
43, Female

San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Marietta, Ohio
About Me:
I'm 28 years old. My husband, James, is in the Air Force stationed in San Antonio. We lived in Yokota Japan for 6 years before we moved here. We been here almost 4 now. We got both corgis while we've been here (they were born near San Antonio in Florisville) and once he retires I want to have a lot of space and have maybe 6 of them. I think that would be great! I love these dogs like they're my kids. We go to Gateway church and we think it's such a great little church everyone should go once. :) I like to read (total bookworm), watch movies, knit, walk the dogs, play board games, some Wii games, and have a great Bible study on Monday nights. Right now I'm getting back into cooking and different recipes-it's hard because James is so darn picky! I also like to clean believe it or not-weird hobby but it's kind of relaxing for me. No kids-I'm sure constantly cleaning after kids I wouldn't find so relaxing though. lol! We love to see new places especially if we can take the dogs with us. We also have a couple of cats born in Japan we brought back with us but they're almost 10 and sleep 95% of the time. Totally normal, down to earth and almost boring but that's our life. I love it!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Both were born in Florisville right outside of San Antonio. Einstein is the oldest being born Sept. 2005 and our first corgi. He's the smartest little dog I know and he's gotten so much more laid back now that he's not a puppy-although still not one to snuggle for long. He has shorter fur than Daisy but sheds twice as much. Daisy was born March 2007 and she loves her Einstein more than anyone. She waits to see what he does first unless it has to do with getting food or attention-she can figure out that much! They both have the same mother. We never got to meet Einstein's father-he was hit by a car out in the country before he was born. Daisy's father was very excited and barky when we met him. He was a tri color and their mother is sable and white. Most of her black fur fell out now that she's an adult. She is very vocal and growls a LOT although she does nothing to back up all that noise. They're both bossy little dogs. My mom calls Einstein the referee because when something is happening he doesn't approve of he thinks he has to break it up-especially if Daisy is having too much fun. I wouldn't have any other kind of dog-their little personalities are just too funny! Well, maybe a cardigan one day. They're a little more laid back I hear.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Amanda, beautiful Corgis. Love those baby pictures.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Amanda! Great pics :)
  • Sam Tsang

    You're welcome :) It's been a pleasure launching, it's amazing how fast our membership grew since our initial launch 4 months ago. Glad you enjoy the site, don't hesitate to message me, our members are very friendly :) Have a blessed day!
  • Cindi

    Hi Amanda and welcome! Einstein and Daisy sound like lots of fun!
  • Corgi Mom

    I went through basic training way back in 1982. My how the time flies when you're having fun.
  • Susan Bradford

    Hi Amanda - I agree. Although Jodi is overweight - no doubt about it, I don't think they should be showing their "waist" either - they look too weird to me. I also know that Jodi is happier at around 26 pounds - which I'm told is about 6 pounds too much.
  • Corgi Bear and Handsome George

    We would not have any other dogs either!!! Getting our 2nd one turned out to be such a nice surprise. They play tag endlessly! It`s fun to see then so happy.
  • Kristen

    Amanda for the pix of the chipmunk. I was using my Nikon D50. Digital DLR. Simple camera to use. I Love to visit MT in August. It sure beats Nebraska's heat and humidity for that time of year.
  • Kristen

    BTW thank you for the kind comments on my photos!
  • Kristen

    I think with the extra lens I spent just about $500, but I know they have a newer model with more pixels and a lower price tag. I like the flexibility of have the SLR and being able to change lens'. It also lets me go full manual or full automatic. I also have a little Nikon coolpix S200--just a tiny little pocket camera that was less than $150 @ BestBuy. Some of the pix on the website are with that. I wanted one I could keep in my purse. The D50 is a big camera. I think the little camera takes nice pictures as well, just not a lot zoom ability. A good lens and a camera with optical zoom and not just digital zoom are important and you can get those relatively cheap. If you want to go the SLR route Canon makes a nice camera as well and in a variety of price ranges. I go for simple to use. Someday I'll learn how to use all the features...More information than you asked for! lol
  • Cheri

    Dudley is the perfect name for our boy. It suits him very well. There are a bunch of names I like for Cardi's. Like Howard. I think that's another good one.

    Your babies are adorable!
  • Cheri

    Female Corgi's in general are bossy. At least that's what I've been told to expect from a female Corgi. The males are usually easy going dudes. My guys fit that stereotype. Taffy rules the roost and Dudley's just goes with the flow. Not that he doesn't have his stubborn streaks, but for the most part he's very easy going.

    Sometimes we call Dudley Dudders. But normally we just call him Dudley.
  • Cheri

    Well, I can tell you know she won't grow out of that! Our Pem is almost 6 and she still tries to use her nose to flip our hands up to her head to make us pet her! Taffy doesn't bark for attention, but Dudley does. I've spent months training him not to do that. Now he can bark once to get our attention (if he needs to go potty or something) and then has to wait patiently (or as patiently as he can anyway) while we get up, open the door and then release him to go outside. But there are still times he just can't control himself and barks nonstop! And he's a nipper too. We're still working on that one. That's bred into Corgi's. They nip when the herd so that's a difficult behavior to overcome. But we're making strides. It's just a really long, slow process but we're getting there. I get Dudley really reved up and excited and then practice our flatwork for agility but if he jumps and nips, the game stops. That's no fun so he's learning not to nip because that stops the game.
  • Kristen

    Good deal! It is amazing how much the little cameras can do these days. I use my little one just as a point and shoot. I know it does more, but that would take, learning something new! lol One of these days I am going to take a digital photography class so I won't have to depend on just getting lucky. Thanks for the compliments on my pictures. I used to edit a magazine and did a lot of the photography, but I took a lot of pictures to get one or two good ones!. I looked at the Lumix as my second camera, but ended up with the Nikon--it used the same cords as my other Nikon and it was red! Silly reason to base my choice in the end! They were pretty similar if I remember correctly. I'll be looking for new pictures! BTW, I think you are pretty creative with your pictures don't sell your self short. I love the shot sleeping in the food bowl!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Amanda. . . .thank you for your comment. I love ALL my Corgis but Sid has that special piece of my heart. He definitely is Mama's boy. I too had a tear in my eye as I drove away from his previous owner's home. . . .these little bunny butts are the best as you well know. . . .thanks again for reading about them. . . .
  • Sasha

    Thanks... I've been looking at the human society, but I haven't checked for corgis in a long time! Last time I checked I found a really cute Collie/Labrador Retriever, she was so adorable! I really wanted her... but I didn't! Oh well! Her brothers and sisters were already sold and she was the last one left! But the only thing was... she wasn't a corgi!
  • Carrie Hall

    we are on the NW side (grissom/bandera area)...I never thought i'd ever see so many corgi owners!!! lol :)
  • Kim

    All the corgiville books are good. She also has a couple of videos. I would love to tour her garden. She is a really amazing person. You should check out her website -
  • Nicole

    I'm not very familiar with Texas either, I moved here from New Hampshire almost 2 years ago but we stick with travel from Georgetown to San Marcos. I believe San Antonio is 30-45 minutes away from San Marcos though. I love your pictures, they are so adorable!
  • Kim

    the other place I want to go is in Vermont. Check out I love his kids books and the dog chapel looks awesome.
  • mikonami

    aww...poor Einstein. How's his hearing with all that barking in the ear? hehe
  • Amanda

    I just want to say God bless those of you who work in shelters or in veteranary clinics. I volunteered at a vet clinic and it's not easy emotionally. Shelters would be even harder dealing with overcrowding and euthanasia. Just a note also that people should spay and neuter their pets. It's inexpensive and could save a lot of innocent lives.
  • Jason and Darlene

    We can meet Wed or Thurs evening if either of those would work. I'm not sure what the weekend holds but I'm sure we could work in a time sometime. Let me know what days and times will work with ya'll and we can coordinate.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your corgis are so cute. Love the pictures.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks so much for the wonderful compliments on Lance. I love the pictures of your corgis at the dog park, they are really cool pictures. I wish we had a cool dog park like that.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    We only have 1. The other dogs in the pictures are our neighbors dogs that Lance goes over in plays with in their yard. One is a border collie mix and the other is a german shepard mix. They all get along nicely. I would love to get another corgi just dont know when that would happen. Probally not for awhile though.
  • Butter

    I just saw your post about your dog's sprain (?) Did it get all better? My dog injured himself yesterday and I phoned the vet and he thinks it is a sprain...told me to not let him walk, etc except to go to the washroom. Very hard to have a corgi lay around all day. Any advice on anything? Hope yours is doing well?
  • Butter

    Thanks for the update...hope it is nothing serious with yours. Mine is not limping today so I let him play a bit. Yesterday, I put so much energy into making him "stay" that it was getting him depressed... couldn't play or anything. I felt so sorry for him. Hopefully he'll continue to get better. I am like you, worry about my dog and also potential bills. Thanks for writing back. Joy
  • Jason and Darlene

    Hey. We had fun and I think Lockett did too. Let me know when ya'll are able to meet up again and we'll definitely have to try if we can find a cool (well not so hot) evening. I would like it if you could send those pictures to me. They turned out very well. Bible Study sounds great too. Jason is home for the summer but starts back on tour in August, so we'll just have to keep in touch. Let us know when you want to try to meet up again. Have a good weekend.
  • Jason and Darlene

    Forgot to ask, how was Kung Fu Panda?
  • Katelyn

    LOVE your corgi's name! Reminds me of Ein from cowboy bebop! Cute corgi's!!!
  • Katelyn

    HAHAH That's awesome! Glad your dad liked wishbone! I LOVE it! You just got the new David Crowder cd Lime?Thats AMAZING!!!!!! I don't think I've heard that one yet! I got to see him live! "O praise him" is one of my favoirtes too! =)
  • Katelyn

    Awesome! I'll have to check out that Lime CD! Thanks! =D
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Come check us out! I just started a group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome, I am sure they will have a blast ripping open those gifts, how fun!! Merry Christmas!
  • Laura K.

    Hahaha! You're too cute! I'm not actually from "Smalltown" but from a small town in Minnesota. :) Hope you're having a wonderfully fantastic day!
  • Ein Danger

    hey amanda just wanted to let you guys know that there's gonna be a local 5k walk coming up in april (it's one of the fiesta events). i posted all the info in a discussion on the south texas corgis group :)
  • WhiteDove

    Hi Amanda, it's a Corgi Cursor. . . .LOL. . .I've seen them online, but this one I created from Cloe's head. . . .BIG LOL. . . .you should have seen me that day I was trying to get them to look at the camera, took about 6 pictures before they were all looking at the camera. . .I had to keep jumping up and down to set the timer, whew!. . .I didn't think I'd ever get it!!!. . .here's a little Corgi humor!!. . .enjoy. . . .

  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks Amanda,,I love him so much,,If i could clone i'd have 10 lol :o)
  • Tina and Cooper

    Amanda,,I think thay all have that look,,:o) lol that's what makes them so special tina~ p.s. im working on the cloneing lol
  • Deanna

  • Tracey

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!