Angie DesPeaux

36, Female

Everett, Washington

United States

Profile Information:

Everett, Washington
About Me:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Emma was born on November 13th, 2007 and is the cutest Corgi ever.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carol Braitman

    Welcome to Corgiville! She is adorable! She also has my birthday.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Emma is an absolute cutie patootie! :-) Her name definitely fits her. How sweet.
  • Carol Braitman

    It's soo hard to get mad at them. All they have to do is look at me, and I just melt....I've never seen dogs that are as expressive as Corgis
  • Cindi

    Glad to have you with us. Emma is adorable!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Angela! Emma is a cutie :)
  • Corgi Mom

    Lol. :-) Having corgis is a lot like eating Lays Potato Chips - you can't have just one.
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Angela,

    Emma is a perfect name for a perfect pupster!!!!
  • Colleen Cuzzone

    I want to wrap your baby corgi in a blankey and squeeze her! She is just too cute!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Angela - Thanks for the compliment ,Brynn loves hearing it :) Emma is soooo cute !!! OMG .
    That hoodie doesn't fit Brynn anymore so i have to get her a new one .I think " Puppia " has some ? The one she was wearing was one that a friend gave me for my cat Simone .
    My family had a dog when i was a small child so Brynn is a first for me .So different then raising cats !! Brynn is like a small child . Oh, she also was very nippy and still wants to do it , i just say "No bite" and it seems to work .When she gets tired she acts up a bit and we know it's time for bed .LOL
  • Charlie

    Emma will do great! You'll just have to be really patient and consistent with her and she will be the perfect dog. :)
  • Florence Fong

    Hey Angela,
    Your Emma may be naughty but so cute!

    Best wishes from Singapore :o)

    p.s ~ That's not my Ritz. Have yet to upload his pics.
  • Brian Davis

    Brynn definitely lets us know when it's bed time. We put her in her crate and she's out like a light !
    Good luck with Emma :)
    I noticed you're north-westerner as well, it's been so cold lately ,making us walk fast to keep warm !
  • Frances

    Emma is so cute!
  • Christine

  • Patti

    That is too bizarre about our pet's name's. We have two more furball's in the house - Coco and Diana - my daughter wanted to name the Abbysinian cat "Artemis" but I wouldn't let her, so she ended up being Diana. Coco is a Tortoiseshell, and she's all the colors of chocolate, so she's Coco! nice to meet you!
  • nwcorgifan

    Hi- That's sure a cute corgi you've got--although I may have to take issue with the "cutest corgi ever" claim ;)
    I haven't been to the Edmond offleash park; but I did go to Double Bluff dogpark on Whidbey a while back with the Kirkland corgi meetup group. It was a whole lot of fun watching a dozen or so corgis cavorting on the beach. And that dogpark is fabulous.
    I actually named the dog Tucky because I got her from Kentucky; but the name is just a little too cute for my taste, so I shortened it to Tuck. However, when she's in trouble, it sometimes comes out as Tucker (for dramatic effect, I guess--kinda like when you were a kid, your parents only brought out your middle name when you were in trouble!)
    Do you ever go to the corgi meetup events?
  • nwcorgifan

    Oops. I just saw you're a member of the group! Perhaps we'll meet sometime then.
  • Emily Schroeder

    We should get together and get cute corgi tattoos. Bravery in numbers!
  • Emily Schroeder

    Ooh, I work Saturday! I would love to come though. According to mapquest I live like an hour and twenty minutes from Roy.

    I look forward to our tattoo date. : D
  • mikonami

    I just saw your herding pictures. They're so cute! Was it hard? I want to take Mei herding, but she doesn't listen to me so I'm afraid of making a fool of myself if we go.
  • Cassie

    Awww, I love your Emma :) How funny that we both have corgis named Emma! Hopefully we'll be able to meet at one of the meet-ups soon!
  • John Wolff

    Best Hikes With Dogs, Dan A. Nelson, Mountaineers Books c.2002
    I find an incredibly useful website: up-to-date reports on trail & road conditions.
    A corgi can go anywhere you can go except deep snow, coarse talus (big boulders; fine talus is OK), 4th class rockclimbing, or crampon ice. I worry about their judgement, not sure they understand exposure, but I've never seen them do anything really stupid. As they learn -- and they are green at first -- they become amazingly surefooted and savvy. They almost never require the "Corgi Toss". I try to avoid rattlesnake country in season. I have a belay system: harness, stout leash 9-10', light carabiner, for things like dangerous log crossings, many of which could be a death fall for a dog at high water. I like a 6' bamboo pole for steep descents and river fordings, esp. when carrying a 24 lb. dog. I keep them leashed at night, in the tent when I take one. I let them offleash, illegal, but we're mostly in remote places, encounter few people, and these two are well-behaved (many hikers do not like dogs, esp. unleashed, myself included when they bark and chase wildlife. REMEMBER THAT DOGS ARE STUPID ABOUT ROCKFALL, initiating or receiving (serious accident, Artist Point, Mt. Baker). Our black tris get very hot above timberline and I find some snow to make a corgicicle. To wet them, turn them upside down and pour on the water. Messy. We use TickAdvantage. Carry a good forceps for porcupine quills, just in case.

    I encountered a bow hunter, hunting bear, who said his half-brother was a Tulalip who hunted bear with 4 corgis back when it was legal to hunt bear with dogs! "Good noses, not shy but smart enough to know when to back off". Lori says they have tracking trials for corgis.
  • Ruby

    Thanks!!! You have some great photos of your Emma! She looks like she keeps you on your toes!
  • Megan and Penelope

    After looking at all your pics, Emma is Penelope's red and white twin...I'm convinced!
  • LB's Page

    Thanks for the comment! Your dog is adorable to!! It loks like she loves the water, Bear loves lakes and creeks but really has no use for the ocean, loves to run in the sand never goes in the ocean. Emma is still really young. Bear is 3 and shows no signs of growing up she still plays and acts like a puppy. Is this your first Corgi? It is mine, I've had dogs before but not ever a connection like this!
  • Todd & Hannah

    Hi Angela! I believe my husband met you on Saturday at the Edmonds dog park. Our dog, Rotor is Emma's brother! We are convinced :) She looks just like him, only red/white. She is so adorable! She looks like she defintiely has alot of energy haha. I hope to hear from you!
  • Todd & Hannah

    Oh my god NO WAY!!! Okay yes you're right this just keeps getting weirder and weirder! I totally remember getting that message and wanting to write you back but totally forgot!! That was when I was doing lots of wedding planning and I forgot lots of This is AWESOME :) We totally have to get our puppys together sometime, I heard they got along really well :)
  • Todd & Hannah

    That's funny you used to work for aveda because I work at a aveda/bumble&bumble salon :) lol. Yeah it would be awesome to meet up sometime! I'm fairly busy but I'm sure I could find a time to get together. It's great to hear from you!
  • Todd & Hannah

    Gretchen Scott Salon :) We kind of have a website but we do have a myspace if you wanna check it out