George V



United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live on a small lake in Southern NH, with my wife, a Golden Retriever and two cats.
About My Corgi(s):
We lost our Corgi (Emmy) on October 12, 2007 to a rare Wild Animal Bacteria carried by infective Skunks and a few other animals. Emmy was only 7 years old when we lost her. She was loved by everyone, especially the kids, we always knew where she was when there were any kids around. She especially loved to play with anyone in the water.

We have been looking for another Corgi since.

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  • Melissa

    Hi. Emmy looked just like my Lily. Did you know that in Norse Mythology, Corgi's are said to be used by fairys as steeds? It is said that the reason their collar is white is because thats where the saddle was and the little trail of white on their heads is where the faries layed the bow and arrow. I dont know if you know this or not. Just a bit of info. My Lily seems to be afraid of the water so I havent had the chance to see her swim, but I am well aware of the power of corgi's and kids.
  • susan Kaplan

    George, I can't imagine losing Frances. We have only had her a few months as she got kind of plopped in our lives, she just turned 3 last week, so we do lots of playing, dog parks, etc, trying to get to know each other, but she is so smart and lovable. I believe you will have another in your life when the time is right. Blessings, Susan
  • Laura Jones

    I am sorry to here about Emmy. I have only had KC since April and already cannot imagine life without her, we have already decided that we had to be a corgi parent to at least one more. I am sure she is keeping a close eye on her family.
  • Erin Wightman

    I am so sorry about Emmy. I cannot imagine life without Chandler. I know that it is very difficult to lose a pet. I lost my Golden Retreiver when he was only 6 years old - It was a blow that sent me reeling, and I still miss him.

    Good luck with your search for another Corgi.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. It weighs heavy on the heart. Here is a something I have on my website you might like...
    "He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."

    ---author unknown
  • Tana

    I am sorry for your loss! My parents just lost their Emmy the pug. She had a stroke last week at 11 years old. It is always hard to lose a loved one and I feel like my animals are my children. I hope you are able to find another Corgi and let he or she fill that void that has been left behind.
  • Chelsea

    I'm so sorry for your loss.... I know I would be devastated if I lost either of my babies! My heart goes out to you, and though you'll never find another like your Emmy, may you find one who will help to lift your spirits and spread joy in your life as well!
  • Tanya Taylor

    I just recently lost one of my girls. She was a red headed tri, she gave me two beautiful litters. we lost her to a snake bite. I was mortified! She was so sweet, her nickname was "mommie", she was one of the best. I feel your pain.
  • Pimms

    We're sorry to hear about Emmy, you must miss her a lot. Pimms sends you his kindest regards and sympathies, wet nose on your arm style.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Hi George: Is today the one-year anniversary of losing Emmy? Hopefully you will find another corgi.. our yellow lab loves ours or I should say Gizmo loves him. He will be devastated if Chance should leave him... and the likely hood of that is so since Chance is 11 yrs. and Gizmo is 2+ years. Our daughter got a nephew of Gizmo's last week. (from the same breeder) Gizmo's brother is the father. I have been babysitting him.. and forgot how crate training and housebreaking can be frustrating. However, he is cute.. i posted some pictures .. his name is Yogi. take care. Gail.
  • Ne

    Hi George. Did you see Lisa's page? Check out the puppies!

    So cute. Just thought I would send it to you in case you didn't already see them. Hope all is well.
  • Ne

    My husband and I liked Reece. I just emailed him the link too and he picked out Reece as his favorite looking one. We think a like I guess.
  • Molly

    That is a really sad story :( We hope you find another sweet Corgi.
  • Mollie

    I'm so sorry that you lost your little corgi, but they're angels for a lifetime. I know that once you've had one corgi, and understand their temperament and disposition its hard to own any other type of dog. I think when it's the right time you guys will find another Corgi, with her own personality, and a whole slew of new and wonderful things to add to your home :)

    Thanks for the add!

    Mollie and Connie
  • Amy Bohack

    I am sorry for your loss...I recently lost a "mutt" of 12 years the end of Aug 2008..Dixie, our six month old Corgi, is our new addition and we couldn't be happier...her spunk is alot like Bailey's was...huh?! go figure! take care!
  • corgi_lover_4-eva

    i know how you feel its so hard to manage with this kind of loss i only had spur for a short time and he was just a pup when he passed but he changed me and touched my heart and my life forever!
  • cynthia and sandra

    Sorry for your loss, I have a jack russell (Braxton) who has cancer and I know that the day is coming when I will have to have him put down. My corgi is 7 weeks old (Bruce) and he is very active which has pep up my jack russell. I know that Bruce is going to be an angel sent for me.
  • Lyndsey

    I am sorry for your loss as well I had a Border Colie since I was growing up and it was hard for me when we had to put him down. My corgi is turning 8 Weeks and I'm glad I have another dog to brighten my day.
  • Maria Jimenez

    Emmy was very lucky to have shared wonderful moments with you. I'm sure the sweet memories will live in your heart forever.
  • Temple

    I am soooo sorry to hear about your loss...I can't imagine having to let go of Lola so early. My thoughts are with you all.
  • Sylvia

    Sending hugs your way.* Thank you for the friending!
  • Andrew Janke


    Thanks for being a friend. Our two Corgis also love to swim in our northern Wi. lake.
  • Jen and Cody

    Emmy was a gorgeous girl and I am so sad to hear your story. I'm sure you will find another wonderful Corgi soon. Though none could replace your Emmy, you can still find another one to love!
  • Gwyndolyn's

    I am very sorry to hear about your loss. It seems that once we have been owned by a corgi no other breed can fill their happy little shoes.
  • Becky

    hiya thanks for adding me xx
  • Becky

    im so sorry about your loss i cant imagine how you are feeling

    thinking of you.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Oh no! I am so sorry your Emmy passed on. She is a beautiful dog. My heart aches for you and your family. If you need anything please let me know. The people I got my puppy from have 7 more if you are in the mood for a road trip!
    Best wishes!
  • Lisa

    Hi George, I am so sorry for your loss of Emmy. She is just beautiful. My husband, Dave and I have not spayed Emma because we plan to breed her when circumstances are present. We are sure you will find your next Corgi at the right time too. Dutchess is precious too.
  • Gabrielle & Lily

    Hi George,
    I am so sorry to hear about Emmy. I adopted my Lily from the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America. They put me in touch with a local family who fostered Corgis. Just go to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America site and click rescue. A list pop up and you pick the one nearest you. I wish you the best in your search for your new family member.
  • Anji

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Emmy is a very pretty puppy. I adopted our two through the Cardigan Corgi rescue and we couldn't be happier. Of course no one will replace Emmy, I can tell she has a great soul.
  • Sylvia

    I am sorry to hear about your loss :( I have never heard of the virus but I will make sure to look into it as we have skunks in our own area. I hope the new little one you find will bring you as much joy
  • Linda Taylor

    How sad. I wish you luck finding your next corgi. We found Mickey through rescue and luck. It's not easy to find them that way. For some reason it's harder to find Corgis in New England. Ours also loves children and likes to escape to the school nearby.
  • Lani

    George, I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Emmy. I'm sure the 1 year anniversary last month was a hard one. We are coming up on 3 years since we lost our Duncan and still miss him. After 2 lonely years without him, we got another Corgi. Toby just turned one and we are hopelessly in love with him. I was amazed looking at your pictures of Emmy in the water! I had no idea Corgis love the water. She sure was a beauty and l'm sure she was a real sweetie. Good luck finding another Corgi. They're just awesome dogs! ~Lani
  • disraeli ears

    Sorry to read about your little Emmy - she looked like a sweetie.

    Good luck in your search for another Corgi - they are wonderful.
  • Ana L. Toledo

    A friend who died for five minutes and came back told me she went to a gorgeous place with many peacefully smiling persons that included her elders. It struck her that that place was filled with all sorts of pets and animals. Maybe your Emmy is herding my two cats, Othello and Kolo, whom I am certain happily dwell with the elders.
  • Ana L. Toledo

    Do not miss the new pics I just posted. She is a gifted swimmer. Enjoy!
  • Norma

    Oh, I am so sorry for your loss, I have known what it is to lose a member of the family. Emmy is precious!
  • ZeldaPants

    Thank you for the add, I wish you luck in finding a new corgi. He or she will never replace Emmy but her spirit will always be with your family.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jerrypoperry

    I am so sorry for you and Emmy. She had a so cute face and it sounds like, her charakter was as cute !!
  • Porter & Burleigh

    We are so sorry for your loss of Miss Emmy. My heart goes out to you in your grief. I was nearly inconsolable at the loss of my 12 year old Boxcar in June of 06. (am tearing up now just thinking of it). I do know of a breeder up in the Dover area that has a litter of 6 that are about 5-6 weeks old. One of my students has one of her dogs and she forwards me the corgi puppy pictures! The breeder is Lisa Durand... email: I also noticed that there is a newly listed 6 year old rescue Corgi in Derry via Good Luck and keep in Touch.
  • Simi Corgi Girl

    Thanks for inviting us to be your freind. I am so sad to read about Emmy, what a beautiful girl! We lost our first Corgi, Elmo, to cancer last March so I understand how painful it can be. Luckily we found a puppy within a few days after we had to say goodbye to our "Mo." Keep looking - there's a perfect Corgi waiting for you!
  • Dawn Murray

    Sorry for your loss. It is always so tough to lose a loved one. Good luck in your quest to find a new one. No, there is no replacing Emmy, but her spirit does live on in pictures and memories! Perhaps a new fur-baby can bring some more joy into your life!
  • Dot Brooke

    I am sorry for your lost. Our Carrie was our heart healer when we lost Rosie the day after Valentine's Day. We got Carrie within a week. This lead to having another Corgi our Song.
  • Ellyse

    thank you for the add. my heart just broke when i read your story---i can't imagine what that's like, to lose your baby, let alone so young. she was beautiful!
  • Eppie

    i'm so sorry i wish we cld fax u 1 of our puppies
  • Oriana

    Thank you for the welcome....
  • Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's

    I am sorry to hear about Emmy....You will find a Corgi soon. Never to replace Emmy, but a new start in a chapter in your life...
  • Karen

    I am so sorry for your loss, George. We've had our share of pet tragedies, too, and they are NEVER easy. Goldens are great dogs, too! Plenty of love and personality!
  • Mara

    I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our Abby two years ago from a house fire. Abby was a tri and was only 3 years old- It is so hard, we did adopt Circe and she is a wonderful dog but we still miss Abby very much.