  • Female
  • Surprise, AZ
  • United States
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  • Michelle
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin
  • Tris & Jeanne
  • Krystal G
  • Eric D.
  • Ashley and Copper
  • M.
  • Cody
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan
  • Joseph,Lindsay,Pippin
  • Bryan and Tara
  • Rachel

Mary's Discussions

Corgi in Wedding Party?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mickey Sep 5, 2010. 11 Replies

Mystery Solved: "Frito Feet"

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn Jul 22, 2010. 2 Replies

growth on pads?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Tauna and Kota Jul 10, 2010. 10 Replies

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Profile Information

About Me:
I had wanted a dog so badly since I left home for college. I was raised with many pets and my dogs were always great companions. However in college I didn't have had the time or the money, and even after graduating it took a while to get a steady job. We finally bought a house in March 2009 and started getting ready to bring home our new family member! My boyfriend had told me about corgis in the past and we had researched them for a while. They sounded like a good fit for us, both the fun and challenging aspects.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our little girl, Nibbler, was born April 19th, 2009, and we brought her home June 20th, 2009. We had to drive out to California to pick her up, 8 hours each way, but she was so worth it! She started out a little shy but now she is so outgoing! She will "talk back" and she loves meeting new people. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious and she makes me smile!

Nibbler's Achievements:
Beginner Obedience
Intermediate Obedience
I have:

Comment Wall (36 comments)

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At 8:18pm on October 9, 2010, Renata M. said…
Congratulations !! Leela is so cute!
At 7:08pm on April 6, 2010, Ashley and Copper said…
Thanks so much!!!
At 9:55pm on April 3, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Thanks for looking at my photos. Buffy was a real beauty that only lived 6 years but she had a good life. Izzy is a very special girl that gets along great with all the other animals in our house. Nibbler is really cute. Have a great Easter!
At 11:22am on March 22, 2010, Ashley and Copper said…
It was horrible. I'm still sad about it and it's been over a year. Thanks for saying that/ Good to know there are dog lover's like me that feel the same way.
At 2:49pm on February 28, 2010, Clydell Lamkin said…
I can't seem to locate "manage my photo" on the profile page. Could it be elsewhere?
At 4:37pm on February 23, 2010, Alice said…
Good for you! Everyone falls in love with Finn. He's a lucky boy! Cardigan's really are wonderful. I thought i would want a Pem and a Cardi but I think if we got a second dog i would want a another Cardi, this time a girl. I just have to convince my husband since he wants a Scottish Deer Hound. :)
At 7:52am on February 21, 2010, Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear said…
Yayuh, Nibbler! Is she a food fiend like mine? =D

At 4:23pm on February 18, 2010, M. said…
I really appreciate the advice! Hopefully we'll manage. It's just going to be two of us trying to bring back two puppies, but I'm sure we'll figure it out. I'm counting on them wanting to sleep for the most part.

I realize that's almost certainly wishful thinking on my part, but I'll hold onto my delusions for now.
At 5:40am on February 15, 2010, M. said…
We're getting two puppies from Kim soon! Both were sired by Gilby but have different dams. We're going to be picking them up in early April which gives me a good six weeks or so to bundle up cables, hide anything chewable and figure out how best to handle a 9 hour car ride with two puppies. :)

I hope ours are half as cute as Nibbler! What a cutie.
At 5:14pm on January 6, 2010, Miri, Bailey and Cali said…
I just read your little about my corgi section...and it so sounds like my Bailey :-) Yay for Poso Creek Puppies and offsprings of Gilby :-)

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Mary's Blog

Meet Leela!

Posted on October 9, 2010 at 4:00pm 7 Comments

Leela was brought into my fiance's coworker's home after she had been in a somewhat neglectful situation. She was very skinny and apparently food was thrown outside on the ground for a large group of dogs to eat. Their only water source was a hole dug in the dirt that was filled with water and was very muddy. Leela was covered in fleas and ticks, and when they started cleaning her off they started pouring out of her ears. A day later we came to meet her and it was love at first sight. Now, only… Continue

I miss my corgikins!

Posted on June 8, 2010 at 2:43am 5 Comments

I work in at a school as a speech therapy assistant, and I'm working on my Master's over the summer. So I am in Flagstaff away from my fiance and my puppykins for a week at a time! I'm so sad. I have my MyCorgi calendar in my dorm so that helps a little bit. The June corgi, Steve, is so adorable! But I miss cuddling my fiance and my little Nibbler :(

Why I LOVE my Corgi

Posted on May 15, 2010 at 6:30pm 5 Comments

She never gets a "doggy" smell, unless she steps or rolls in something horrible. She always smells so good, just like she did when she was a puppy. I remember when we first got her and I would just bury my nose in her fur and rue the future in which she wouldn't smell like puppy heaven, but she still does. I also love her absolute zest for life, whether it's taking a long stroll around the neighborhood, fetching, playing with other doggies at the puppy park, or excelling at obedience. She is… Continue


Posted on November 25, 2009 at 9:37pm 5 Comments

I have decided start directing Nibbler's training towards the requirements for therapy dogs. This was something that crossed my mind even before we brought her home. When I saw her picture, I knew she was the one for us, and the breeder told us a few weeks before we picked her up that she had a very laid back personality. And the thought crossed my mind, maybe she could do therapy? It has been something that I talked about with my boyfriend, and something I have considered doing. But it wasn't… Continue

Corgi or Not?

Posted on October 11, 2009 at 1:45am 9 Comments

Below is my boyfriend's mom's dog Pepper, with my puppy Nibbler. We're not quite sure what mix Pepper is, but the people at the shelter thought she might be part corgi. She has short fur and has a very light bone structure, maybe part chihuahua, or part dachshund? She is a sweet dog anyway, but what do you think?…


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