Katie and Yuki


Franklin, IN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Im an avid Corgi lover and im so excited that I finally have my own bundle of love.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Yuki Yue Collabell is her full name. Yuki is Japanese for Snow, Yue is Chinese for Moon because she has a crescent moon on her neck, and Collabell because its nice. Yuki is a tri colored corgi. Shes a sweet little monster and shes much more behaved than I was expecting. Shes strange though in the sense that she absolutely loves staring out the window.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Katherine and puppy-to-be-named-later! Looking forward to pictures. Congratulations!
  • Zach and Lisa

    Congrats! A new puppy is so exciting. Can't wait to see her pictures!
  • Kim Mitchell

    Yes most corgis are born black then as they get older they will turn into the other varieties of colors. Some change faster then others! Good luck with your new Corgi! Make sure and wait till they are 8 wks to bring home!
  • Zach and Lisa

    Cats and Corgis are supposedly good friends. They will get used to them. You ought to see if the breeder has anything for you to take home with the puppy smell on it for your cats to get used to. Have you picked her name yet?
  • Zach and Lisa

    Haha! Yeah, I try to welcome at least everybody from IN. We got Midas from a lady in Anderson. It was her last litter. He has turned into a handsome wonderful dog. We couldn't be happier. Is this your first Corgi ever?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you. Actually not many at all!
  • Andrea De Leo

    Congratulations Katie!
  • Andrea De Leo

    I thought they did also, lol
  • Zach and Lisa

    Yuki looks adorable. It looks like she will be a red head, so exciting to see the colors change. Is she sleeping through the night well?
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    Congrats on little Yuki...she is adorable :-)
  • M.

    How old is Yuki? About 8 weeks? Her ears will stand up. It takes time. :) She still has a lot of growing to do. Just make sure she's got plenty of chew toys as that can help strengthen the muscles that help those ears pop up, or so I've heard.

    Also her fur is still going to change a lot as she works her way through puppyhood, so a lot of that black should give way to tan as she gets older.

    Anyways, congratulations on Yuki! She's adorable.
  • M.

    I know how it is. :) What's kind of funny is the ears won't necessarily pop up at the same time. Example:


    So you may have a cute little pup running around lopsided for a bit. One thing I might suggest is to go a little easy on the pull toys early on. It can encourage aggressiveness. If you do play any pulling games make sure you always win. It's kind of a dominance game and your little gal needs to know that you're the pack leader.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • M.

    haha just as I made my comment I noticed you updated that her ear popped up. Hooray! Like I said it's normal for one to pop up before the other. The next one will follow soon I promise.

    Yay Yuki!
  • Sheryl

    Thanks! Yea I bought the banana costume last year at Target.
  • Joanna Hubbard

    Awwww, nothing cuter than a corgi puppy - esp wet! Katie actually looks lots like Gemma's brothers. In my pic she is 9 weeks. More corgiish looks showed up around 3 months. Enjoy!
  • Andrea De Leo

    I just finished painting this one today and had to share it with you. I thought it looked just like your little girl Yuki! How is she doing? Romeo has been chewing through a lot as he has been teething.... Guess it is time to get him some tougher chew toys! lol
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Its right under your profile pick. Manage Page then to Change Appearance i think. Hope this helps!!
  • Andrea De Leo

    It is not html coding. You go to settings, my page then scroll down and click on all options then add which ever image or whatever you want to add to your page like body image, header image, etc Hope this is what you were referring to.
  • K Fearghail

    Thanks! got a kick out of the photos of Yuki's bath -- the expression on her face is priceless! She's a doll!
  • Andrea De Leo

    Oops, I meant settings, my page, appearance then all options etc.... Let me know if it works :)
  • Mattea, Pancake and Biscuit

    We are thinking of Ophelia, but we aren't sure yet. Our weiner dog is named Banana, so we have Banana Pancakes, like the Jack Johnson song.
  • Adrienne

    Thanks! I must say your Corgi is sure cute.
  • Andrea De Leo

    Hi Katie, How have you and Miss Yuki Yue Collabell been doing? :)
  • Andrea De Leo

    I doubt her head will turn completely copper. Romeo still has some of his black. He lost one of his front teeth the other day. lol My boy is growing up! He loves playing fetch with his strawberry toy I got him. So much so that that he wears me out!!! lmao He seriously can play with it ALL day!
  • Bambi Stahl

    Thank you. Yuki is adorable too. How old is she. I love her ears the are cute.