
41, Female

Warner Robins, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Anytown USA
About Me:
I'm a halfling (Hoppa for those in Hawaii--Half Japanese/Half White.) I live in central Georgia with my boyfriend and his Weimaraner. This is my first official puppy and I am a nervous mom. I'm most excited and happy that our Weim has a companion and playmate.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Freya, has two white spots: one on the back of her head and one on top of her head. She is feisty and very intelligent. She understands the sit command and come command which she learned at 6.5 weeks. She loves food and her kong time. She also loves to hover near me with her brother Weim (2 year old Cloud) when I'm cooking cause they both know I have the tendency to drop odds and ends. She was born on 11/01/2008.

My foster was adopted finally!!!
I have:

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  • Maxine Stone

    My husband in Hoppa, also have lived in Hawaii for 6 yrs. when in Navy. I hope your pup gets better soon.
  • Talula the tabby slayer

    Last time we checked she was 16 or 17 pounds. Could be more now. Only a few more days of the cone which I can't wait because we've been having to carry her up and down the stairs and she's getting heavier!
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Yes he will, thanks for the birthday wishes! We're excited - we're planning a "hot dog" themed birthday party for him. :)
  • Butter

    Hi, thanks for the invite to the clothing group. I can't join because Butter is 55 lbs and definitely can't fit into any clothes!!! LOL but good luck! Joy and Butter
  • WhiteDove

    I saw you asked if any of us are doing Halloween costumes this year?. . .well you should have seen the outfits last year. . .they were awesome. . . .this is a little picture I've had in my collection and it has to be the funniest I've seen in a long time. . . . .

  • Kelly & Ozzee

    thank you for the birthday wishes! =]
  • Nicola Porter

    No prob, find out what the steps are, etc. Would be glad to save Milo. Just get all the info we need and we can help Milo together.
  • Kristen

    Send me the info. I would be happy to help out. I am a big fan of rescue and I appreciate what you are doing as a foster parent.
  • penny spencer

    Hi there. Freya is so pretty, very girly dog! You'll have lots of fun with her.
    Little Roscoe is doing fine. One day at a time with him. He's quite a character even though he has his serious problems. Can't believe he's made it this far.
    He had a seizure last week that scared the s.....out of me, but came out ok.
    He looks more like a 6 month old puppy, not adult looking at all. Thanks for your contact. Take care. Penny
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Yeah..w/his stress level I would think to get him through this heartworm treatment first then neuter. Atleast it is being taken care of .
  • Alice

    I know, I thought the same thing when I commented last. All these people that are reading through to hear about Corgi names are going to be like "wait, did I miss something?", ha ha!
  • Spencer (and his parents)

    Freya is such a sweet little girl! and i love the name Milo - I had a german sherpard named milo growing up.
  • Alice

    How old is Freya now? We are feeding half puppy food and half adult food until the puppy food runs out then he'll be strictly on big boy food. A lot of people say to keep them on puppy food until they are a year old but I’ve been told by Corgi breeders that they have large bones and are very much like a large breed dog and for that reason the should be taken off puppy food at 6 months of age to prevent causing them to grow to quickly and develop Pano (growing pains) and issues with the growth plates. People who are not very familiar with Corgis may not agree with this but I'd rather take the advice of breeders and play it safe.
  • Alice

    After I asked you how old she is I realized you have her birth date posted on your page. Oops!

    So she's still young enough to be on puppy food either way. You have time to decide. :)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Amanda

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thats what I thought. Its hard doing get an attachment to the dog but its not wise for you to keep them but you get worried about if you've chosen the right home. Very nerve racking and emotional situation. I completely understand.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Its hard to let go but you can't keep them all and w/the people that want them it does make it easier since they are excellent homes for them. To bad they didn't all get along for you but maybe it happens that way so you have no choice but to rehome him. When that perfect home comes along it will make you feel more secure about it and will help to make it easier as well. Good luck to you.
  • Melissa Bee

    Thanks! I hope the camera won't scare her. I can't imagine what it must be like to have lived in those conditions and then find yourself in a clean, quiet, safe environment. Must be like the POWs who have so much difficulty re-entering the world after years in captivity. I just hope that Miss Daisy will thrive here and learn that people love her.
  • Linda Brock

    Dott, BG's full sister, took more after her chihuahua/Doxie father. I'll try to post some pics of her so you can compare that part of the mix.
  • Melissa Bee

    Thanks for the encouragement. I have high hopes that love and patience and peace and quiet will continue the good work that the current foster family has done. She has been w/ them 2.5 months and is taking a long time to venture out of her fear . . . however, if I had gone through what she has, I would be suspicious/afraid too. I saw Milo recently and think he's a dandy guy. I'll post Daisy pictures when things settle down.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I'm sure the shelter will make the right decision. Let's just keep our fingers crossed he does well w/his treatment and that perfect family comes along.
  • Amanda

    Thank you! I appriciate it! :)
  • sabina

    thanks for the birthday wishes !
  • Suzanne

    Henry, we think is a dorgi (doxie/corgi cross). Most people see the corgi, few see the doxie. They actually think he's corgi/and those little mexican dogs... look through they have a lot of corgi x on these...
  • Suzanne

    Henry is about 25, and looks funny in a collar. His neck is larger than his head, so he can just toss his head in a certain way and off the collar goes...
  • Suzanne

    I know how you feel about giving up such a wonderful soul. A guy I was dating decided it was me or the pets. Needless to say... Our pack has increased steadily. Mostly by adding dogs and their people to our semi-daily walks, and our wonderful outings in the woods...
  • Sky and Lyla

    Thanks for your response! I did call the vet, but since she doesn't seem to have any other signs of a UTI, or any signs of feeling bad at all, he wasn't concerned. He said it might just be normal for her. Have you ever heard of that? I've only had boy dogs before so I don't know much about the girls! =)
  • Sky and Lyla

    Yeah, I have actually been becoming increasingly uncomfortable with my vet for the past month or so, and after he prescribed something for my Aussie this weekend that Aussies are not ever supposed to have, I'd had the last straw, so to speak. I have made the tough decision to find a new vet. He is a very, very nice man, but I just don't feel comfortable putting my animal's health in his hands anymore. Lyla will be seeing a new vet on Friday and I will ask her then. Thanks for your help!
  • Sky and Lyla

    The new vet is going very well. She took Sky off of the harmful meds immediately and prescribed a course of treatment I am much more comfortable with. It is a large clinic, so it doesn't have the personalize, small-town feel of my last vet, but she seems to be very familiar with the herding breeds and their needs. I think we may have found a winner!

    Sorry to hear about all the junk going on wtih Milo. That is such a bummer when you are just trying to do a nice thing!
  • Bev Levy

    I understand. Just thought I would ask. Best of luck to you.
  • Susan Stanton

    I hear ya, not your dog, not your decision. Why did he not neuter his pup? Unless you're breeding, it's really just so much healthier and better for them (I'm helping you with your arguments here, lol). And Milo needs you! It's hard -- intact males just court trouble, unfortunately. But maybe he and Milo can still work it out -- ask WendtWorth corgis or some of the other breeders on the site, they must have ideas!
  • Sam Tsang

    How did it go?
  • Bev Levy

    Yeah, sometimes (most of the time) they don't realize their limitations at all. That is a big part of what I love about them, their enthusiasm, but it does make it harder when they are not at 100%!
  • SARA

    Thank you so much.. she is. I think the problem is that she knows it too. =-) That's so sad that these puppies dont have a good home. My girl weighs 21.7 lbs. The doctor said that she is the perfect weight because of her width and height. I would think that the corgi mix is a little over weight but he/she is also part lab, so I'm not sure. I wish I knew what mine was so I could get more information for you. Let me know what happens.
  • SARA

    Look at this link when you have a chance.
  • Nicola Porter

    Hiya, I am not sure how much he weighs but I can still pick him up and cradle him (like a baby) I would say about the average length baby 21 inches and I would take a guess and say 17/18 pounds.
  • Nicola Porter

    Hiya, while I was in England DH was going to Orlando so he was at the vet and got weighed. It says 16.5 but I can't believe that as he was about that when I got him neutured when he was about 5.5 months.
  • Brittany and Todd

    I found them both on and I got him in the outskirts of Atlanta. Thank you, you have a cutie too.
  • Brittany and Todd

    They would be funny, lol. They do look alike!
  • Bev Levy

    Hi, I did not know if you would see my reply on the blog but the bed I was talking about is called a dog cot. Petco had them on their website. There are quite a few different manufacturers that make them. They are quite comfy and off the ground but very difficult to chew. Prices vary from pretty cheap to a lot depending on how fancy they are. We got ours at a pet supply place here in town but they can be ordered on line. I have been voting for Pancake every day by the way! What a cutie. Bev
  • Bev Levy

    Oops I can not do two things at once! Skip the part about Pancake! LOL
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! I tried sending a message the other day but it wasnt going through. I bought a water rover and love it, great for traveling. It is a water bottle with a bowl. You let the water out into the bowl and water the dog doesnt drink goes back in the bowl. I also used that bowl for his feeding dish while we were on the road. Hope you have a great trip. If you have any other questions please ask. :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I found the water rover at a specialty dog store. They have a website I believe it is: The poor pug, thats horrible. I believe pugs are more prone to overheating since they cant breathe very well. :( Is your air conditioning working in the car? I would think you should be okay, just remember to give water when you stop.
  • Alice

    Thank you for the birthday wishes! That was such a cute picture. :)
  • Chris

  • Deanna

  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    Hi there- Regarding the Buddy Look Out Car seat bed....I bought the large for my dog and it works out perfectly. Nope, not too warm for him. No complaints at all. Anytime we go for a ride, he immediately hopes in back and gets in his bed. My dog is small so the bed allows him to be up higher in order to see everything. We would also take bed out into our hotel and he would sleep in it at night. very versatile.
  • Aj

    Yes, it is Theo in the background :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! Thank You for the birthday wish and gift, how sweet.