

Surprise, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I had wanted a dog so badly since I left home for college. I was raised with many pets and my dogs were always great companions. However in college I didn't have had the time or the money, and even after graduating it took a while to get a steady job. We finally bought a house in March 2009 and started getting ready to bring home our new family member! My boyfriend had told me about corgis in the past and we had researched them for a while. They sounded like a good fit for us, both the fun and challenging aspects.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our little girl, Nibbler, was born April 19th, 2009, and we brought her home June 20th, 2009. We had to drive out to California to pick her up, 8 hours each way, but she was so worth it! She started out a little shy but now she is so outgoing! She will "talk back" and she loves meeting new people. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious and she makes me smile!

Nibbler's Achievements:
Beginner Obedience
Intermediate Obedience
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Mary! I look forward to hearing more about your puppy! What part of Calif are you getting him from?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • Alice

    We had to drive 7 hours each direction to pick up our little guy too. He ended up laying on a towel on the back seat with some stuffed toys and slept the whole time. I sat back there with him and if he got fidgety I would just pet him until he fell asleep. We stopped about every hour for him to go potty and that was it. Just be sure to bring water and if the breeder isn't sending you home with some of the food she's been eating then you may want to bring some as a snack. Good luck!
  • Alice

    I'm sure it will be just fine. Thank you for the compliment on Finnigan. :) Maybe you could join us for one of the Az meet ups once your new baby is vaccinated.
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    You are going to have such a great time with your new pup! They are so sweet and cute when they are little (still cute as adults but pleeze...)! I could have held Twinkie like a baby for hours. People will just go nuts for Spunky!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Congratulations! I know exactly how you feel. I thought I was going to burst waiting for the day I got to go pick up LaVerne.
    Your baby is perfect! I cant wait to see more pics!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Boo Buchheit

    Your puppy is so cute. Welcome.
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    Hi there, I was just searching around here for Poso Creek puppies and saw that you got your cute little pup from there :-). I am getting my Bailey from them in a couple of weeks..
    How is your pup doing? She is absolutely adorable
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    Gilby is Bailey's sire as well. The Dam is Thelma who is a friend'sdog as well. We are taking to the friend, Peggy, and doing everything through her.

    I can only imagine how much life will change when Bauley comes home. Luckily I still have about a month of summer vacation left, so I can give all my attention to the pup :-)
  • Nancy and Harley

    Nibbler is such a cute name... and she's a cute little girl, too!!
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    Nibbler is a cutie, and their belies do look the same :-)
    If I didn't know it, I would think that was a picture of Bailey on my profile :-)
  • Jenny and Kilgore

    Nibbler is adorable! We have a cat in our house by the same name! I had originally wanted a tri male, but ended up with a sable male and love him to pieces. Enjoy your new parenthood!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Im so glad you discovered the pro collar. Its great. In fact Shirley is wearing it now. She got spayed last thursday. I hope Nibbler is recovering quickly. Its been hard to keep Shirley calm. She is a littel Ive enjoyed going thru your pictures. Nibbler has been a heart-stealer from the beginning. What a doll!!! I love her marking and that SMILE!!!
    Arent Corgis the greatest? No matter how I am feeling they always manage to make me smile. They are so smart , silly and overflowing with love. I only wish I had gotten them sooner! :o)
  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    Nibbler is so cute! I hope that Yolie "talks". I have watched Corgis talking on youtube and I have to laugh. I can't wait to share puppy stories. Thanks for the response.
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    I think Nibbler & Dexter are siblings!!! Dexter is our tri, and his parents are Gilby & Paris, and we got him in June from Poso Creek too :)

    My husband and I were cracking up at how much alike they look... so cute!!!
  • Abbea and Vivi

    I saw your question in the Arizona group about the group logo. Actually I just found two clip art pictures on google and combined them using photoshop.. I was a little lazy. Maybe sometime I'll draw one myself.
  • Mary

  • Abbea and Vivi

    Oh, thanks for letting me me know about the pictures. I looked on her page before and saw a few of the first ones (the ones taken later in the night when their costumes were off) but I thought it was from something else so I stopped before the costume pictures showed up.. Hehe.
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Yeah, I saw that one also. She's really adorable but I want to be able to get another one if I want to... Her description sounds like my parent's dog, and I hate to see her bullying their other older dog around all the time. I hope she finds a good home though.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Mary,

    Yes, SIdney loves the time he spends at classes, so we took basic, intermediate and trick training classes. At the end of the 6-week therapy class, the dogs had to take a test to make sure they were ready.

    At our school, they are not supposed to start doing therapy training until they are 1 year old. Sidney was about 1 year 9 months when we started. He's almost 2 1/2 now...we took a break over summer because my daughter was graduating high school :)
  • Garrett, Katie, & Conan

    Thanks! Nibbler is such a cutie. It's so good to meet other Corgis from Kim. She such a wonderful person and breeder.

    ps. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you very much, Mary! We are very excited about it :)
  • Sky and Lyla

    What you want to do is find a good, all natural, human grade food, preferably grain free. Orijen and Evo are both great. Fromm is a pretty good food as well. If the food you are on is an all life stages food, your dog can eat it no matter what age. If it is an adult v puppy food it is up to your judgement. I switched my pups over around 8 months. The absolute most important thing though is that you are feeding a healthy food!
  • Joanna Kimball


    For a gentle shampoo I'd either use a show-dog shampoo or I'd use a human shampoo. Both are designed for daily use and are weaker in detergents than the ones that are formulated to clean a dog who gets a bath once a year.

    I love Chris Christensen products, and he has a Day to Day shampoo that is very gentle. Plush Puppy products are also wonderful, as is Best Shot UltraVitalizing. You don't want anything called "professional"; in dog groom-speak that means "super concentrated." If you don't want to order something, you can use a human shampoo. We use Bed Head and Pantene a lot around here and many people, groomers included, swear by Sally Beauty's store brand.

    Whatever you use, apply it diluted. Squirt some into a cup of warm water, swish it around, and then pour that over the dog and work it in. You should try for a shampoo-ed slick feeling all over the dog but you don't need thick lather. Then rinse like bonkers, using your fingers to push under the coat, especially around the chest and where the legs meet the belly and on the mid-back where the coat is thickest and hardest. If you rinse very well and still feel like the coat isn't clean, repeat the dilute wash. I can usually tell I'm done when the water starts to bead up on the coat again (i.e., the hairs are clean and shiny).

    Hope this helps!
  • Sky and Lyla

    Oh great! I'm glad you like the Honest Kitchen. I love it. I don't feed it completely, as it is a little pricey, but certainly is around the same price as feeding the pre-made raw foods. I feed Orijen kibble in the AM and either the Honest Kitchen (sometimes mixed with raw ground turkey meat from the store) at night or raw meaty bones. Good luck!
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    I just read your little about my corgi section...and it so sounds like my Bailey :-) Yay for Poso Creek Puppies and offsprings of Gilby :-)
  • M.

    We're getting two puppies from Kim soon! Both were sired by Gilby but have different dams. We're going to be picking them up in early April which gives me a good six weeks or so to bundle up cables, hide anything chewable and figure out how best to handle a 9 hour car ride with two puppies. :)

    I hope ours are half as cute as Nibbler! What a cutie.
  • M.

    I really appreciate the advice! Hopefully we'll manage. It's just going to be two of us trying to bring back two puppies, but I'm sure we'll figure it out. I'm counting on them wanting to sleep for the most part.

    I realize that's almost certainly wishful thinking on my part, but I'll hold onto my delusions for now.
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Yayuh, Nibbler! Is she a food fiend like mine? =D

  • Alice

    Good for you! Everyone falls in love with Finn. He's a lucky boy! Cardigan's really are wonderful. I thought i would want a Pem and a Cardi but I think if we got a second dog i would want a another Cardi, this time a girl. I just have to convince my husband since he wants a Scottish Deer Hound. :)
  • Clydell Lamkin

    I can't seem to locate "manage my photo" on the profile page. Could it be elsewhere?
  • Ashley and Copper

    It was horrible. I'm still sad about it and it's been over a year. Thanks for saying that/ Good to know there are dog lover's like me that feel the same way.