Sir Riley of Pembroke

VB, Fl

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a real estate saleswoman. I love animals and wish I could work with them but I can't afford it. I also have to cats Kira and Sadie.

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About My Corgi(s):
I WAS 8 AND A HALF years old and full of life! I can speak spanish and do too many tricks to count! I am very smart and talented and will do anything for food! I like to run and chase balls. I also chase squirrels, cats, and birds. I didn't make the cancer battle my owners are waiting to see why because everything happens for a reason. Please keep me in your prayers I need them! Love Riley. Riley april 25 2000 to sept 27 2008

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  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    I LOVE THE NECKLACE!!!! It turned out beautiful.. That was the best idea ever. I think I may go to Walmart and see if they carry them here in Florida. thanks for posting it.. You have such a beautiful creative mind. I am having fun with the photo site. I did get it to work.. only when I save them on my computer.. they come out very small. I have to figure out how to make them larger like you did. Thanks.. Yogi is growing .. 4 months now. He knows sit, down and roll over.. but he is still very hyper and he is hysterical when doing his tricks because he does them all very fast.. if you can imagine. He almost quivers when I have a treat and make him SIT.. It drives him nuts.. I laugh and laugh.. he is so darn cute. God Bless.. Love, Gail.
  • Boots and Superstar!

    uff! girl! you made me cry when i saw your page....i cant imagine not having Superstar with me! :'(
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    I will see if Tara can video him and maybe i can put it on.. she is good at that stuff. The lady that we got Gizmo and Yogi from is near Ocala..They were 400. (which I think was a great price for a healthy pup) She is on mycorgi.. she is Tanya Taylor.. if you want to look at her site.. and see what you think. She is having a litter I think in December or so..She is a home breeder and is very caring and good to her puppies. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.. Love, Gail
  • Aj

    Nah, it's like a typical brother and sister relationship. Ein wants to play with his sister but she thinks he's annoying and bats at him for him to go away, but he nudges her tail, still wanting to play!
  • Juel

    When i was a kid i hand a minature bunny rabbit. I had a harness for him and would walk him up and down the street. ( the block was a little two much for those little hoppy legs!) it was quiet a sight seeing that little white tail hopping!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Juel

    Thanks for the comment, He gets away with alot cause of that face. LOL. There is a local breeder that i have met and would like to get my cardi puppy from. I just have to wait for his next littler. It was a tough decision. The only way i could decide was if looked at the breeder, and not the cute faces! Hope your thanksgiving was good, and your Christmas is wonderful!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you so much for asking about Bruce.He seems to be fine though his arthritis is slowing him down a lot in the mornings. I'm taking him in for the dreaded bloodwork recheck in January, so I'll know more then.
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Wiggles is doing just fine - waiting for Christmas when he can play in the snow in NC! That is exciting about the new puppies - you will have lots to choose from with all those litters! So glad you and your Mom came to the corgi party - what fun! Wish we had a fenced in place around here to have ours. We wish you and your family a very happy Christmas.
  • penny spencer

    Hi hon. I've not been on much lately either. Christmas will be difficult without Riley. Maybe you'd consider making a donation to a corgi or any animal shelter, etc. in his name? Just an idea. I think we all have a little sadness at the Holidays for one reason or another. I lost my mom and my only brother within a year of each other, going on 6 yrs. now and it's still painful, but I have my dad still and my own little family to be grateful for. Roscoe is just fine. I've come to be calling him my little Christmas Mouse because of those darned adorable big ears. He still pees up a storm with the best of them. Now that it's colder and messy outside he's inside more, so I have more mess to clean up. It does get old and it's hard on my old back to be bending over all the time, but.....he means that much to me. Penny fell into our neighbors'
    very large pond the other day, thru the ice and couldn't get out. Sandy and I had to go in and pull her out. She couldn't move, don't know how long she'd been in. Shaking uncontrollably. Dragged her home literally on blanket which is a long ways but didn't know what else to do. Rubbed her down and had her lay on furnace register and after 3 hours she stopped shaking. Was terrified, she and myself. Honestly didn't think she'd make it. Shudder to think what would have happened if they had not seen what they thought was a deer fallen thru the ice. I love all the excitement in my life! Ha. Well, enough. You enjoy your holiday with those you love. Take care.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    thanks for the have you been doing???
  • Chrissy

    Oh wow 3 new puppies!?! Will they all be Corgis? That will be exciting : ) Hunter is doing well and enjoying the snow. This morning was I think the first morning that he maybe thought that it was too cold however and hurried to do his business and go back inside lol. He is just toooo funny and keeps me entertained. How are you doing?
  • penny spencer

    Good for for you. Riley is happy about your generosity. Good Holidays to you and your family. Penny
  • penny spencer

    Oh my......the necklace is lovely. It sits over your heart!
  • Juel

    Oh my! Three puppies! that is a lot of potty training. I am glad that you are opening your heart again. it will definately be exciting. have a happy holidays!
  • Lauren + Winston

    Hey! Winston and I have been good, he's enjoying the weather. I'm reading a few of your comments and it looks like you're gonna be getting several puppies come springtime! That should be very exciting. Although Riley can never be replaced, his spirit will live with these new pups. I love the necklace too. It's beautiful.
  • Laura Jones

    Thank you, she is not nearly as impressed by it as I am lol. Have a safe and Merry Christmas.
  • penny spencer

    Hi. For such a little guy, Roscoe has a surprisingly loud bark! And he talks too.
    We have a routine, usually at night he's allowed to lie on my chest on the couch and when he's ready for his bed he will talk and sing. He throws his head way back and lets them rip. At the end he'll make a lot of little funny sounds. Sometimes when there's music on TV he'll sing too. It is very funny. If I talk softly to him he'll talk back. When he yawns, he'll end with a little squeak. None of my other dogs have had weird sounds like that, oh, my shibas did too. Have a wonderful Christmas and a much happier New Year. Pam
  • penny spencer

    Merry Christmas to you. I do love cats. They are such characters!
  • Lauren + Winston

  • Kristen

    Thanks for the comment on Fern's photo. She has such a happy look on her face. I should post it next to the picture of her at the Rescue organization. Doesn't even look like the same dog. She had such sad eyes back then. Hope all is well.
  • John Wolff

    Gosh it's hard to lose a friend. We went through that too once. Gwynnie joined us abou4 months after we lost Siri. Al came along 2 years later. But you can never replace somebody.
  • Tauna and Kota

    That's cool about that site! Thanks!
  • Sam Tsang

    That's awesome news! Feb 4 is not too far away :)
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Hi! I just read Sam's post and followed up on his page.....I was so happy to see that you are getting a puppy!!! I am so excited for you. I hope you had a nice holiday season and I am sure you are looking forward to 2009! Take Care!
  • Keith, Joanne, and Range

    Condolences on Riley. I haven't been on for a while and it broke my heart to see the sad news. But I'm glad that you are doing okay and that you are giving us a heads up about cancer. I lost my grandpa from Cancer and I truly support anything that can try to find a cure for this horrible disease. I hope all is well and Happy New Years!! Good luck with the new puppy!!
  • Carlie

    I just read that you're getting a new puppy! I'm so happy for you! Hope everything goes well, and I'm sure this pup will be equally as special as Sir Riley. Can't wait to see pictures of the new cutie.
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hey Jamie - Oh that is soo exciting!! Do you have names picked out yet for the corgi pups? Can't wait to see pictures! I remember when Wiggles was just a cute little fluffy bundle - smaller than the cats! In the meantime, have fun with your Dad's pup! Kisses from Wiggies!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi! We're doing fine, more good days than bad though Bruce has been a little crankier than usual lately. He's been sneaking upstairs to eat SIdney's food, which is not good for his kidneys! We need to remember to keep the baby gate closed at dinnertime.

    Congratulations on the new puppy! Will it be a corgi?
  • Butter

    So happy for you!!! Let me know when you get your new pup so I can see lots and lots of pictures!! YEah, so very happy for you! Butter taught himself the wave. I have a blog about it if you go to my page and go to "view all blogs". He does it a lot!!!! Especially when my husband and I are talking and he wants my husbands attention, he'll come beside me and start waving at my husband so my husband will stop talking to me. the little jealous beast, LOL I hope your new pup can learn to do is fun. Joy and Butter
  • penny spencer

    I'm so happy for you. Will you get a little girl, boy? Sorry if I'm not paying much attention. Don't visit the site unless I hear from someone. Moving my father in with us. He has early Alzheimers but I'm still so stressed over the whole situation. I know you will have so much fun with your new baby and Riley is happy for you as well. Pam
  • penny spencer

    Just want to say how much I enjoy your update photos. You have so much artistic talent. Love the ornament pics with Riley inside. By the way, we switched to Professional Lamb and Rice, no soy, no corn, no by products.
    We've switched so many times. It is expensive though. And Bazel should probably be on a special food to cut c alories. Take care.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Hey there!! glad to hear from you.. All the pups had a great holiday and new year. Yogi is growing like a weed.. 5 mths. and 17 lbs. They don't stay babies very long it seems!! I am so excited that you are getting a new baby!! What color.. and boy or girl? What name have you picked out!!?? Please post some pics.. I am so thrilled for you.. They pup is so lucky to have a "future" mommy like you!! keep us posted!! so great to hear from you.. love, gail, gizmo, and yogi.
  • Kristen

    Thanks for the comments on my Christmas Pix. We use those on our Christmas gift tags.
  • Kristen

    I just saw that you are getting a puppy. How very exciting! When will he/she be coming home?!
  • Sam & Maximus

    Max is doing very well, thank you. He's growing in to a good little boy. He's pretty attached to his people. Congrats on the new pup, how exciting! Can't wait to see photos of the new little one.
  • Kristen

    I'm excited for you! I love the time with a new puppy. I think your kitties will adjust just fine and probably appreciate the energy of a new small doses I'm sure. Looking forward to pictures and stories
  • Molly Jane!

    hehe she loves being called "Ms Molly" and Pumpkin Butt. Molly was mine first and then I got my cat. At first there was quite a bit of jealousy because Molly is Molly and she has had SOOOOOOO much loving thatit was only natural for her to get a little jealous when I was loving towards my cat. The funny thing is my cat started to notice how MUCH I loved Molly and it seems she condones my love for Molly and also loves Molly the same now. Over the yrs they have become a team. Everytime I used to walk Molly, my cat would follow stay 5 ft behind us trailing us around the neighborhood. After a little while she had to go out when Molly went and she began to potty outside at the same time as Molly. very bizarre. I would walk my cat and dog everyday :) but the only "big deal" for Molly was watching my cat jump to high places. Everytime my cat's feet leave the ground Molly will shout out some" ARooooROoooouuurOOOOroooou..." sound. It is quite cute. It's almost as if she is saying " it's not fair you can jump high places and I cant with these little legs aROoooooooo" I love your l little baby and thank you for telling your story. It is very important you have this page in my opinion. Let me know if you found any good books that helped you through your journey with Riley.
  • Molly Jane!

    I forgot to answer your question about getting Molly shaved. YEah she loves it in the summers. She is so freaking cute after a hair cut. She gets this black stripe on her back until it grows out enough, and then she is white all over. It makes her look much thinner. Yeah we have been doing it in the summers for awhile. Have a good night and I look forward to seeing your new addition to the family. Riley will be there everyday to help his mama through it! You are lucky to have such a beautiful angel!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    OMG!! he is adorable.. I love his markings on his face. He is precious. congratulations.. Tara my daughter is having to take Yogi to the vet today because of a mysterious rash that started under his back leg and on that one side of his body. I am worried.. I hate skin problems.. i hope he will be ok. Can I ask you a question.. did Riley start out with a rash on his underside? I am sooo worried. we love that little dog so much. keep sending pictures of Koby .. he is so cute. love, gail, giz and yogi..
  • penny spencer

    Is this a picture of Coby, a little butterball! How cute is he? He will bring you much joy I'm sure. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Pam
  • Sam Tsang

    Sure! Absolutely, go right ahead :)
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    hi there.. thanks.. Tara took him to the vet. the vet thinks he got bit or an irritated place and gave him a shot of antibiotics and some spray to apply to it. He said it should be better in about 3 days. I will see him tomorrow.. she is bringing him over.. so i will see. She has had him on a good food..I give my dogs an all grain-free food "taste of the wild" that has berries, sweet potatoes roasted fowl, salmon, or bison. They love it.. it is expensive.. but good for them. anyway.. I will let you know how he is. Please post pictures of the new baby when he comes home and as he grows.. they grow so fast. Yogi is 7 months and weighed almost 20 lbs at the vet!! little porker.. LOL talk to you soon..
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! I wouldnt worry about the baby fat, Im sure he will be fine. Its good he has his baby fat. He will loose it. Lane was the runt of the liter and man looking back at his puppy pics some of them he just looks too skinny....but looking at him now, you would never know it!!
    I added two videos of Lance, check them out when you have time, if you want!! Talk to you later, cant wait for you to get your pup, how exciting!!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks! You know I wasn't sure that I wanted a tri-color for a while, but the breeder had two tri color girls available. She said she'd send the pics and I fell in love with Penelope when I saw her. They change so much from the time they are born. I think red and whites are so cute, but tris are so different and fun!
  • Carmen

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Pandora had a good day. No candles though. It would be too much of a worry for burnt noses! :) We used to put a candle on Courtney's birthday "cake." She always wanted to dig in and had to wait because of the candles.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Hi there!! yogi is all better now.. get he got into something. Did you get the baby yet? I want to see some pictures!! Tara said when she took Yogi to the vet (he is 7 months old) he weighed 20 lbs. He is getting to be a big boy. Very active.. and very smart.. he will be coming to grandma's (my house) tomorrow for a family dinner. Gizmo groans when he comes.. although they play.. jGizmo is not as active as him.. and you can see it in his face.. (oh no.. the little brat is here) LOL they are hysterical.. love, gail, giz & yogi.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    hi there.. did you get your new baby? everyone here is great. yogi and gizmo have become great playmates.. they are hysterical. hope all is well with you. love, gail, giz and yogi.
  • penny spencer

    I sure do know what you mean about getting "presents"!!! Wiping up pee and disinfecting and using every different kind of hard floor surface cleaning product, steamer, you name it I've tried it! And paper towels!!! And I'm very recycle conscious too!!! Roscoe will lay out his little poops in a row, yesterday the little "arrangement" looked like a face!!! I gotta laugh or I'll lose it some days!!! Take care and thanks for keeping in touch. Love to little Coby. Pam
  • penny spencer

    I would LOVE to see many corgis in a a bunch of little sausages, ha! We've decided to start Bazel on a weight loss dog food. The lbs are not coming off like we'd prefer. He's having some trouble with back left knee, possibly arthritis beginning early. Need to get that weight off to help him. Take care.
  • penny spencer

    I'm sure Koby will be fine after surgery. Maybe a little wimpy. Wish we could have Roscoe neutered. Think that's another reason he pees so much besides the medication/condition. Don't think anesthesia would be very good for him.
    Koby will be happier, believe me. Not all those testosterone urges, you know?
    Ha, poor guy. Bet you're having fun. Take care. Penny