

Ann Arbor MI

United States

Profile Information:

It's MY hometown!!!!
About Me:
I really would like to get a corgi, same thing with my friend!!! I would name her Antoinette (after one of my "like to read about" idols Marie Antoinette) , Mocha (because I like Ice Mochas) , or Cream Puffy (I just like the name) !!! I really would like to visit Paris and tour London and visit almost every famous place in the world! I really like enjoying the time I have with my friends! I love laughing, collies, corgis, having fun, going shopping for old unique things at old shops, making crafts, learning new facts about famous historic old people, and a lot more things that I can't seem to remember since there are so many! Well thats me, and I'm always in need of something sweet! :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I don't have one (yet)! But I really want one!!!!

P.S. They're all so cute!!!
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

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  • CaptainCorgi

    Thank you for the lovely comment! I actually got her from a couple who had a litter of pups in Kansas. She was shipped to us here in Las Vegas and has the cutest personality. :-) I see you really want a corgi, I don't blame you. They are such cute and fun dogs to have! You'll absolutely adore one once you get one. Collies and Corgis both are great dogs, I myself are a fan of both. I hope you get a Corgi soon! Good luck on the journey of having your dream friend <3
  • Patti

    The dog in my avatar is my yr old cardigan corgi, Luna. she's quite the pistol. her coloring is called a "blue merle" - that's why she looks different than most of the corgi's you see here on this site. good luck with your search for a corgi - remember there are 2 types of corgi's, a pembroke (no tail) and a cardigan (tail and slightly larger) check out the AKC website for more detailed info and info on getting a rescue corgi....
  • Katie

    Thanks, Sasha! I love the photo of your baby playing in the snow, that is too cute!
  • Muki

    she thanks you. i cannot take responsibility for her markings :-)
  • Sasha

    The picture I have up right now is the cutest corgi! I found her on the internet at a website that I just accidentally closed down! Urrg! Well... her name is cotton candy! she was born in December! I really would like to get her even though it's not going to be possible! Oh well... I don't know what to do now! I think she was in Minnesota. Any way... never mind, O guess I wasn't meant to get her since I closed the window down... well see ya... if you have any corgi recommendations in the southern part of Michigan, let me now! Please?
  • Sam Tsang

    Heh Sasha! Thanks for your kind words :) I hope will be the friendliest corgi site out there :)
  • Amanda

    So you don't have one yet? Well, keep looking-hopefully one will pop up at the humane society or something. We're lucky to have a few breeders around here. We got both of ours from the same breeder and they were a bargain. Bargain bin dogs. lol! They are a part of my heart-I love them to death!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Awww, I so hope you find a Corgi soon!! They are truly wonderful dogs!! ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Sasha, Thanks for joining my group! I am orginally from Birmingham. I have several friends in Ann Arbor! My sister lives in B'ham also. She is very active in Airedale rescue. Sometimes she gets info about corgis, and passes it on to me. I will keep you in mind if I hear something!
  • Mandy and Lori

    awww, don't feel bad because you do not have a corgi yet. You can just practice getting to know about the Corgi for now and when you do get one, you will be a great fur mom!!! Keep us posted. ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Sasha

    If nobody has seen the video "To Corgis With Love" you have to, it's the best video! While your at it give it a comment!
  • Aurora

    Good luck on finding just the right corgi for you!!! I did and she's wonderful.
  • Aurora

    I got Aurora at a local pet store. She came from a breeder in Kansas, I think. We're trying to breed her, but that isn't the reason I got her. We'd just love to have puppies.
  • CassieD44

    Aww your page is cute. My boyfriend and I have known for a while we wanted a corgi and we finally found the perfect breeder and two perfect puppies - we just couldn't choose. I agree corgis are just the cutest! You will get one of your own when it's right. You'll know. =)
  • Nicole

    haha sorry about all of those videos. I'd had them for a couple of days and uploaded them all at once. I'm glad you enjoyed them though! We bought Gonzo from a breeder in Jarrell, Texas. I can't say we'll go to her again though - while Gonzo is a great dog, we've run into some hereditary health problems that she didn't tell us about. Good luck on your search!
  • Amanda

    Yep, corgis are the best. Check out and type in corgi and see if any are in your area. Love your pics BTW. Tasha Tudor does some very cute ones. :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you Sasha! I love this picture of Sidney; he's got that typical corgi smile and look slike he's plotting some mischief!
  • Sasha

    To every body Happy Easter, Spring and happy 1/2 year birthday to! Yaaaa!!!!! :)
  • Diane McCormick

    I would love to join your group. I'll find in in the Group list.
  • Mindy

    Sure thing! Hey, I know you. (Mrs. Pokela?) C.D?
  • Mindy

    i love the Paris!
  • Michelle

    I found it online and one of MyCorigi members is the artist. The following are the websites or
  • Mindy

    Sorry about all the comments. My key board went wack for second, and I didn't notice till now!
  • Karen H

    Thanks for welcming me to the family! I am always amazed at how much other people also love their corgis....I just thought I was obsessed!
  • Tim Finks

    definitely, that sounds like a great idea, where do i sign up? ;)
  • Susan

    Thank you!!
  • Avyon

    aww thank you! :)
  • The O'Shea Report

    Hey thanks for compliment! Appreciate it!

    Your baby is precious! :)
  • CorgiLove

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm just getting the hang of the site, but I did join your group :)
  • Vickie

    The other two corgis are Gracie's brother and sister. She was the runt of the litter as you can see. I enjoyed your pictures. I love the birthday party.
  • Lindsay

    Thanks for the comment! Its good to know that there are other corgi lovers from michigan on here! :)
  • Carol Braitman

    Sasha, look at the main page about the corgi's that need rescue. N ow's your chance!!!
  • Jo

    Thanks the site has so much info!
  • Joanne

    Thanks for the welcome! I just happened to find this site--it's great!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Thanks - my daughter did this a few years ago with "paint" but she said you can also do it on photo shop! We used it for our corgi roundup we had this past weekend - Wiggles in his party atire! You've got some pretty pics too!
  • Kasaundra

    Hey there! Thanks for the invitation to the group, but I beat you there! I joined as soon as I created my membership! Denmark is a very romantic, picturesque part of Europe. Kind of like what you see in the movies, with all of the older buildings and cobblestone roads. The Queen lives in a nice manor on the harbor and has a guard that wear the long furry hats. The spring weather is not the best, it rains quite a bit, but it's just so wonderful to be here! Oh and most of the Danes speak english and are incredibly wholesome and nice. I also studied in Sydney, Australia if you ever want to know about that!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Thanks Sasha!
  • Juel

    Thanks for the welcome, that sounds great!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Sasha. . . .all I can say is Corgis Rule!!!!!
  • sandra

    hi, glad we are pals....oooo such a cute story, hmm, collie or corgi, or collie or corgi....interesting you never thought, sheltie...they sorta look like collies and corgis..... well kaley being a fluff, they would say, is that a sheltie???

    glad you are a member of the group, corgis of the world style...thousands of cute corgis...and i started the new flickr group, corgis on the move, flickr video style...

    nice we are pals.

    come by, cuz kaley corgi writes lots....

    happy spring, happy corgi! (4 of 6)
    smiles : )
  • sandra

    oo yes, you will always see kaley with the parrots, her fave is rani macaw...i have videos of them too, on my flickr group, corgis on the move, and on my youtube page....they are all over the place!

    smiles : )

    Do NOT play rough, rani macaw! (3 of 6)
    are we gonna play fair!
  • sandra

    cool you saw the videos.....there shall be more!..tomorrow we are doing an agility fun deal in the park, just friends...she will do approx 5 runs, and then run off on the first few, settle down on the next few or so...i have my first private lesson sunday, 8 30 in the morning and if she is not recommended to compete first wk of may, i will w/d, so to not ruin kaley corgi.....

    will let you know how that all goes!

    ps, training kaley corgi is full time..but it is worth it, but she has a mind of her own, and that can be bad, hehehe
    smiles : )

  • Mandy and Lori

    Thank-you for the birthday wishes!! :):)
  • Antoinette

    Hello Sasha! I recognized your name of the group starter of Corgi Wanters. Did you start the group? I really like it there. People are really nice. Thanks for letting me join! :)
  • Patches Hall

    A breeder in Traverse City had 2 the last time I heard.
    Her email is :

    I got my tri from her last year and he is a real lover.
  • Sienna

    Hey Sasha, I just saw your comment on the Michigan Corgi group about where to get corgis... we just got ours two weeks ago from Amy Lane in Lapeer, Michigan... she had three male corgi puppies left at that time. Let me know if you'd like her number!
  • Erich and Stephanie Miller

    Thank you very much for the comment. We are both super excited. I am very sure you will find the perfect Corgi for you. We have been looking at Corgis online and this was the first time that we went to go interact with them at the persons house who we are buying Rowdy from and we instantly fell in love with them all but especially Rowdy. Keep being patient and a good corgi will come out of it.
  • Ree, Erica & Mr. Belvedere

    Thanks for the comment. My wife and I are contacting breeders now and seeing what's available around SoCal. We're hoping to surprise Santa this year with a new addition to the family.
  • Ree, Erica & Mr. Belvedere

    We actually got one! He's now 9 weeks old and is keeping us up every night... But he's a furry ball of joy.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Thank you! You too! Oreo says hi! lol