
Brighton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a first-time dog owner and a teacher.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Camber is our rescued 6 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She's tri-colored and has been slowly recovering from her previous owners' handling. She loves to run in the backyard and has been making friends slowly at the dog park.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Elys. . . .your fur baby Camber is precious. . . .
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Elys and Camber!
  • Remy and Maddy

    she's so cute
  • WhiteDove

    Hi Elys. . .I must admit, I haven't been here in a few weeks, I must really be behind in greeting newcomers. . .hope to catch up soon. . . .your Camber is adorable. . . .
  • Remy and Maddy

    everyone is good! Im trying to get my fawn to lose a few pounds...been running him around to get back into fighting shape!
  • Donna

    I guess the next time I go back home we'll have to take Bella with us! Everyone tells me that tris aren't rare, but I agree - you hardly ever see one and I always get stopped so people can adore her which she hates (NOT!!!). I live in CA now but was born and raised on the South Shore in Kingston! I wish I could go back more often, but I don't think this year. Are you staying in town for the pops on the fourth? Stay safe! Donna & Bella
  • Elys

    Hello, everyone! Well, Camber went into heat 24 hours before she was scheduled for her spay. Needless to say, it has caused some upheaval, but we're going to try the diapers and keep our fingers crossed. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • mosesbotbol

    You're too silly... Everything is now a George Michael reference! She was cute this morning....
  • Susan

    We always muzzle our female, Addie. Jake, never needs to be. She's the one who loves to be groomed though...so, go figure. Nailtrimming is never fun. Ad still has her dewclaws, and they turn into little pokers if not maintained. We got her at 2 yrs. old, from a breeder who had too many corgis. (is there such a thing, I ask?) She was 40 lbs. at the time. Now, she's 29. We supplement her 1/4 cup of food with unsalted canned green beans. Jake exercises so much, he doesn't need to diet. They're both cuckoo heads, but lordy, I love 'em.
  • Lexi

    It's awesome that you've rescued her!! Is that a Bernese Mtn Dog in your photo? The pair look awesome together... I lvoe how their colors & markings are nearly identical! I'll definitely be keeping my eye on your page to look for more pics!
  • Elys

    Hi everyone! I added a lot of new pics today! Enjoy...
  • Suzanne

    I think it's great that you think enough of your girl to monitor your posting about the paws. She's darling and you're both lucky finding each other...
  • Suzanne

    No, I didn't rescue Henry. I was an evil person and got him at a pet store in Portland, OR. He was sold to me as a doxie! My friend kept telling me his ears would drop, and his tail would straighten out . Pet store may be evil, but I'm the luckiest person to have this guy in my life. My dorgi is a great dog and most of his behavior issues can be laid at my feet...
  • Suzanne

    I'm lucky to have this guy. I didn't really know about unconditional love until he came into my life. The saying "I wish I was half the person my dog thinks I am" sure fits me. The darn guy appears to think everything revolves around me...
  • Elys

    Hi everyone! Cam and I had a great day today. Took her for our morning constitutional and she actually let a stranger pet her! Yeah!!! Y'all don't understand how huge that was. She didn't skitter away (as usual) and actually seemed to not mind being touched.
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Camber is such a unique name. I love it! She looks absolutely precious! I know that you are the perfect family for her. The pictures show how happy she is! I will get some updated pictures of Lily as soon as I figure how to move my pics from my phone to the card successfully. I lost a lot of my other pics of her recently.
  • Elys

    Thank you.

    That was the name her previous owner gave her (they were big Nascar fans. It has something to do with brakes...). We think she's happier everyday. She came into our lives for a reason. I mean, when I saw her little face, there was NO WAY I wasn't going to scoop her up!
  • Mary Hart

    Elys your baby is beautiful. I love your pictures.
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    I love the fact that you use Ceasar's behavior methods with your students. I almost cried laughing out loud when you responded to me. Thanks for the laugh! arline
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    What age do you teach? Sped. or Reg.? It is nice to find a teacher that likes Corgi's too!
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    We are no more than 1hr away from each other. :)
  • Elys

    Cam's been off her eating schedule. Last night (this morning), she decided that she was going to eat at 2:30am. She made such a racket! Then, she came to my side of the bed, looking for head scratchies! Being the sucker I am, I gave them, but I need to stop this little habit.
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    I am a elementary Special Education Self-contained teacher. It is nice to find another corgi/teacher. :)
  • Molly

    I look at Cam and think it's Molly! She is beautiful!
  • Elys

    Wow...it's been a while since I've written anything! Lots o'drama over Camber today. For more info, check out Moses' discussion. It's worrisome, but judging from Cam's face this morning, I think everything will be ok.
  • Eric

    Chamber is a beautiful corgi! Sadly I don't think Toby will keep his black mask, but I'm excited to see how his coat will change in color.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    LOL I am very lucky that Oreo is a very mellow dog! He just likes to lounge around the house. He loves to run outside but once he's inside he just likes to find a nice quiet spot to lay down. That is if Chesney will let him...lol she's quite a terror. And Oreo hardly ever barks! It's so nice..lol. He only barks when someone comes to the house or tries to come into the yard without our ok. But as soon as we tell him it's ok he quiets down. He's such a good dog. Hope he teaches Chesney some of those traits...lol.