

Tampa, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

Live in Tampa
About Me:
Teggie the Corgi is home at last!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We live with a Pembroke Welsh Corgi girl named Tegwen.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Lee English in Lecanto Florida is a great breeder of corgis. If you haven't already picked a breeder you might want to look her up.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields


  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Wow!! That's great!! Please tell Lee we said hi! We got Griffyn from her 2 years ago. He's a great little boy! And a super little brother to our Soffie! Looking forward to hearing about your new little girl!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kelly

    Aww thanks for reading! Its nice to hear I'm not just talking to myself, and that other corgi owners have gone through this bratty stage too!
  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Thanks for relaying the message! And as for the photos..... we do have a couple of perfect subjects, so it's easy to get some good shots!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Christiane!
  • Kelly & Ozzee

    Hi Christine, thanks for the comment! your corgi picture is cute! =]
  • Marti & Toki

    Haha! Thanks, she loves anything fluffy that's on the ground, if it's touches floor it is Toki property. Seriously, she takes all our pillows lol
  • Shelly

    Good Luck! Please keep us updated, I'd love (as I'm sure many would) to know who things are going. It's always fun to see them grow, get into things and just have a great time.
  • Stephanie

    THanks for the cute note!
  • Rush and Quorra

    no just the one with the red on his face and white spot on his head...cant wait to pick him up
  • Dyllan

    I love the one pictured by the water her markings are beautiful...where did you get her from? I have a boy almost 4 months old Dyllan and my daughter got his brother, Koby.We got ours from a farm too, up in Inverness Fl. from Lee English the corgi lady. We had another boy, Riley we got from her and when he passed away we went back and were glad she was still in business so we got two......They are great dogs,so smart!!! Jane
  • Lisa B

    She is too cute and her little ears stand up already! it took corky a while before they finally popped up, i think cuz there so huge! Have fun shes adorable dont you just want them all!?
  • Sharon Hershock

    The pictures of your little corgi makes me want to have another one. I just love these dogs. I think I could have a whole herd. I know you're going to have a ton of fun with her. Seeing your puppy pictures brings back those memories of Charlie and Maggie as puppies.
  • Dyllan

    We just had a small corgi roundup here in Vero Beach but last year they had a huge one in Palm Bay. It was great but at the time we didnt have our puppies yet so we went without a dog but it was so big and fenced in and all the dogs just ran around and the ones with the largest bellies hung around the food! I hope we can get together but I always get lost in Tampa. Did you pick Tegwen up yet? Where did you get the name? Its unique, it so hard to decide on names..........Jane
  • Lindsay Bannister

    thanks for the comment xD you live in tampa! aaah yes launches.. lol, traffic is morbid. takes me an hour to get to work thats normally 10 mins away! thats t-ville for you though lol. CUTE CUTE pups you have too! <33
  • Corgibyassociation

    Aaw, she looks like a sweet puppy! Can't wait to see pictures of her growing up!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Tegwan is adorable!! My mom said she spoke with you and you got your puppy from Lee? Thats great! I can see the resemblance in your baby and my Koby! I love the photos
  • Doug & Sarah Haag

    Thanks for the welcome - your little girl looks precious. If we weren't several states apart, I'd want to get them together to play...get your rest now though - once you bring her home things get busy!
  • Elyse & Caese

    OH look at that face!!!! so precious!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Koby's parents are Tucker father and mother Jessica, but Jessicas father I believe was harry potter! They are so sweet and have such good personalities! I really think Lee gives them great attention and helps mold them into good pups! Of course then we do the rest. How is tegwan's potty training coming along? Or have you started yet? Koby went a whole month without an accident and then last night he pottied on the floor in the computer room...oh well. He is doing ok. He just turned 4 months now!
  • Francis Wilson St. Croix

    Too cute! I held Francis up to the computer and he stuck his tounge out. I don't know if he likes her....or wants to bite her!! Thanks for your reply!
  • Daniel & Ein!

    Lil' Ein just wanted to say both you and lil' Teggie are beautiful! =D Great pictures!
    Kindest regards!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Im back,,:o) thanks for watching out for me,,nast bug got my computer i had to wipe it all out and start new ,,UggggOnly my photos from 2009 were lost :o( thats not bad though i had like 10 thousand in picasa that i saved last winter while i was bored lol `tina~
  • Marion and Vern

    Oh my they do look a lot alike. We are finding out that our Sami is VERY strong willed. This is a good thing for us, right type of personality. I was hoping she would be this way, have found that strong willed pups tend to be thinkers--means our job my be a little tougher then say a more docile pup would be but fits us better.
  • Sharon Hershock

    Your little Teggie is so cute. Corgi puppies are the best. Charlie and Maggie say hello and hope to meet Teggie at one of the corgi meet ups.
  • Julie

    AWESOME!! Thanks!!
  • Sharon Hershock

    You're right, other dogs just don't act like corgis. Corgis are special and they know it. Hope to meet you and Teggie soon.

  • Melissa Bee

    Hi! Haven't talked to you in a while. Looks like Teggie is getting cuter by the day! Waht a lovely little girl :-)
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hi, i saw your post about your breeder trying to adopt two corgis...i live in orlando, and i would like to know more about Cole. how much is the adoption fee for Cole, thanks!:)
  • Dyllan

    How old is Teggie now? Dyllan and Koby are six months already!! Jamie sent Lee a picture of them. I would love to have her job!
  • JH

    Hi. Teggie is gorgeous. I think she is a week or so older than Jazzy.
    Jazzy's parents are Harry Potter and Blue. We'd love to have her meet her half sister :) We live in Melbourne. How old is your son? Mine will be 9 this weekend.
  • JH

    wow, we seem to have done the same thing. We had just lost our red/white after almost 14 years and decided to go a different color so as not to compare them too closely. I'd love to get all of the colors eventually. We'd love to get together.
  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    All us Lee English alumni should try to get together at the 2009 Florida Corgi Picnic!!