Jessica Lea & Sydney


Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a first time dog owner going through all of the pitfalls and successes of puppyhood. I recently moved to Portland, OR from Chicago and am originally from NY. I love great food, bad movies, old books and magic.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sydney is adjusting wonderfully to life in Portland thus far. She loves Ross Park in Vancouver and meeting new pup friends. Everyone loves her and she happily soaks up the love and attention.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Jessica and Sydney from Geri and Sidney!
  • Molly Przybelinski

    Don't you just LOVE corgi puppies!? Your picture is adorable! Is that Sydney? :-D
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Sydney is sooo cute! I can't wait to get a tri!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sunni A.

    Thank you! His ears always look ragged now! Bummer!
  • Rachel

    Thanks for the comments! Make sure you take lots of pics of you new pup they grow up fast. I'm sure you two are going to have a great time exploring nature, I really in joy all the nature that Portland has to offer. I am taking a trip to Portland at the end of this month to visit my brother and his new little girl.
  • Leasa

    I love it Jess you already have a page started !!! You are gonna be such a good momma!
  • Jane Christensen

    I can't wait to see this pup grow...she is sooo beautiful! When's the big day????
  • Jane Christensen

    Wynn is my oldest and he is 41/2...he started me with this corgi obsession and my husband was very cautious about corgis as he had heard how stubborn they could be (I can be too, maybe that's why he was so cautious). I have added 1 a year for the past several years and Wiley is my rescue. I did take this year off as Livvy is my difficult but loving corgi so I need to get her better trained and hopefully next year(I have one ordered) I will get one of her younger siblings! My husband now realizes how great corgis are!!!
  • John Wolff

    Gorgeous little pup. No white! I wonder how much of the black will turn red in the first year.
    Our neighbors have a dog like that, Monty, for Teresa Blakstad in Sandpoint ID; he's adorable. Even he has more white on boots and belly.
    Syd's gonna be a stunning dog.
  • John Wolff

    I just googled "hiking with dogs pacific northwest" and got a good selection.
    REMEMBER: no big challenges until Syd's a year old; our breeder Carrie Hale was quite firm about this; you want the growth plates on the long bones fused. So take it easy the first year. Also, I would never put a backpack on a corgi; I want them to run free and be able to keep up (not a problem!).
  • John Wolff

    the black tends to turn red on the face, shoulders, hips, legs. Take lots of puppy pictures.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Good luck tomorrow! I'm so excited. Oh the fun you'll have. I'm a little jealous. I'd love a little baby, and so would my husband now that the kids have flown the coop. But, I inherited a house in Long Beach, NY (where your dad lives?) and we plan to spend a few wks there each summer and flying 2 dogs cross-country is 2 much for me! Tips for flying: zanax and a bloody mary for ME. We only flew once with Lucy. She did better than me. I would not want to do a connecting flt if I could avoid it. Keep me posted on your adventures with Sydney.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hope you have a wonderday day 1 with your beautiful baby Sydney!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    It's true. Our babies take their cues from us. We had the laundry list of Lucy's stuff to pack, but I the Bloody Mary during the flight was the ticket to ride! Once on board the flight attendants do not allow pets to be out of the carrier, so there's not a whole lot you can do for your baby except keep yourself as calm as you can be.
  • Leasa

    Glad your little angel made it safely to you !
  • Dawn

    Hi Jessica, Congrads on Sydney! Yes, we are kin and HAVE to stay in touch. We can't let best furfriends and sisters lose contact. I'm so jealous, you already have your sweetheart. Monday is our wonderful day! We went shopping this morning for goodies, and check out the first toy I saw!

  • Molly Przybelinski

    How is your puppy!? :-) Did you get her any christmas gifts?
  • Cindi

    Congratulations on your new puppy! Very happy for you.
  • Dawn

    Hey Jessica, How is sister Sydney doing? Sage (Cupid) was asking about her. Sage is weighing in at 18 lbs, where's Sydney at? I'm curious is Sage was the big girl of the litter. Well, just wanted to say hi, and make sure her sister was still doing well.
  • Mary Beth Lynn

    Hi Jessica
    Wondering how long you will be unable to watch her? I know this must sound strange but I think our family might be willing to have her stay with us -
    We have one Corgi named Abraham and two cats. My S/O is home during the day . . . . Its a thought - we would do it for a reasonable sum . . . .think it over.
    We have a HUGE fenced yard - too