

Mason City, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Mason City, IA
About Me:
Other than being the food carrier and treat giver to the corgis, I am also the one that dresses them up, makes them dance for my iMac webcam, and annoys the living daylights out of them. I am married with no children, other than the husband and two corgis!

Our website is outdated, but still shows my cute kids!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pandora is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi from Marnac Corgis. She is a fluffy sable girl. Pemmy love of my life.
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Jennifer Lopez! Find out at

Trunks is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi from Rocking Corgi Ranch. He is a black brindle. Sweetest little guy with his family, but makes sure no harm comes to us.
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Simon Cowell! Find out at

Courtney was the first Corgi in my life. She passed to the Rainbow Bridge on February 15, 2001. She was in my life for almost 12 years and I wouldn't trade that time for anything. Courtney was everything to me: best friend, confidante, etc.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • AkMotleyGal

    It is after Invader Zim, a fav of my kids. In my town, not very many people know about it so I always get weird looks. Our new pup my daughter wanted to name Dib Monkey...
  • Mariana

    Thanks. Pandora is a beautiful name, too. And I love that you have a pembroke and a cardigan. Trunks looks like tons of fun.
  • Lil' Guinness

    Well I guess I will have to get used to the puppy breath and fur, but he will be to cute to even notice that!!!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks for your comment! You're corgi's are so cute!
  • Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva!

    Pandora and Trunks look like they could get into some trouble together! They're so cute! Oh and on the 10th of March, we'll be sure to sing happy birthday to you as well Carmen =]
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! we appreciate it!
  • Rabbit

    She keeps getting fluffier and fluffier around her face all the time, but her body is just standard puppy fuzz. And she has freckles. I don't see too many corgi's with freckles!
  • connie saltou

    Sounds like fun. Looked on map and looks like your in roughly the middle of southern Minn. We're in Lime Springs Ia. Northeast and at least on map doesn't look that far away. Summers are always busy as for everyone but would like to meet some other corgi owners. If know in advance, can plan for it. Have to let me know what to bring , etc. Thanks, Connie
  • connie saltou

    Good and sure cute pics. Not that great with my old computor and, with time, figure I'll overcome the machine and send pics too. Meanwhile I do enjoy pics. Connie
  • Niki

    Kirby was stiff as a board when I put it on him..but then started running around. I laughed so hard I cried!
  • Jessica

    How do you keep her coat so pretty and flowing? Chuck Norris just got his manhood taken away from him and we're trying to keep his coat beautiful.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much we are hanging in there but I believe the time is short. He has developed a tumor on his leg and is starting to limp. I can not let him suffer this is so hard.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Thanks.. I love all the pictures on this site.. these are the best little dogs. My daughter is getting Gizmo's "nephew" on October 3rd he comes home. His name will be Yogi. He is a sable boy.. I'm sure he will join the site.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks for the support it really helps. I go through spurts where I cry so hard I shake and then other times I can talk about him and I am fine..its confusing and hard but the support really helps! I just want to hug him...
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    We found out recently that Riley's mother and an old friend Woozie are over the rainbow bridge so at least he has some friends he knows and he will meet a lot of new ones!
  • Sheila Wiggins

    Hey Carmen,

    He is just fine. Growing like a weed. lol. JD is 21 pounds now and still the biggest attention hog ever!!lol. We also have a black lab now (scott wouldnt let me get another corgi) and she has grown to 42 pounds but JD still takes her on. lol. Because of Cope (our lab) he as learned to behave a lil better around dogs. So hopefully he will be better at the next picknick.

    How are your 2 doing?
  • Sheila Wiggins

    The company that I work for has kind of like an "want adds" and there was a lady in there selling puppys just like jd. I dont know how much she was asking for them but it did say in there that they where just like jd. If I can find the number again would you guys want it?
  • Dragster and Bailee

    hello! thanks! im new to this and kinda sad that i didnt know about it earlier! i sent the pumpkin pic in for the calender.
  • karina

    Thank you! :)
  • sandra

    thanks for comment on my blog and kaley corgis agiliy--such fun and lots of frustrations, nu it is all worth it!

    smiles : )

  • MixedPair

    Beautiful dogs you have!!!
  • Paula Hess

    Thank you! Trunks and Pan are truly beautiful. So sad for the loss of your other baby.
  • Furby,Baylee&Nellie

    It's great to to meet you and your beautiful corgi's. Our oldest Baylee turns 12 tommorrow 11/27. Her son furby is 10 and our youngest Nellie will be 2 in January. They all are our kids and something about a corgi's love nothing beets it. So sorry you lost your beautiful Courtney. Trunks (what a great name) and Pandora are the cutest! Jenny
  • Martine Felts

    Thank you. You corgi's are adorable. Had a few minutes and went to the website. Love the baby pics.
  • Vikki

    Thanks for your feedback. Even though Toby is my dad's dog, I still love her dearly. I cannot imagine losing her. Your poem for Courtney is very touching.

    Pandora and Trunks are gorgeous. Nice pictures!
  • Paddy and Karley the Corgies

    Thanks. I enjoyed all your pics too.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! Hope you are doing well. I just updated Lances photos, it has been awhile since they have been updated but wow, I made up for lost
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Lance says Thank You.... : )

  • Avery

    Hi there! i love pandora and tunk's names!! they are adorable!!
  • Lucy's & Emma's Mom

    I have lived in Mitchell pretty much all of my life so the last 18 years.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Carmen! Thanks for the sweet note :) How's Trunks and Pan doing lately?
  • Sam Tsang

    he he he.... When the snow melts we'll fly back up to the Canada :) Vienna, Mocha and Skippy are doing good, Skippy have done very well with his internship, this Saturday he will join his new family in making the long drive up the rolling hills of North Carolina :) Skippy and Vienna have become best pals, it is going to be very hard to see him go :(
  • Todd and Copper

    Pandora and Trunks what cool names! Love the costumes...Thanks for the comment :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You!! Corgis are awesome.... : )
  • Cookie Y.

    Happy Birthday to Pandora, from Cookie (in Chicago)! Cookie is 1 and Pan is 5! (7 in human years and 35!)
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! Give Pandora a big birthday hug from me! We used to give Riley a can of dog food for his birthday with a candle in it!
  • Sheila Wiggins

    Hey Carmen,

    I hope all is well with you guys and your pups. JD is fine as well, he is just gitting over a small ear infection.

    We where woundering if u know if there where going to be another meet up again this year?
    If you could let me know, thanks
  • Rachel

    Hi Carmen,
    Thank you for the add and the comment. Yeah it is a shame :( It's so hard finding anyone around here who does anything with their dogs. :(
  • John Wolff

    Corgi songs
    Little Dog Blues
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Deanna

  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday !
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope you had a great birthday!! Happy Birthday to you!!!
  • Mike L

    Thanks, your kids are super cute too!
  • Barb Jacobs

    Hi! Thank you for the kind words and the info about the picnic. that would really be fun! Right now, the only Corgi I have is Livy (who is fictitious) but if a Min Pin would be allowed...

    My kids and I both love Corgis and it would be worth it just to see them. Maybe I could set up and draw Corgi portraits to earn money for the trip? (I know first hand that Corgis love to be drawn...)

  • Lane Reedy

    Hi Carmen,

    I would like to join the Minnesota Iowa Corgi group. I just signed on to today. I met a fellow member yesterday at a local dog park and she told me about the June 20 picnic. Poker and I would like to attend.

    Lane Reedy
  • Sarah, Sadie & Dexter

    Thanks. Your dogs have pretty marking too. I had always seen the red sable corgi's and then when I saw Sadie I fell in love with her coloring. She also matches my other dog, and looks as though she can be her little siters now, I have a rat terrier. I will have to get them to take a picture together, they definetly look related.

    Your darker dog must be a cardigan, right? have you noticed any difference between a Pem and a Cardi?
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks! Riley was so good I could dress him up and he would just sit there. He would do anything for food!
    Give Pandora a great big hug! She is just sooo cute!!
  • Rachael

    Thanks! You've got some real cuties yourself :)