Tracie & Emmy


Rochester, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Rochester, NY
About Me:
My name is Tracie and I live in Greece, NY.. a suburb of Rochester. My dog and I are members of the Rochester Small Dog Playgroup, and I am also on the Monroe County dog park committee. My corgi (Emmy) and I do agility at a local facility, and plan to start learning flyball in the near future.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Emmy is a "sweet clown". She loves to snuggle and is very attentive, which is her sweet side. Her other side is the goofy side. She loves to play, (FRAP), swim, run in the snow, and anything else she can come up with to make people laugh. She is extremely outgoing, and expects everyone to fall in love with her at first sight. She is also very smart and does well at obedience and agility - which we do just for fun.
I have:

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  • Jo

    thanks It is so hard to get a photo of all of them...the little on off to the right got cut out of the photo...
  • sandra

    thanks for comment re video again.....yes, i say bye and she run after see, kaley takes off in the ring, so i try to get hints what to off, she will follow.....get out of ring fast and she will think no fun and not run off this, do that, do that, do not do this, and so on and so on.......i laugh at me in ring, i made the most wierdest ooo my, but hey, it is genuine and i am working hard and trying and having fun, never yell.....hehehe, not the bad stage mum!...hehehe

    i am glad you enjoy my videos, and kaley the star!
    will be more of course, and hey, camera person has to get better too, hehehe

    hey, come and ck out and ,always something to do on the internet!

    smiles : )

    you want me madam judge?? one more try to catch me! (55 of 59)
    kaley is running circles around the judge, she does not even move fast enough to change as kaley does her running back to the judge!
  • CassieD44

    Thanks for the comment Emmy! I can't wait to be big like you so I can play all day too!!
  • Ferris aka Ferrball

    Thank you!
  • Petra Marteus

    Wow I love your pictures! So Emmy is a bit of a clown? My Cardigan Frodo is too:)) He is very outgoing and fun and just loves to play and get all the attention he can get from everyone he meets:)) Here is the clown (he is the father of our Tina that you saw with the beautiful face):

  • Karen & Bailey

    awww thanks tracie! thanks emmy! and oh yes i have to let you know that emmy is our favorite tri colored corgi!!!! =D hahaha =D too bad emmy's older than bailey lol otherwise we could umm set them up! ok just kidding, i dont even know if emmy is single. lol

    ooooo if you thought those pictures weere cute.. wait to see what i post later today LOL!!!!! i got this one picture - he looks like hes doing that big eyed kitty/puppy eyed thing in Shrek - you know that look?! hahah you'll see soon. hehehe man hes growing up too fast.. aAHH stop growing bailey.=P

    we went to get shots yesterday and i have to admit, he gets the most attention ever. i just stand there and am like yepp hes 3 months yepp hes a welsh corgi yepp hes a boy. hahhahha and they dont even ask well whats your name? LOL. man he so knows hes popular too. =)

    were going to puppy class in about 2 hours! woo ! will he be tired when he gets home.

    well i will be posting videos and photos sometime today! =D ?It was pretty hot this weekend, so i got some "smiling" pics, and took video of him on my friends backyard deck. He's so cute.

    so how's emmy?!! and doggy daycare??! Anything new come into emmy's life?!?! a new dog-man??! j/k ok! ttyl!
  • Danielle_RN

    Hi Tracie, Thanks for asking about our little addition. The due date is May 6th, I can't wait to see that little face! I'll be sure to share lots of pics and vidoes! Playdates are in the future!
  • Karen & Bailey

    two new videos to come in about 1/2 hr. haha i uploaded two this morning of his tricks, and im currently doing the 3rd and 4th. =P i need broadband cable for my taking-photos-and-videos-of-bailey addiction! =) i guess DSL will suffice for now. hope your weekend went great.

    not sure if his paws are getting bigger! hope they are! they're adorable!
  • Karen & Bailey

    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg tracie omg omg omg . I WATCH BIG BROTHER TOO!!! lol what a small world. and OH YEA!! its the finale tonight. i want adam to win, how about you? and and and.. i ahve to wait till 8pm my time - which is 2.5 more hours, so don't let me know lol. =P ok have a great week too! hahahaha
  • Karen & Bailey

    i know! darn! yea hahha i dont like rye bread cause of jen - if it wasnt for her, then go ryan! hahaha =) ok just 45 more minutes until i get to watch. =P
  • Karen & Bailey

    ooo! Adam won =P Do you watch Survivor as well?!?! I am into all those reality shows - at least the you know "first" ones - I don't like all those knock offs. haha But I do follow Survivor, Big Brother and The Amazing Race when they are on, with my favorite being The Amazing Race. =)
  • Karen & Bailey

    hehe Bailey thanks you for the kisses. =P man ooo yes i used to watch The Hills tooo!!!!! and Real World- I watched the Sydney one, but have not watched the Hollywood one. I think I have too much to catch up and not enough time between work and Bailey. lol. so when my friend was telling me how great Nip Tuck was, I just couldn't give in - yet another show I'd have to follow. =) Well, I hope they show TAR this summer!!!!! =)
  • James

    He's getting really good at the potty training, which makes me very happy. Speaking of tricks, check out his new "ability".
  • Joan

    Lucie is a Doll! How old is she?
  • Bridget

    I showed the Emmy puppy picture to my two boys and they were totally amazed how much they look alike! They loved seeing Emmy's grown up pic too to get a sneak peek of the way our puppy might look when grown up. They loved the snow pics too!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Thank-you for the birthday wishes!! :):)
  • John Wolff

    that's an adorable tri
  • Renae & Mark

    Hi Tracie! Thanks for the welcome. Emmy looks lovely - she sounds a lot like Rupert. Rupert loves to play and socialise and loves attention! But he's never seen snow!
  • Danielle_RN

    I am leaning more toward wanting a girl, just because I have never had a male pet, and the marking thing worries me. She had 5 boys and 2 girls, so I am thinking my chances are more for a boy, depending on which ones are show quality vs pet quality. I just really want a happy healthy fun corgi! I can't wait!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi tracie! hi emmy! thanks for the video comments! i dont know how long i can last with one-two videos a week. its a lot of work! Bailey says hello!! he met a new friend this past weekend. my friend was dogsitting and we paid a visit. the other dog was so niec and mellow. =P there are pics on my page. anywhoo, bailey was so well behaved while i was gone at work!

    hope you had a great weekend w/ emmy!

    i caught myself up on the hills because they have all the episodes online at but im going to miss the season finale, so ill have to watch it online 2m. =P
  • Treez & Spartacus

    omg... emmy is sooooo cute! thanks for the compliments, i hope my sparty turns out as cute as yours! i can already see some similarities! =)
  • Karen & Bailey

    oo i shall be on the hunt for bubu! haha.. ooo yes thanks for reminding me to watch the hills lol! gonna watch it now.. ooo i cant remmeber hte last time i watched the mole!!!!!!! i actually liekd that show and wonder where it went?!?!?!!?? its back?!?! on what channel and time?!?!
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha how funny! yea im sure bailey was cuter that bubu anyways =X ;) hahaha. ooo hey tracy - even I don't have a SFO souvenir!!!!! lol .. and knowing those high touristy item prices, im sure it was more expensive than a magnet and shotglass together - I mean you have to admit a potholder is more useful than a magnet!! and on occasion, the shotglass! LOL! =)

    oo okay, ill check the ABC site. =P

    Bailey says hello!!! Your friend just escaped the heat wave thats supposed to come to the SF Bay Area by Thursday... It's going to get into the 80s here.. and tahts RARE!!!!!!!!! haha. kinda funny cause whenever i say that to people who dont live in San Francisco, they go .. 82... thats nothing! thats cold! hahha.. =P i work about 40 minutes away from wher i live, further inland.. and 35 miles away - itll be 100 degrees (20 degree difference) - so its crazy!!!!! and our annual summer picnic is on thurs!!
  • mikonami

    I went to Three Dog Bakery to get her cake. I never knew dog cakes were so hard!
  • Steve

    Hi! Thanks for the comment on "turtle". Your pictures of Emmy are just precious!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hey! you should still join! =D shouldve included the humans, eh?!? lol. =D come joinnn us!!!!!!! If you still feel that way, we'll make you and emmy honorary members! =D
  • Karen & Bailey

    =D ok if you say soooo but you guys are welcome anytime! =P
  • Calvin

    Emmy's gorgeous! Cool tricks she can do. Ender can manage a "sit" if he thinks he'll get a treat but that's as far as we've gotten.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi tracie! hi emmy! =P i thought id share some news with auntie emmy. Bailey mastered the stairs today - well at least going UP! =D haha he bunny hops his way up, its so cute!!! =D i thought he wouldnt be able to do it, and then then.. we visited my friends house this past weekend and there were a bunch of stairs inside - so i thought! lovely! practice - but now hell go up them like its no big deal! and it was 2 days ago! =D

    he suprises me everyday.. =P hope you had a nice weekend!!!! we uploaded some new pics and onnnneeee video. =P
  • Molly

    She is a beautiful tri girl! We haven't seen many tri's down this way...actually we haven't seen many other corgi's.
  • Danielle_RN

    Kara went for her 1st vet check up today and in the waiting room, my 7yo daughter came running so excited to show me a picture of a beautiful corgi, guess who it was... It was Emmy in the pet tales magazine! I just had to share! Kara has to go the end of June for her final round of shots then she will be able to start going to puppy play groups and stuff. We plan on joining the small dog playgroup so we hope to see you both there this summer! Take care!
  • Karen & Bailey

    how is emmy pie doing?!??!?!?!?! =D

    got some great updated news. we went to the beach this weekend and bailey went OFF LEASH and didn't run away! I was soooo proud of him. =) I can't believe he's growing up so fast. He knew who his mommy was ! =) and and and i took him to the park and he did super well too, i let him off leash in one area to play with a friendly german shepard, and and he was just the greatest little follower - kinda saw that german shepard as his mommy - it was the cutest thing!

    so far so good. were going to our first corgi meetup on saturday.

    so how are you two - any new fun adventures lately?
  • Karen & Bailey

    =) yay nice to hear from you! well well well. i dont know if you could get past bailey. hes quite a watchdog... NOT! .lol

    the doorbell rings, he gives a warning bark but then once i open the door - whether it be a friend, mailman, or some guy handing out election flyers - he just wags his tail adnw ants to meet them! hed probably jump into your dark bag and ignore your ski mask lolllllll... =P

    and and two cops stopped us yestyerday on our walk to say how cute he was and they wanted to pet him. and of course, no hesitation whatsoever he just went right on over and gave himself up. !!!!!ahh!!!! =P
  • corgichic

    Hi Tracie, I would love to get to gether with other corgis, but to be honest I am afraid of dog parks. My 1st corgi Hia was attacked by a supposedly 'friendly' rotteweiller at Ellison, so now we only socialize with dogs we know. But if you would like to try to get together, let me know. I think it would be for my kids to have some new local corgi friends :)
    Harmony, Jaxx & Bo

    ps...where did you get your corgi from? local breeder?
  • Christopher Zincone & Monty!

    Thanks for having a look at our Space-Walk video. I love Emmy's "wacky dog" face in pics 12 and 15. Monty! does the same thing when we play with his soccer ball! It's the cutest!
  • Karen & Bailey

    wow! Hi Tracie and Emmy!!! =D So happy to hear from you. wow it has been a summer!!!! did you and emmy go on any new adventures?!?!?!?!?!? how is emmy?!?!?!

    Bailey went under the knife in August, he got neutered and is just as normal as ever! haha... hes going through his teenage stage now, where he doesn't want to listen to me as much, but were getting through it. hes just more rambunctious! but still as cute as ever!

    You must have watched big brother! i have yet to watch the finale.... i taped it.. but wil be watching it in a few minutes. i actually liked memphis despite what the household thinks.. but maybe cause i just think hes cute. LOL. im not much of a dan-fan. i was a brian fan cause he was from San Francisco.. but that didint last long. anyways, it has been a GREAT summer. wow so much i could write about but to sum it up:

    1)he got neutered
    2) went to his first baseball game
    3) crossed the GG Bridge for hte first time
    4) weighs about 27-28 lbs now
    5) loves everyone and every dog (still)
    6) watches "its me or the dog" on animal planet - and tells me how naughty the dogs are and how hes much better than them,.. lol j/k
    7) possibly going to his first hike ever this weekend!
    8) went swimming for the first time in his life jacket
    9) mastered the art of hiding his tennis ball under the sofa
    10) has learned to rip apart stuffed animals (i really thought he would NOT acquire this skill... but i guess with teh teenage stage, it comes)

    Bailey misses Emmy's hellos! =) take care!!
  • Danielle_RN

    Hello, We are Sooooo excited, we will be at Barktoberfest! It's about 2 miles from our home! We will look for you there!
  • Karen & Bailey

    ahh!! that was emmy!!!! of course!! i will vote for you!! =)

    hope all is going well! what was emmy for halloween?
  • Worthington Natalia

    Emmy is definitely a cutie:) What a smile!
  • Karen & Bailey

    aww thanks Emmy!!! =D
  • Concetta


    Emmy is so beatiful. Doggie day care is a God sent to my husband and I, and of course for Roxy. She has been going since she turned 8 months. She loves it!!! Your photos are great. I need to update mine, just been too lazy!!!! good luck with day care. They love it!!! Great socialization.

    How beautiful is Emmy..... and she knows it ha ha!!! She is has lovely markings

    Emmy is so cute. Love your pictures.
  • Tracey

    Happy Birthday!!
  • Deanna

  • Lauren and Daisy

    Your pup is such a cute little cutiepup!
  • Lauren and Daisy

    I like her tail!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Hi Emmy!! Just wanted to drop in and say hi!! :)

    ♥ Mandy
  • Jane Christensen

    Your Emmy is a very beautiful !
  • Raquel & Max

    Hi Tracie & Emmy. I saw that you live in Rochester so I thought I'd leave a note, hope you don't mind, from a complete stranger. :) Max and I (and my husband) live in Fairport. I was wondering - where do you go for agility and where does the Rochester Small Dog Playgroup meet? Max and I go to Boom Towne in Farmington for agility.