



Profile Information:

Umag, Croatia
About Me:
Just a a big animal lover from Croatia. I'm currently living in Ft Lauderdale with my husband & our Leo.
We are planning on taking a companion for Leo as soon as we get settled in Florida. We'll take a rescue dog - if we'll be lucky it will be a Corgi from the Sunshine Corgi Rescue in FL.
I have included below the website of aspca welcoming you all to visit it & learn how you can make a difference in lives of thousands of animals who were not as lucky as our babies... A small donation that will not affect your economy, but will bring opportunity & life to many animals!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
His name is Leo. He was born on Feb.04,2008 to become the most amusing little thing....& yes...he has a floppy ear most of the time.He is very, very friendly towards other dogs as well as people. We take him to the "Happy Tails"park in Plantation at least 4-5 times a week what is a big joy for him. We have just found a dog beach in Hollywood (thanks to Jacki & Nutmeg) & will do our best to get him to swim every weekend. He loves the water, but most of all the dogs playing there.We call him teh "Sissy swimmer ".
He tends to be vocal, but never aggressive & he LOVES attention.
He loves to eat as all Corgi’s!!!! He is of a very good nature, however has a mind of his own when we talk about obedience!
We have just made him a ASPCA health insurance...as our vet trips could have bought us a trip to Europe for 2....with all the amenities.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Ed and Michelle

    We had a Corgi that looks just like Leo with the floppy ear and all! She was a great dog but sadly died at the young age of 4 from Cancer. We ended up with Jack a month later because we were so in love with Lexi!
  • Nash

    I love Leo's floppy ear! Nash had a floppy ear when he was younger, it was cute.
  • Dale, Patty

    Thanks, Arnold is doing much better since we got Abby. He lost his best friend, Buster last year. They were together for 13 years. Buster was a Shepard/Chow/Lab mix. We loved Arnold so much we wanted another Corgi and found Abby for him!
  • Amanda

    Thanks for the comments. Daisy has a loud bark to go with that big smile. :) I love your pups floppy ear! How great is that! I have a pic of Daisy as a puppy with one ear up and one completely floppy. I love it! The right ear still flops around when she runs. It looks like she's waving at us with it.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon


    go to Sheridan and head east. Turn left at A1A and follow the ocean, which should be on your right side. The street is on the right side. You have to pay the meter and the walk over the wood bridge. There were lots of big dogs there, and the day I went the seas were too choppy for her to go in. It is not fenced off, so you do have to watch that Leo doesn't wander off back towards the inland or further down the beach. There is a park ranger there to grab your $5.00. Go to the website for more info. I might be able to go on Sunday. It is only open certain hours.
  • Jane Christensen

    Thanks Danijela! I absolutely love all my corgis but the rescues that I have are very special and they seem to "know" my one rescue Wiley does this little dance everytime I feed her just like she is so excited to actually have her own food...I believe that she lived on others leftovers before I rescued her! She has taught herself so much...it's amazing!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    I will try and get to the beach on Saturday after 5. It really depends on the weather and how much house painting I get done.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    SO SORRY!!! Superstar came over, and it was a free for all over here! You are welcome to stop over here at my place. email me at murray.jacki@gmail.com and I will give u my phone number!
  • Dyllan

    Thanks. Leo is a cutie too!
  • Melissa Krawczyk

    Thanks! The floppy ear is so cute on your dog too! I guess it is more common than I thought :)
  • Kimber-Leigh May

    I didnt take her to obedience school that was wayyyy to much money for the places in town doing it... i taught her all on my own. The thing i found to be the easiest way to train her was to catch her doing things i wanted her to do anyway and then give lots and lots of praise. She picked up on most commands with steady training she got the hint in about half hour then in about a week she had it down completely if i worked with her every day on it for about 10 or 15 min a day. I just read a lot of books about dog training .. check out " the only dog training book you'll ever need" by Gerilyn J. Bielakiewicz and Andrea Mattei it was wonderful for me had a lot of good and easy points to follow.
  • Dale, Patty

    That white dog is a Husky-Corgi mix. Beautiful eyes.
  • Porter

    Leo is adorable with the floppy ear! You could try the tape, Porter's was only on for two days and he has VERY heavy ears. They sell adhesive remover so when you pull the tape off it doesn't hurt, I think its really just mineral oil.
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

    Thank you for adding us and wonderful comments.

    Tucker has a floppy ear also. It just adds individuality and character. You have some really beautiful pictures also!! Leo is so cute. Corgis are one of a kind. I could not imagine life without them. I watche Marley & Me last night and cried my eyes out then had one big corgi pile and hugged and kissed. You have a great day Danijela!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Laura Jones

    They are half brother and sister and sometimes I wonder why I did get them so close together but then I also sometimes think I need a few more so.....:D
    The scary thing is that KC is a year old, Taz is 5 months and he is already as big as her, and still GROWING!
    Your boy is adorable and obviously loves the camera lol. KC is starting to get that aww mom don't look when I try to take her picture. :(
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Nutmeg and I are going to get over to the beach today. Parking stinks...but she just loves to dig in the sand, and it's great excercise. She had a blast today meeting Bella, and Diddy. You just have to make it next time!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Let me know if you think you'll be going tomorrow (Sunday). Nutty gets spooked by all of the big dogs, and just wants to run run run and play play play. I can't let her off leash, cuz she gets SO excited and "forgets" to listen to her name...lol.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    That was SO much fun! Nutty was dead asleep in 3 minutes on the way home. I dunked her in her pool, and then we took a shower. Sand EVERYWHERE! Leo is adorable! When Nutty is bigger, I'm sure she will be able to hang with the big doggies too. It was great to meet you!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Did you buy your airplane carrier in the store, or online? I think I might go to Chicago in a month.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Where did you get Leo neutered? How much was it?
  • Melissa Bee

    Thanks! We feel very blessed to have Daisy come into our lives; she is a real inspiration and a model of all that's right with the world, which can sometimes be hard to remember.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    I'm taking Nutmeg in tomorrow to get fixed. No beach for us this weekend... :( I just have to do it when I have the courage.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Nutty's vet called, and she is in recovery. She stays overnight. I will be abel to wash my floors tonight without any "help"..lol!! I will be so lonely!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Nutmeg is home and recovering. I bought her the donut instead of that nasty cone thing. I had her at work all day yesterday to keep an eye on her. She had a restless night. I could hear her moving around in her crate. I left the door to the crate open, so she could come and go. I'm sure it's painful! Next weekend Superstar comes to visit! We will HAVE to get together with all three of them. Perhaps the dog park. This weekend, we will be taking it easy.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Im going to TRY and get to the beach tonight (Friday). What are your plans for the weekend?
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    I was going to try and get to the beach tonight, but I had some work being done on the house and it ran late. We went yesterday, but there were many big dogs, and one Jack Russel that was very aggressive towards Nutty. She kept growling, and very rough play. Her owner, of course, says...she just plays like that... Well, I don't want Nutmeg to pick up the growling habit. Plus I'm still super paranoid about her playing rough with her incision (even thought it's all closed up). Call me tomorrow afternoon if you think you"ll make it. I won't go unless you guys are. I feel dumb not letting her off leash- I know...paranoid Mommy. At least with Leo there, and you guys...I have an extra set of eyes watching her. I wish the hours were earlier so we could get more time in the sun! Hope we can meet up!
  • Momo

    Hello. I'm from Korea and Momo is from Oregon.
    I got him when I was an university student at OR and when I came back to Korea he came with me.
    Well..we came back 2005 and at that time there are only few corgis in Korea and people thought he is really funny(same reason ad Leo) and fat TT.... but now corgis are really popular here too. The power of mass media.
    Corgis are still pupular breed on TV, Movie, Music Vedeo, magazine..

    The good thing in Korea is I have family here.. but the problem is there's no dog park & dog beach. Momo is real water dog and love to play with his doggie friends but here.. some people doesn't like play with animal in the same water, even same place. -_-;; that's why I 'm always serching for the dog friendly places.
  • Momo

    ... and the places we've been..
    Victoria island./Vancouver,BC(Canada), WA - OR - CA(through I-5), D.C, & Korea/Japan. :)
  • Jeanette

    I hope you find Florida to your liking. I'm so glad to hear you are thinking of adding a rescue corgi. Three of my four are rescues.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Call me if you want to do something this weekend...