
Profile Information:

magnolia, arkansas
About Me:
oh, about me, i am a full time college student, english/french double major. i am married with three little girls also. as you can imagine, i am very busy!
About My Corgi(s):
i have the cutest little corgi, her name is lily bart. she is named after my favorite heroine from edith wharton's novel, the house of mirth. she is amazing, full of so much energy, and plays well with my three little girls. i adore my lily!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome bart and family!
  • Kendra Palmer

    She is a cutie!
  • Kristen

    Welcome momto3ltlgrlz. Kids and Corgis what a great combination.
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Momto3ltlgrlz. . . .your fur baby is precious. . . .
  • Ada

    she's adorable!
  • Charlie

    Thank you for the note! Charlie is the best companion ever. : - ) I expect you'll find Lily will bring you more joy than you could ever imagine too!
  • WhiteDove

    Thanks for the comment Momto3ltlgrlz. . . .no problem about timing, sometimes I get so busy, I don't know if I'm coming or going???. . .LOL You're right about our babies knowing they're loved. . .they come over to me and want belly rubs and they get in line to see who I'll rub first. . .they're characters. . . .and I love them dearly. . . .
  • Lucy Hicks

    Love Edith Wharton's novels too!! As soon as I figure out why I am having problems adding photos, will have lots to share. Think it is my windows Vista that is preventing my sharing pictures.
  • Lexi

    Thank you! You were right... he didn't hold the drive against us and slept for most of the way. =) He's a bundle of love and I had the hardest time leaving him this morning.
  • Charlie

    Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you like my dresses :)
  • FuzzyButt

    She is a doll. I thought about naming a corgi Lily, but that was years ago...
  • FuzzyButt

    Hehe, yeah he's my handsome little boy.
  • Elys

    I wanted to give Camber a more, uh, heroic name from a novel, but she just looks like a Camber. She'll be spayed in September. Was supposed to be spayed 2 weeks ago, but her heat cycle came a bit early. Keep the pics coming!
  • Lexi

    Thank you, thank you! I always say he's such a handsome fella, but I feel like I just say it b/c I'm his mommy and that's what mommies are for.

    Also, Kuma doesn't seem to like the sprinkler... maybe because he only gets to see them when it's cold and semi-dark out (the only times we walk are in the wee hours of the morning and early evening when the sun is nearly set).

    Hope all is well with you and Lily Bart!
  • Zach and Lisa

    Thank you so much! Its nice to have help...we want the best for him. Lily is adorable!
  • Madog

    Magnolia? Well heck you are just down the street. Definitely need to meet for a play date.

    Yeah, the bugs here are huge. But the mosquitoes are tiny and stealth. Your leg has been eaten off before you realize it. At least up north you hear the squadron coming.
  • Madog

    Luckily he doesn't seem bothered by them. They are much more interested in me. Less fur to get through.

    How did Lily do with the weather? Madog is pretty much weather proof after this weekend. He wasn't keen on wind but he sucked it up. He likes the towel drying when we get back in the house.
  • Madog

    Yeah Madog is becoming a hurricane veteran. He really didn't complain too badly. I wish we could get snow down here so he could play in it. Have a yard full delivered for the afternoon.
  • Mister Jack

    Thanks for the friend invite! :] Your Corgi is beautiful!
  • Mister Jack

    Thanks! :] He's handsome alright, and a bit vain. He loves to look at himself in the mirror. Ha ha.
  • Madog

    Hah, I was in the 15 minute blizzard that hit Springhill two winters ago. Was fun seeing snow if only for a few minutes.

    When do you all come to Shreveport?
  • Madog

    Definitely walk Lily out of the yard. Madog just had to walk with a herd of 7 year old boys with fists full of Popsicles. I think I am going to train him to be a therapy dog so I am exposing him to everything I possibly can to prepare him for it. And I have lost 5 pounds since I got him so that is always a plus.
  • Madog

    Here is one of them. The one I have is hard plastic not soft like this one and I got it at Petco a number of years.

    I just put his regular food in it and he eats that way. He still has food in the bowl but it is more fun to hunt it. I love this thing.
  • Madog

    Well Madog's ball the food just falls out but it does it randomly as he rolls it. A kibble here a kibble there.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks for the support it really helps. I go through spurts where I cry so hard I shake and then other times I can talk about him and I am fine..its confusing and hard but the support really helps!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Hey we are doing ok.I have been hugging on my cats, reading books about pet loss, watching old videos of him from puppyhood to now, and writing down memories.It is all helping. The tears are still there but some of them are happy tears at the memories that make me laugh. Thanks and keep up the support we are making it through
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks again. Tomorrow is my dads birthday and a few people from church are bringing him ice cream and cake, I thought that was great. They don't even know its his birthday they are just doing that to cheer him up! So that will be fun. We are doing ok here, there are still tears but we are better.Thanks for the hugs:)Give lilybart lots of hugs from us
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks I will tell him! The little party was great there was lots of laughter and thats what we all needed. There was also chocolate cake mmmmmmm!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    My bithday was yesterday but it was just so wierd this year without him...I am doing ok though just sometimes I feel so lonely. At least today Kira was extra sweet to my giving me kitty kisses and rolling over for me to pet her belly, it's like they know when you are having a bad day and do whatever they can to cheer you up