are thinking of you.

    No More Tears
    The time has come for the tears to end
    for you to be happy and cheerful again.
    I am safe in God's home above
    cradled in His arms; covered with His love.

    We run and play by the Bridge all day
    waiting for the day when you'll be here to stay.
    You've been crying so much I feel bad
    I want you to be happy and not so sad.

    Remember the time when I was so small
    I couldn't even pickup the rubber ball.
    I fought that ball from morning to night
    it made you laugh, I was quite a sight.

    Remember teaching me sit and stay
    we had such fun since I didn't really obey.
    but you kept at it with test after test
    so when I entered my first show I was the best.

    Remember the great times we had in the past
    like when we walked to the park we had a blast.
    We'd run and play all through the park
    until the sun went down and it got dark.

    Remember the times we went for a ride
    I was so excited I'd jump right inside.
    Away we went to who knows where
    but you and I we didn't really care.

    I'll always love you, you're my best friend
    I'll be right with you even to the end.
    Always remember the great times we had
    and there will be no reason to ever be sad.

    Written by John Quealy
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Oh honey - things will get better, I promise. We've been thinking about you all every day. I think Wiggles is loving some extra attention and loving these days too!! I'll definitely keep you on the corgi list, and if you need a friend for a day, Wiggles can come visit! You need to give yourselves some time to heal, and then you'll be more than ready to welcome another corgi into the Pedrazzoli family. I showed my daughter Melanie your website - she's 17 - and she sat here and looked all thru it, at every picture, video and comment, and cried. You did a wonderful tribute to Riley, he was a lucky dog to have such a loving family
  • Cindi

    Thanks for your comment. Patti and I look at Riley's page and cry with you. Give yourself time and be patient with yourself. ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) from the whole Corgi Clan.
  • penny spencer

    Want to share a "funny memory" with you from our first dog Noah, a big
    beautiful black lab. My husband and I camped every weekend and of course this was way before children, and Noah was our "baby". He'd sit on the back seat of
    our old "hippie" van and he'd let one rip......omg, he'd get a whiplash from turning around so fast to see "what that?" ha ha ha. Twenty-two years ago and I still miss him, and all the other "babies" that came after him. So go ahead and cry as much as you need to cry, and when you can smile remembering a precious moment, that is testament Riley will never ever leave you. Peace.
  • Lauren + Winston

    Aw well im glad my weirdo dog could make you smile... he sure does the same for me. Corgis seem to have that odd charm. And im glad you are able to gain some peace and comfort from this website... I've learned that everyone here is so kind and compassionate, about corgis and their owners. if you ever need to talk feel free to shoot me an email ( - it goes directly to my phone as well so I usually respond quickly haha).

    also, for your peace of mind, remember that what happened to riley was out of your hands. You were clearly a loving owner and riley was a very happy dog. You did all you could and you chose the best choice so riley would not suffer - and that's the best thing you can do for your dog. So keep your head up and know that you've got a large support group here for whenever you need us. <3
  • Mandy and Lori

    Just checking on you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. ((BIG HUGS))!!!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    its not crazy....those of us who have had pets and lost them understand. You need to grieve in your way. It all takes time. You have a lot of support and love here on the website. Just take it one day at a will get better!
  • Lisa P from WV

    I can tell how you talk about him that you loved him. So, I know that he knew how much you loved him!!! Dogs have a way of knowing us better than we know ourselves sometimes! God put pets on this earth for a reason and we both have been able to experience that reason and I hope that makes you happy inside to know that Riley was your and still is your smile when you need one! Hang in there! I know that your heart is still breaking!
  • Kristen

    5 years or 8 and a half or even twenty it is never enough time...Knowing what you are going through brings the pain back, but also the wonderful memories. You have my deepest sympathy. Riley had a great life and knew how much you loved him. I know your heart is broken right now, but a broken heart has the most capacity for love. Give yourself time...It was two years ago that I lost Basil; It still makes me cry, but we do move forward. I have four Corgis now and I live an insane life. Keep his memory close, don't be afraid to cry or laugh when you think of Riley.He is part of who you are.You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Furpants McGee

    It's a good thing to cry. Don't fight it...let it out and let those around you comfort you. In fact, I cry every time I come onto your page and that Avril Lavine song plays. :*( This too shall day at a time. His memories will always be with you. Cherish them. You were able to experience such a wonderful 8 years with him...some people never know the joy of an animals love.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    you will.. time is the healer of all things.. and if he wasn't such a great little fellow.. you wouldn't miss him so.. that's why you have to experience that love again.. he would want you to.. The song on your site makes me want to cry.. that is beautiful.. take care.. It will be alright.. Better to have had such a wonderful animal than not ever known what joy that they bring. Good luck... hang in there..
  • Furpants McGee

    Well, I'm glad to hear that things are getting better each day. And don't get discouraged if you have a lapse here and there into sadness. I've been cycling thru these same emotions since my husband left me 2 months ago (only 2 months after we got married). Only last week I had 1 bad day of extreme sadness and cried....before that, it was at least 2-4 days a week. I know everyone is telling you that it takes time...and it does. But like I said....let your tears's nothing to be ashamed of. These are our human emotions...and you will feel anger too. That's ok. (I hope u don't think I'm lecturing u....I've gone thru a loss of a dog before, and a cat whom I picked up out of the street cuz he got run over by a car) and now recently, my husband choosing to estrange himself. Thank God I have been seeing a therapist once a week. But enough about me....I just want u to know, u have a friend here who shares your loss very deeply. Maybe try to imagine him at Rainbow Bridge before you go to sleep every more pain, fields to FRAP in, countless bones to chew and hydrants to sniff. And you will see him again one day. :) How wonderful that day will be!!!
    All our love and prayers,
    Leslie & Abby
  • Lauren + Winston

    Aww.. you obviously aren't a murderer but I can understand why part of you feels that way. Well im glad that anything at all is helping you. Something that might help you heal a little, maybe in time, is to volunteer at your local dog shelter. I volunteer at mine and it makes me feel good to help animals. Of course that might take time until you would want to do that but it is an idea. Well winstons right next to me and he sends slobbery stinkybreathed kisses your way <3
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hey there - glad to hear that each day gets a little better - time is your friend right now. We had our first corgi roundup in 2004, and you were there with your Dad and Riley. Your Dad was our mailman - and the Gilmores - back then. Wiggles used to love to climb up in his truck! That's because he had treats - and you know well that corgis have a one track mind! Yes, our daughter was only 13 - now she's a senior in high school. I did see your engagement picture in the paper, and the wedding announcement - and I've talked to you on the phone since then from work - to you at work - about insurance! I work at Northwestern Mutual. We always said how much alike Wiggles and Riley were - from their physique, their coloring and their personalities. Wiggies sends you love and kisses, and wants you to know that Riley will always live on in your heart. Take care Jamie - you're doing great - Riley would have wanted that.
  • penny spencer

    they sure know how to clear a room don't they? Take care.
  • Cindi

    What a wonderful pic of Riley you sent! Such a handsome boy.
  • bilco

    Awwwwwwww! I'm absolutely gutted, we had just become friends. Poor poor Riley, he went so unbelievebly quick in the end, probably best. It's torture to see your precious friend in pain and you can't do anything for them, poor rileys suffering wasn't prolonged. YES it's the hardest thing ever but, you know when the time comes, you just know what is best. The little man had a fun and loving home and you can always take comfort from the fact that you and your family loved him so much and cared for him so well, he was a happy chappy. Bilco is my fourth corgi so I have been there 3 times before (I was just 5 when we took our first corgi to the vet and I can clearly remember it). Corgi's are just the best dogs, they have such fantastic personalities so when my wee Bilco departs this life (he's getting really old now) I already know there will be a corgi number 5. I wouldn't have it any other way. Bilco also checks his butt out to see where the noise is coming from when he farts but, when it gets really smelly he has the intelligence to leave and go to another room SMART BOY! I'm sure you have loads of great memories, you have certainly got some great photos, I love him hanging out the car window (bilco would freak if I did that to him he has always been quite timid as he was a rescue dog). I know you will be feeling like you have lost a limb right now but, think of all the excitement you will have when you get Riley jnr! so sorry to hear Riley has gone (to rainbow bridge) hugs x x
  • Butter

    Just checking in...wondering how you are surviving and getting through these difficult days. I told my husband about you and Riley on Saturday night and I was bawling. He wanted to see some pictures and I showed him his pictures; he agreed that he was adorable. Then we looked at your video of his pirate and pumpkin pictures and it was so sweet. Then we talked about all our pets in our was like we were having a memorial to our pets who have passed on.
    Take care, my prayers are still with you and your family, Joy and Butter
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Just wanted to let you know that we have been thinking about you during this very diffucult time. Avril Lavignes song really sums it up, doesnt it. It is a good song to cry too. The first time I heard it, it just
    brought me to tears, thinking of Sir Riley and what he was going through and what he was facing. My brothers cat that was 8 years old as well, died from an infection the same day as Riley went to the Rainbow Bridge. My brother has two cats and now only has one, he has had them since he moved away to be in the Navy and then his cats were there for him when he had to be honorbly discharged because of our Moms death and my brother was only 22 and had been away from home for two is really horrible when bad things have to happen to the ones we love. Hang in there.......time will help you heal. I know you just never stop missing them. Hope you are doing ok. Natalie
  • Juel

    Hello! Hope you are doing well! We are still praying for you and your family.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Well guys I am hanging in there. We are able to talk about him and not ball...the tears still come though...I have been watching videos and laughing at how he acted. That is helping. Also hugging on my cats helps too. I'm sorry to make people cry when they come on here but this song just fit the situation perfectly....THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!
  • Furpants McGee

    you know, i'm so thankful I found this website! I feel like I have been able to connect with some really caring, good hearted people. (u being one of them) when I read the fart story I keeled over laughing!!! what a crack up!! keep thinking of those times... -leslie and abby
  • Lauren + Winston

    volunteering is awesome. The place I volunteer at was very open in talking about their euthinasia (probably totally spelled that wrong) but said they do everything they can to prevent that. And I think usually just the vets/vet techs are allowed even around that area. Im not sure what shelters are around you but most offer an option of things you can do at your shelter. Mine offers cat socialization, rabbit socialization, dog walking, taking pictures for the website, matchmaking, and even helping with abuse investigations! You just find what's right for you and for the most part, people that volunteer or work at a shelter are very passionate about animals and would totally understand your position.

    And winston sends an honorary but miserable-smelling fart in rileys memory.
  • penny spencer

    hi hon. Love the pic you sent us of Riley. The corgi we adopted, Bazel, is colored like Riley, but is FAT! He and I are both walking 3x a day to try to shed a few lbs. He and Penny are dukin it out for my undivided attention and food, of course. Roscoe is being shy but adjusting to new pack member. Glad to hear you are having better days, little bit a t a time. Take care.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you so much for thinking about Bruce. He's hanging in there, getting fat on that high-carb diet of his!

    Here's a picture of my sweet boy (I hope the size is right. I wish we had a preview option):

  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Just wanted to check in and see how you are :) (((((Hugs))))) to you and your family!
  • Chrissy

    Hey Chica, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you were holding up? I saw a pirate custome and thought of you and Riley today. I wish you lived closer and then I would share Hunter with you. I hope you are doing a little better, smiling more and crying less. Although who am I to talk. I still cry everytime I look at your page. lol Seriously ; ) Its true. He really made a cute pirate by the way!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I just noticed a couple of new pictures of you with Riley. They are simply beautiful. What a great love you shared with him.

    I'm glad that the really bad times are getting less and that some of your memories are staying on the happy moments and times you both shared. I know that others have told you that the bad times will become less and less. I'll share something with you, I did to help with the healing process. I donated to a local German Shepherd Rescue in honor of my last GSD (Fae) that passed away. I also, released a balloon on which I had written a final message to her. I added a couple of other balloons and released them not far from where I live. These really helped my love for her go in another constructive direction. (NOT sure if I explained that very well)?

    Other ideas might be to do a scrap book and/or video. There are a couple of members of MyCorgi that have made videos and are up on YouTube.

    Still thinking of you and your family. ((((HUGS))))