
39, Female

Prior Lake, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Prior Lake, MN
About Me:
I’m energetic, easy going and a huge animal lover (especially love corgis). I hope to one day have my own pack of corgis, but for now one will have to do. I graduated from college a year ago and just had to get a corgi the minute I graduated. That’s about all I can think of for now : )
About My Corgi(s):
My first corgi was Baxter (he's the one with the floppy ear pictured below). He unfortunately had a congenital kidney problem and died at 10 months old. : ( He was such a great dog that I had to get another corgi.
I then got Hunter who I have currently and is a huge mamma’s boy. He is the one pictured in my profile.
He has beautiful markings and a wonderful temperament. He could definitely be a champion however I do not have the time to show him right now. His sister won her first blue ribbon at seven months and his great grandfather won the Westminster Dog Show.
He is spoiled with lots of toys ands loves treats. His favoirte toy is his duck (the typical duck from petsmart). He plays with that toy everyday at least twice over all of his other toys. He also loves car rides, the dog park and play dates : )

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  • Katie

    Hi! Welcome...Hunter is presh!
  • Becky H.

    Yes, we've taken Midgee and Brownie to Alimagnet dog park a few times. They have a good time there, but seem to love the people more than the dogs!

    Not sure when we'll be heading over there again, but maybe we can set something up.

    Sounds like fun!
  • Shelby Shirley

    Hello - yes, Sadie's dad is Nemo. I'm the one who told Renee about I work at the vet clinic where Renee's husband is one of the owners. I can't believe it's taken her until now to join! Sadie's mom belonged to Renee's best friend. I have to update Sadie's pictures soon. She's 9 months old already. I'm in the process of having her vet checked for breeding purposes and if all goes well I might be making a trip to Missouri to get a new R&W male friend for her! I'm really nervous about the whole breeding/whelping thing but I think it would be fun to have a litter each year. I don't know how Renee can handle 6 females and 2 males, that's like running a daycare! I think she's nuts! Sadie is a great little dog and I"ve had lot's of compliments on her. Your Hunter has a great face and although Sadie is Tri color I have to admit I am partial to the red & whites. Welcome to mycorgi! Shelby
  • Tammey & Caven

    Thank you for the friend request. We are honored.
  • Renee

    Hi Chrissy!
  • Renee

    Well you know your welcome to come out here anytime. You should try to make it out when theres a litter here!
  • Renee

    My best friend, Lisa Endres, just joined. You should add her to your friends list, shes a hoot!
  • Lisa Endres

    Hi Chrissy, I only have one puppy left and it is #3! He is so mellow and cute!
  • Jennifer

    Murphy is doing really good. I got him a dog tag now so he has some jingle to him when he walks.
  • Jennifer

    Yeah renee went but she shoulb be back now.
  • Angie

    Baylee was the one in the litter that was always on her back. That was my son holding her in the photo. He said she would always roll back over every time they put her on her tummy. She was given to me by my son's girlfriend, who's corgis had puppies. Baylee has been one of the nicest gifts I've ever received.
  • Casper

    I was told that he was a purebred. I do not have any papers to prove this. I often get the same question...
  • Becky H.

    Thanks for the invite! I do live in Burnsville. The comment on my page was from someone who lived in South Mpls.

    We might be going to the Ren. Festival this Sunday - not sure what time - but if we're available, we'd love to bring our dogs to Alimagnet! That would be fun.
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    I wish we could come. I work out at the Ren Fest the next two weekends and Becky works on Sundays too. Maybe a Saturday event in October?? Please keep us in mind as we love bringing the girls for social events.
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Hi :) Thanks so much for the invite! Wish we could've made it, but if you do it again in the future, please let us know! Mikko would love to meet other Corgis ~ sounds like a blast. Thanks again!
  • Renee

    That would have been fun. But its my husbands birthday on the 221st.
  • Shelby Shirley

    Thanks for the invite but Sadie and I (and since 3 weeks ago Leo too!) won't be able to make it. It's such a nice day and we've got lot's of things to get done around here outside I'd really feel guilty not staying to help out. Looks like you'll have a beautiful day for the get together - please keep me in mind for the next one. I went to the Summer corgi picnic and that was a lot of fun watching them all run around together and getting to meet the owners. Shelby
  • Becky H.

    Did you go to the dog park?
    Sorry we couldn't make it. We did end up going to Ren Fest.
    Let me know when you're planning the next meet & greet. Hopefully we'll be able to make it to that one.
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Hi Chrissy ~ it was great meeting you and Hunter today! Thanks for setting this up and I hope we can do it again soon, maybe Mikko will be a bit less timid next time! :) We all had fun regardless, thanks again!
  • Tina

    I was going to bring Ein out on Saturday, but we noticed him limping yesterday and this morning so I took him to the vet. It seems his kneecap has a bit of a spacing problem, I think it was overworked. Basically he had too much exercise this weekend, so we are too keep it easy for the next 10 days, no doggy daycare and no dog park. He can't even go on long walks... Poor guy, I hope he doesn't go crazy (or drive us crazy). Hopefully we can make it out to the next one or do another meet up in the Burnsville/Bloomington area.
  • Carissa

    Hi Chrissy, thanks for the welcome! I have learned a lot from this network so far and I am sure that will continue. Nice to meet people here in MN.
  • Carissa

    Hey, thanks for the website suggestion! I never knew it existed. I am unfortuneately working this Saaturday, but I will keep an eye out for additional meet-up times. Have a good day!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yes you made me laugh:) Dont get in trouble at work! I am sorry to make you cry but maybe you used up some of my tears:) Sometimes they are happy and other times sad but happy memories are getting me through and sweet people like you thanks
  • Zara

    Hi Chrissy,

    I missed your meetup because I forgot to log in here! But please let us know when the next one is, even though we're in Minneapolis, Ziggy loves to car and we'd be happy to drive out and play with other corgis!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Again sorry to make you cry. I totally agree corgis are waaaayyy better than cats lol I am sorry for your loss and I am crying and crying but everyones support really helps sooo much. Thanks again
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! I still have his pirate costumes in the closet and I hope to put them on a Riley jr one day. He was so fat the pirate costume didn't fir right lol I have a lot more video that is funny of him but its on vhs so until I figure out how to put it on will be awhile before I can put it on here. I do have a little more that I have on DVD I will add soon. I have been reading books about loosing a pet, watching old memories and looking at photos and it is really helping. I also have been comforting my family and still sharing tears with them, but things are turning towards the brighter side here. Thanks for the support!
  • Becky H.

    Well Darn it! Another Corgi gathering that I won't be able to attend.
    I already have plans Saturday afternoon. Be sure to take pictures - I'd love to see some! Have fun. Thanks for the invite. I sure hope I'll be able to attend the next meet & greet. Keep me in the loop!
  • Ross

    Meg and I also have dreams of owning our own corgi pack one day.
  • Tina

    Thanks for giving us the heads up. Things have been so busy that I just haven't gotten to either website for awhile. I am going to try my hardest to get us there. Ein has a play date set up for Sunday, but I think he should be okay with two outings.
  • Zak

    We'll most likely be there.

    Thanks for the heads up on this.

    See you there!
  • Zara

    Thanks for the invite! I am going to try to make it, but if I don't, I'll definitely be there for the next one!
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    I think we shall finally get to meet!!! We are bringing the girls tomorrow. We checked out the park two weeks ago. Very nice park. We learned Chapin likes to run into the water. She got good and mucky! LOL
  • Becky H.

    Sorry I missed the Corgi party today. I am pretty sure I'm open next Saturday the 25th, if you want to head back over to Alimagnet.
    Hopefully it's not snowing by then! HaHa
  • Becky H.

    Well that should be interesting! I don't have a costume for my doggies, but it would still be fun to bring them out there for possibly the last time this year. It's supposed to be pretty nice on Saturday.
    Do you want to meet there arond noon? That would give us some time before the Halloween thing started.
    And if you wanna invite more people, that's cool too.
    Let me know what you think!
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Hi Chrissy, sorry I never responded to your last invite to the corgi meetup! We have been super busy and Mikko also got sick right after our most recent dog-park visit... had to go to the vet... not a good day! Anyhoo... hope we can get together with all the wonderful corgis again soon. :) Hope all is well with you and Hunter!
  • Becky H.

    That's too bad you can't come on Saturday , but you're going to pick up a Corgi, so that makes it OK : ) Hazel is a cute name! I hope I'll get a chance to meet her sometime.
    We'll have to set up another meet and greet. Are there any indoor dog friendly places? Maybe we'll just have to meet up at Petco or something : ) At least they'll get a sniff in. haha
  • Laura K.

    Hi Chrissy! Not to be stalkerish but I think I met you and your boy hunter at the dog park in Burnsville. We have a little corgi puppy named Chloe. I just joined (on your recommendation). Hope you're having a wonderful week!
  • Tania's Mr. Chips

    Thanks for letting me know about this site (via meetup). Hunter's adorable!
  • Zak

    I'm glad to be back. I really missed Penny. But, I have to say the 85 degrees sure was nice. Diffrent seeing snow on Sunday also. Talk you you an Hunter later.

  • Tina

    Hey Chrissy,

    How did the corgi adoption for your friend go? I hope things worked out well. Assuming she is still available, Eric and I are going to look at a second corgi this weekend.
  • Laura K.

    Chloe is getting much better at the dog park! Every time we go she has more fun. :) Hope to see you and Hunter there soon!
  • Tina

    Hey Chrissy,
    The corgi we are looking at is up in Mora, MN. She is 2. We'll see how it works.
  • Renee

    Hi Chrissy!
    Cloeys puppies pictures are on if you want to take a look. They were two weeks old in the pictures. They are growing up so fast!
    How are you and Hunter doing? How did your friends adoption turn out?
  • Tina


    We were planing on adopting a girl corgi, but she didn't mesh very well with us. So, we looked at a boy who was available and it was love on site. Of course, Eric just had to take Ed to the vet today. The poor guy has an intestinal parasite.

    It will probably be at least a week before we can meet at the park with Ed. I want things cleared up for him, just so he doesn't pass anything (if that's possible).
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Ty for the sweet comments about Lavernes video. Im sure your pup would love the bumble ball too. At first she was a little leary but being the big brave Corgi that she is she soon got over her fear and went for it head So much fun.
    Im sorry to see that you lost your Baxter. That makes my heart hurt. Your Hunter is perfect. What a handsome boy!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Hey its been awhile since I have been on.How is Hunter? We are still hanging in there but doing much better. Possibly in Feb/March we may be getting 3 new puppies between me and my parents. I hope it happens! That will be so exciting
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Well two are going to be Corgi's and one a German Shepherd. I can't wait it will be so fun letting them all play together. I'm a little nervous on how my kitties will act because my one cat kira doesn't seem to like dogs much so I will have to take things slow introducing them.
  • Corgibyassociation

    Aw, your baby is so cute! I had to get my very own corgi after being around two for almost a year. Hope you and Hunter have a great holiday!
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    Alimagnet - Feb 7th??? you guys up for it??
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Thanks so much! I am excited!