

Vero Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Vero Beach-by way of Long Island!!
About Me:
We have an 18 year old Spitz named Heidi and we have two adorable corgis, both males, one is 2 and our newest is now 8 months! We love all three, they are our kids since our two teenage girls don't seem to have time for us anymore! lol All of our doggies are spoiled rotten and we love it!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Butterball two years old and a very demanding fellow!

Baxter is 8 months and he loves his brother and sister!

Heidi is 18 and a Spitz, she can't be bothered with either one!
I have:

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  • Dawn Murray

    Thanks for your input! That's great!
  • Lauren and Daisy

    Yeah, Daisy is very bossy. She nips alot.
  • Toby

    Thank you for being my friend. You are a beautiful corgi. I love going for swims and playing with toys and being top dog!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Dannielle

    Aww how cute!! I absolutely love Zero he is probably the best dog I have ever gotten I am soooo grateful to Celeste. Hope u feeel the same way too!
  • Emma

    from Malina, Hank, Jack,and Emma.
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!
  • Emma

    Jack and Emma are growing so fast that we can see it!! Jack weighs over 8 pounds now, thy were both 4.5 when we got them. We give them 1/2 a cup in morning and night and 1/4 cup for lunch. They also get very small training bits (bil jac) for being good, but they have to work for them. Jack is getting stocky and Emma is really lean and weighs 7.5 pounds. I call them Big Bully and Little Mischief now since they are always play fighting. Am going to put up new pics soon. Have a great day!
  • Tanya Amberson

    Thank you!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Happy Birthday! What cuties!
  • Deanna

  • Milo

    Yes, Milo is from Celeste! I remember Baxter from the videos she sent. He's adorable! How is he doing? Milo is doing well, but he bites alot. Do you have the same problem with Baxter?
  • Milo

    I'm glad to know the nipping will stop eventually...his teeth are sharp, and he likes to bite me more than anything else! Milo was 5 lbs when we got him, he's about 8 pounds now...getting to be a big boy! Your Butterball is adorable too, by the way!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey yes I am in VB. I can't wait until the vero corgi round up its in late march or early april...not sure. I got Koby from a breeder in Inverness/ Lecanto florida.
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Baxter is soo cute!! Your cat is beautiful as well! She looks like my Kira. Little Koby is snoring as I am typing to you. Butterballs birthday photos are funny! I can't believe he let you put the hat on him
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Yes! All my life I've been saying......" No, thats E y"
    Your furry family is absolutely adorable. What do your older dogs think of your new baby?
    Your kitty looks exactly like my cat Ed!
    Thank you for the note. I enjoy "meeting" new people on this site. Its the greatest!
  • Emma

    Can't wait to see more pics of Emma and Jack's "little " brother!! Maybe one day they can meet again. We are hopeing to go to the corgi picnic in November.
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hi Tracey! did you find your baby with Celeste! gorgeous!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Yay! he is so cute! the blaze of his head is nice, I got mine with Celeste too, and she was born in September. I might get a tri colored male from her (maybe)....;]
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Thanks - it's always fun to see old faces and new pups! We sent the link to your e-mail to see the photos from yesterday on our web album. Corgially, Wiggles
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Nutmeg is from Celeste
  • Dyllan

    Hi Tracey, I saw Baxter and Butterball at the corgi roundup. My daughter Jamie and I had the other two little guys Dyllan and Koby. Baxter is soooo cute! Our guys are almost 4 months on the 10th and weigh 12 pounds...Arent they great dogs? We will have to meet again soon and let them socialize not wait untill next year....Jane
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hi Tracey - Baxter has the cutest face!!!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I really enjoyed meeting Butterball and Baxter! It's always fun and weird to see so many look alikes at those get togethers! It almost feels like a science fiction movie lol I think I am going to take Koby to that little park more often to socialize.
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Yes Koby loves the cold weather!! He keeps running to the door to go out, I almost wonder if he is doing this because when he comes back in he gets a biscuit. He really seems to enjoy it and he likes to sit out there while I am in a jacket freezing!! lol They are so fun!
  • Emma

    Jack and Emma are doing great. Jack is 10 pounds and Emma is now 8.5. when it comes to potty training.. well some days are good and some days I am surprised I am not bald. We will let them run in the back yard for half an hour and then one will come in and poop right in front of us. We clean up at least 3 pee puddles a day. We try to get them outside once an hour. they are gated into the kitchen and if we are not home and for bed they are crated (and yes they pee in their crates and yes it is the right size). Other than that Jack now barks and Emma whines any time shes alone. They are both very loving and even sometimes listen. Give Baxter a big hug from us.
  • Dyllan

    Its coming along very well. Tomorrow Dyllan will be 4 months old and my husband is here most of the day to let him out that helps. When we go away from the house we put him in his crate that he does not like much but there hasnt been any accidents in there. He has even whined at me once to go will get there slowly but surely!!! Takes time but it sure is nice when you dont have to worry about accidents anymore.....our other corgi {Riley} hated his crate too but then it became his bed and his place of security.....
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Hiphapa

    thank you!
  • sabina

    thanks a lot ! kisses
  • Amanda

    Thank you! I appriciate it! :)
  • Krystal R

    Thank you Tracey - I hope to add pictures soon.
  • Emma

    wow he caught up fast. jack is also 15 pounds and is big roll of love. emma is slender and is about 12 pounds. my vet wants to wait till 6 months to neuter. hugs and kisses from my babies to yours~
  • Katie Waite

    Hi Tracey. You don't know me but I have a serious problem with one of my dogs, he's a Pug, and I couldn't help but notice that on April 1, 2009 someone left you a comment, about a breeder that they got their dog from in Coldwater, KS and the breeder name was Clair Carlisle, and that is the same breeder of my dog. I desperately need help, and your page is the only thing that I have come close to. Please help me!!! I would even post my phone number to you, but I don't know if I am allowed to do that on this site. But my email address is and if you could email me there, I would give you my phone number. The dog is the one on the far left in the picture, his name is Apollo and he has an deadly case of Demotitis Mites, and from it has caused him to get an ulcer in is right eye and he had to have a corneal eye translplant in that eye already. He is on several medications, but this disease was in the DNA chromosome gene from his mother, and he should have never been bred. I need help, and I need to get in touch with that other person that left you a comment on your page that also has a problem with one of her dogs from the same breeder (puppy mill). If anyone else see's my message, feel free to email me. I'm desperate for anyone's help!!!!!
    Thank you so much!!
    Katie Waite
  • Katie Waite

    Can you email me at my email address so I can give you my phone number, and maybe if you don't mind talking to me tomorrow on the phone. I got Apollo at Cindi's also. I just need to talk to you and find out more about your situation because I plan on taking action against Cindi's. I am into about $4,000 already in medical bills with Apollo. I won't let this settle, and I won't go away quietly. This dog is, like how other people are about their dogs, my child and I will do anything for him. He's only a year old, he doesn't deserve this. I love this dog so much!!!! Please at least talk to me. I don't work, because I have just had my 6th back surgery two weeks ago. I have a doctor appt. tomorrow, and then will be home all day. I can't leave this dog for more than an hour or two by himself. This is so heart breaking for me!!! Please email me, and I will give you my phone number.
  • Carleigh and Ein

    thanks for the happy birthday!
    sorry it took me so long to respond, I haven't had time to get online in forever! :)
  • Katie Waite

    Hi Tracey!
    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I've been pretty sick the last couple days, and we had to drive all the way down to Deerfield Beach yesterday because I wanted the Dermatologist to see Apollo, the sick Pug, on short notice. It seemed like he was getting worse. I do want to talk to you though. I will try and get a hold of you tonight. Also I spoke to the owner at Cindi's, have some things to tell you about that.
    I will talk to you soon! Hope all is well!!!
  • Emma

    Jack and emma are 99% housebroken. We have a fenced in back yard and we let them out at least once every 2 hours . If we are not home then they are crated and since we put in the sheep skin crate pad they havn't gone in their crates. we did have one accident with Jack yesterday but it was raining so hard it might have been our fault in waiting so long. does Baxter chew on EVERYTHING. Jack and especially Emma are chewers. But they are starting to know what they can and cannot chew on. hugs and kissed to Baxter from his bro and sis and Us.
  • Emma

    they are doing good. Jack is 18 pounds! no wonder its getting harder to pick him up. He is just a gentle guy. Both have lost a lot of teeth and I have been able to keep a few (before they swallow them). Today Is bath day!! I need to put new pics up soon.
  • Amanda + Beverley

    Oh my gosh! your Corgis are SO cute! Your main picture looked SO much like my Beverley at first glance!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    How are butterball and baxter doing? It stinks the corgi party is only once a year it would be neet to see everyone more often. Koby is 8 months old next week!!! He is growing too fast!! He is doing good with potty training but for some reason he pooped on my parents floor when we visited last who knows what he was thinking???
  • Emma

    Jack is the same way. He is 23 pounds and a real turkeyball. Emma is 18 pounds and both are still going. Emma is all better from her near death experiance and is getting spayed in Oct. Jack got fixed 2 months ago. Are you going to corgi picnic? We would all love to see Baxter again.
  • Emma

    WOW I thought Jack was big!!! They both get a cup in the morning and a cup at night of nutro for puppies. and they get a few milk bones through the day
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    I love the new photos!! Of course I am going in November!!! I can't wait! I went last year in Riley's memory without a corgi, just to remember what a corgi felt like. It was so hard to loose him, but now I have my Koby to take and keep me company so I am sure I will have a better time!Looking forward to see you there!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Happy B-lated Birthday Butterball!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey Koby is 23 pounds last month so I'd say he is probably 25 now. He seems to be a big corgi too! When I see koby he isn't fat but he sure is heavy when I try to pick him up!! How are your pups doing?
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    OMG!! I am so glad Baxter was returned to you!!! Corgi's are not that common and I always worry someone might steal them to sell! I have Koby a little name tag too but you have to really on honest people.
  • Emma

    We told Jack and Emma this morning that they get to see their brother!! They were very exited. We are looking forward to the picnic. We will have to find each other since there will be so many people aand corgis there.
  • Emma

    I agree. Our dogs are total cuties!!!.. just so you know hank made the video into 3 parts. the 1st part is the part I posted but there is a 2nd part on you tube with all 3 dogs together and a 3rd part that will be uploaded tomorrow when Hank has time.
  • Emma

    Emma and Jack want to wish their brother a huge happy birthday and merry Christmas. They got a really nice breakfast of turkey and dog food! Have a great day