

Puyallup, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Alaskan born and raised currently residing in Pekin IL and working for as an Art Director and Illustrator taking commissions on the side.

I have two Corgi's.

SirMacKellen ((Mac around the house, or Mister, Mister Mister, or turd butt)) is now 5 and will be 6 years old in September. How time FLIES!

Brieannah ((Brie, Mrs.Bitts, Brie-Bug, Bug, Stink Eye)) is soon to turn 3 in March which still blows my mind.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
SirMacKellen ((Mac around the house, or Mister, Mister Mister, or turd butt)) is now 5 and will be 6 years old in September. How time FLIES!

Brieannah ((Brie, Mrs.Bitts, Brie-Bug, Bug, Stink Eye)) is soon to turn 3 in March which still blows my mind.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome! You will love your Corgi!
  • Cheryl

    Can't wait til you get your new BFF! :) Corgis are the best!
  • Rebecca and Paul

    OMG he is so freakin cute!!! Just wait till he starts chewing on everything in sight. ; )
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome! Good luck with your cutie pie!
  • Rocket Mom

    Welcome! I went to Central and lived in Ellensburg/Yakima for about 2 years. I'm sure your new corgi will love the snow!!
  • Rocket Mom

    Accounting :), what are you studying?
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Saberkins and family!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Hey there! Welcome! I am currently in Oregon but I grew up just east of Othello and about 45 miles north of Tri-Cities. Just kinda mixing your welcome with an answer to your question on Washington state corgis
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks! We're hoping to do better :) PR Ad route is good, every firm needs a few good people. The graphic designer field is all about connections and skills, if you've got a solid portfolio, you'll do just fine :)
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Well the one I have now is a corgi mix. He's corgi/shiba inu. My husbands best friend got him for my kids here in The Dalles. But the one that we are getting around New Years (they are due to be born this week or next) we are getting from a ranch in Irrigon Oregon right outside of Hermiston Oregon. Hoping to get a little redhead!
  • Hannah[b]

    Your pup is so adorable, kind of reminds me of my little guy.
    What names are you thinking of at this point (if any)?
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Thank you! Oreo is great! I keep saying that if they let mixed breeds show he would win for sure! LOL Your new pup is sooooo adorable! I can't wait to get ours! Hhhhmmmm a name for him? That's a hard one!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    LOL that's funny because that is what my husband said! He said he wants to find another one and start a new But Oreos brother looked more like the shiba inu. He has long legs and just isn't as Maybe I'm just predjudice.
    I think you should name your pup Phelin!! That is a perfect name!!!
  • Corgi in WOLF clothes

    No actually she is a wolf hybrid. The mother was half timber/ half arctic...the father was siberian husky.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Heehee....they do actually now that you point it out! :-)
    When are you getting your little baby?
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Well you are going to have the best time because Corgis have the most adorable little characters. I absolutely love them, and I could never imagine my life without my Bella. Can't wait to see more pics of your new baby :-)
  • Johnny

    Hi there!

    Living in the city is fine! I take him out regularly to get used to the traffic noise and such. keep him on a short leash for walks and such. I also live near a few off leash dog parks too. So letting him stretch his legs is rather easy. I used to work for Hidden City Games. Which I am no longer working with due to our lovely stock market crash.
  • Tama

    Thanks, I just put up a pic of Dora and Bill at 15 wks, they are growing so fast, and love the cool fall days .
    Your little guy is a sweetie, name yet?
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    MacKellen.. that is a very nice name.. where did you get that .. is it after someone or ????? I really like that.. congratssss
  • Mean Eyed Corgi

    Hey Central Washington University -- that's one of my alma maters! Go Wildcats :)
  • Mean Eyed Corgi

    Heya, I studied Anthropology. Cool subject, but hard to make a living off it. 'Bout you? What brought you to sunny central Washington? Your corgi puppy is very cute btw
  • Cj & Lizzy

    You have beautiful doggies!! ^^;
  • CaptainCorgi

    Thank you! I use to have a DA account, but I removed everything from it due to the fact of art thieves and I just don't have enough time to keep it going and comment back to everyone.=)
  • CaptainCorgi

    Awww, that's not true! I looked through your gallery and I love your art - You draw very well! I don't know what it is with people stealing art, but it was just getting out of hand so I thought it would be better just to take them down.

    I don't have any art posted anywhere else at the moment, but my friends are going to make a website where my sister and I can post our art along with theirs. When it up and running I'll give you the link for you can check it out sometime!

    Thank you! We are all doing well. =) Hope you and your family is doing well too!
  • Worthington Natalia

    Hey, you asked about 'roll over' command.....For us it was one of the hardest, I must say. 'Sit, 'Stay', 'Down', "Paw'...was much easier.

    1. I put Tod into 'Sit' ---> 'Down' position first
    2. with treat in my closed right hand (close to the floor and close to his nose) I make circular motion WHILE gently pushing on his shoulders with my left hand helping him to roll to the right.

    I did that with him probably 6-8 times yesterday and 3-4 times today. He nails it every time now. I thought I'd never be able to teach 'roll over' to him....

    That gives me an idea: I must make a little tutorial video. I saw many where the dogs already know how to do this trick, but none with the training process.

  • Chris and Bugg

    Is "Mac" named after Ian McKellen by any chance? He's a cutie. Also, very cool deviantart page...I browse there a bit too. :)
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Greetings from Wenatchee!
    Your dogs are beautiful! Where did you get Mac? I had talked to a fellow in Ellensburg this past summer about tri puppies but they were all gone. I got Laverne in Onalaska but her parnents are from Ellensburg!
    My son is considering going to Eastern. How do you like it? Your art is magnificent!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Oh Oh Oh! Ive been looking at a pup from Heartbarx thats in the paper. A little boy named Samuel. Would you happen to know if they will be redheads or black headed tris? portraits! That sounds great! I will keep that in mind. My kids tease me because I have more puppy than kid pics on the fridge
  • Debbie Landrie

    I've been meaning to join this group since you sent the information.
    Everything is good here. All of the puppies are at their new homes. I have to say that it is very quiet without them though.
    Glad to hear everything is going well with your little guy. They are smart little things aren't they.
  • Debbie Landrie

    You bet - bring him out for a visit. We would love to see him and I'm sure he will have fun playing with our dogs.
    You are right - one puppy at a time is plenty of work!!
  • Debbie Landrie

    Any new pictures????
  • Debbie Landrie

    We had no problem with the flooding. How about you guys?
    I'm trying to figure out if he looks more like Max or Nia.....
    He is a good looking guy though. Deb
  • Debbie Landrie

    Love the new pics. Some of the photos he really looks like Nia - then in the next he looks like a combination.
    Don't be strangers. Bring Mac out for a visit and play time.
  • pat and mike

    Hello Saberkins - thank you for the nice comment on the picture. Your baby Mac looks very much like our little Trudy when she was a pup. If Mac changes like Trudy did, his face will prob turn more red. Enjoy! Mike
  • Debbie Landrie

    Hi - go to the main page and look for the topic "Does your Corgi Purr". Scroll down until you see the video. Is this what Mac sounds like? It's so cute.
  • Corgibyassociation

    Oh he's cute! He looks like he will be super smart! Good luck with him.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Hello again!
    No I never did get in touch with Heartbarx. I see she is on MyCorgi now!
    Very cool! I think I will look for a red n white female next so if you hear of any let me know! Im in no rush altho April sounds like a good time so I would have the pup ready to go camping this summer. Have you ever camped at Conconully? It is a very pet friendly place. We go there every year and we have always been the only camp without a dog. I cant hardly wait to go this year and show off LaVerne! YAY!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Thanks a BUNCH!! :-)