Sam Tsang

46, Male

Rockledge, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Viera, Florida. Toronto, Canada.
About Me:


Hong Kong born British citizen, primary education in the UK, secondary in Australia, bachelor and graduate degree in the US, married a Canadian.

Spent the last decade in the Healthcare industry (Preventive Medicine / Urology / orthopaedic surgery). Published 2 books, produced 3 video titles.

My wife - Silvia and I run a Multimedia Design Firm - SiliStudio Inc in Toronto Canada since 09. Our specialty includes corporate social media strategies, TV network websites and mobile app development.

Our clients include: The Globe and Mail, HGTV, The Food Network and other Shaw Media Group subsidiaries.

I am a car nut, corgi fanatic, modern designed addict and gadget freak.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Mocha came into our lives shortly after our wedding back in 2002, we soon added Vienna to keep Mocha company.

Mocha graduated with a CGC and held the position of Ambassador in conduct with foreign canine relations. Mocha was diagnosed with Stage 5 Lymphoma in April, he crossed the rainbow bridge on July 30th 2012.

Vienna received her GED from petsmart university and served as Secretary of Defence in our Corgidom. Vienna was diagnosed with stage 5 Lymphoma in August 2012, she joined Mocha at the bridge just before the last day of the Mayan calendar - Dec 20th, 2012.

We continue to foster, rehab and place rescue corgis in need.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Alice

    That makes sense, I just thought it was a good site to allow a person to compare ingredients between brands without having to open multiple sites. It also lets you browse brands since many people are unaware just how many brands there are. Every time a discussion starts about food everyone weighs in with what they think is the best food and inevitably someone tells them to go to that site and look up food for themselves. Just thought it would save the hassle but I understand your standpoint. Thanks!
  • Alice

    My only other suggestion (which may be ridiculous) would be to add spell check. I always copy my messages into my email so I can spell check them, then copy back to the discussion or blog or whatever. It's 2 steps too much but I'd rather do that than have a bunch of typos. I don't know if it's possible for you to do that but if you can it would be wonderful. :)
  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Thank you for you question. No, he was only wearing a collar and leash. His armpits seem to be healing up now but I hope it doesn't happen again. We will keep him out of puddles and very wet snow and salt. Now that I see your beautiful photos I see that your Corgis love running in the water and on the beach. What lucky dogs.
  • A & P

    Happy Chinese NewYear! Love the Chinese New Year photo of your dogs!
  • A & P

    I have attached a link to a newpaper article on Perry. We included a photo of Perry with Parker and Penelope...
  • Dooby

    Happy Chinese New Year !!!虎年行大運!!!
  • Faye Badgero

    Thank you. Just so happens they have them at my favorite pet shop! I can take Neko right in the store to get a good fit.
  • Staci B & Howie

    where are those pics taken of your corgis running in the water on the beach? I'd love to take Howie (when the weather warms back up again of course haha) but I didn't think there was anywhere I could take him around here.
  • Staci B & Howie

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    My kids will love this. Lucy's video is now on the same page as Odin doing his tricks. haha. I better get to work on my training AND video skills!
  • Zach and Lisa

    We are having the hardest time trying to plan a trip with our Midas to Niagara Falls. We would like to spend 2 days there and need vacation planning advice. No place that is dog friendly seems to be open, except the falls. And everybody that we have talked to said one day is plenty of time to visit. I know you travel alot and hopefully have some ideas.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I read today (but can't remember where) about a corgi puppy named Hank that needs a home. Do you know if he still is in need?
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks, Sam. You are so great. You're like Superman. I hope you know how much you've done to help all of us and our dogs. This is one wonderful site!
  • Kelli & Penny

    Thanks Sam!
  • Kelly

    Thanks Sam!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hey Sam, Is this the right place to post a private message to you?
  • David

    Yes, the doggie variety of 牛肉乾. A whole bag! He even lay down on his back to show me his full tummy!
  • LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\

    greetings from Lobo=]
  • Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna

    Great website. Good work! Your website has been a godsend for us new corgi owners!
  • Cathy & LadyBug

    U R Wonderful...
  • Henrys Person

    wow Corgi Pic of the day!!! such a honor! thanks sam! :)
  • heather vrachliotis

    Thank you!!!!
  • heather vrachliotis

    I WISH!!!!! tim tams are set by my mum and there is a SIMILAR but not perfect alternative to Vegemite in Switzerland! i was from sydney!
  • heather vrachliotis

    OH MY GOSH!!!! you rock!!!!! thanks
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Thanks we are very excited!
  • Jackson♥

    Wow! The creator of MyCorgi! Thanks for the website its a very good way to show our dogs!
  • RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp

    I find this site very interesting...I spend far too much time looking at all the beautiful corgis and reading the stories that many corgi lovers have (funny and sad). Informative to say the least. What a great service you have provided...a place to ask questions and a place to vent (in a nice way).
  • John Wolff

    Sam, there's a "favorites" button for photos. Might be useful to have such a feature in the forums to mark good discussions.
    A problem with websites is, there's no editors, and things get lost in the huge piles.
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hi Sam,

    I was wondering where I could find a posting of "Purebreed Dogs Exposed" a video that you posted awhile back, according to Jessica–– Thanks! I have commented so many times about the kindness and sensitivity of your mycorgi site. Yet, somehow the comparisons of Corgis past and present have rattled cages. I know mine got rattled when a few members posted (what I felt to be) misinformation, while seeming to be experts. I just don't want new owners or soon-to-be owners to make judgment based on fancy rather than fact.

    Speaking of rattled cages, Lucy was hardly a Zen master during the recent Mexicali earthquake. It rattled my loyal companion big time. She was a mass of quivers & I was barely better trying to comfort her in my shaking lap!
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hey Sam, It's me again and thank you for the link to the expose. I just want to thank you for what you do and also comment on the interest that the length of Corgi leg has generated. It's like the gloves are off! haha. I kind of love it. It obviously touches a chord and it's good to discuss this while ooohing and ahhhing the cuteness of every awkward Corgi sleeper. (BTW, whenever the blue meanies take over, I take refuge in looking at all the new photos of awkward corgi sleepers! I love your site!) But, back to pithy comments re. old vs. current Corgi standards, I would encourage those responding to read the Edward Sawhill book, if they haven't already. It addresses a lot of these issues. Have you read it, Sam?

    PS What do you make of the emotions pouring out about the standard. Personally, I just don't like misinformation spread that may scare new Corgi owners by other owners promoting their type. It's fine and good to have your own type but it's important to know that liking a type doesn't make other types wrong, prone to illness, etc. The Corgi standard defines the type and any rescuer, buyer can choose what they feel is right for THEM, but not what is necessarily RIGHT for the breed.
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    LOL, literally. Your photos are hilarious. What do your four-legged friends think of their photos? Lucy would kill me, but my kids (2-legged variety) would kill me first. They were humiliated when I posted videos of Lucy doing nothing except looking at me and tilting her head. I love the big head on your male. I forget her tiny Lucy is.
    PS Your wife is pretty adorable too!
  • Dawn Murray

    Hey Sam. I just sent the msg to Celeste through here; will send her one through her website as well. Thanks for helping to get the word out there.
    Dawn and George
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks Sam for all your work. Hope you like pizza!
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    thanks for your comments about lucy being a cutie. we think you are too. you always say the nicest things and add a spark to the day. ; )
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    do you moderate all comments? how do you find time? as is, i spend waaay too much time on this site. i just love looking at corgis. you'd think i didn't have any kids! but, they've all left the nest. will you be going to the s. ca. specialty show?
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    PS Mocha and Vienna look as happy in their reindeer antlers as Lucy in her Laker jersey!
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I couldn't imagine how you'd find time to do that, as much fun as it is to see and read about all these funny & fabulous corgis. Yet, it seems you always have a nice comment when I post a funny photo of Lucy. Jack, Lucy & I are going to try to get to the specialty and maybe meet up with Doug and Gromit.
    Would have been fun to meet up with you and your crew & get to thank you personally for this site.
  • LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\

    Hi there, i hope Mocha and Vienna are doing great=]
    i really enjoy all your pictures, I love all the corgi costumes. sooooo cute
    & wooh you take pretty awsome pictures, i love it.
    by the way, i was wondering what camara do you use, i was thinking to get a new camara soon & test it on Lobo hehehe, hes my model, hehehe
    anyways, take care all. hugs
    greetings from Lobo & Arlyn
  • Leif

    Sam you seem corgi-wise. One of my corgis is shedding like crazy. I know they always shed but this is insane. I jsut brushed his rear for 20 minutes and you can still get a full hand full of hair jsut by petting his butt. Any ideas?
  • Leif

    great advice! borrowed a friends furminator and i think i have abiout 10 lbs less corgi now!
  • ChrisMarieandPi

    Your photos of corgi ads crack me up. My husband and I do the same thing.

    I was wondering if there was a link of adopting or rescuing corgis on the site. My husband and I are looking for a friend for Pi and we want a rescue corgi but they seem few and far between.
  • Annie Hsu

    great photos!!! especially the ones running through water!! mine wont go int tho.... he's a big scardy cat!!
  • Erica Wilson

    Thank you Sam!
  • Andrea De Leo

    Thank you for your help & contacting so many people about my auction to support CorgiAid .
    After everything I have been through with my corgi (Ricco) & DM, I just wanted to do something more.
  • Lynne Cerny

    I saw your reply about walking your rescues. I rescued Sally the end of December and I am still having a hard time walking her! She is scared of everything. She just cowers and lays down when scared! She was doing better and then we had to get her spayed and now back to being very very timid again. Any suggestions? Mornings she acts most normal, by evening she just wants to hide! When I took her to the beach, if nobody was around, she had fun running around, as soon as anyone showed up she wanted to go home! Today it is very stormy and she hasn't gone poo yet! I feel so bad for her! Any ideas? Thanks Lynne
  • Lynne Cerny

    Sally was three April 3rd. She came from a breeder in WA and was purchased by a breeder in MI. Had her first litter of pups at around 1 year. 10 pups 1 died she had to have a cesarean and she tore her uterine wall. She lost 1 pup the beginning of December 2009 so they decided not to try to breed her anymore. They gave her to me and just told me she was a little timid. We drove over 8 hours one way to pick her up. She is a sweety!
    She eats twice a day, she and Bucher eat apart, because I was told she is food aggressive, but they get along pretty good since she was in heat. Since she was fixewd I have been having issues with loose poo & I think it is because she is more scared of everything! We almost lost her with the surgery because of a reaction to the being put under. When I walk her if a garage door goes up or a loud car goes by or kids on skate boards are around she just wants to run home. I have tried giving a neighbor around the block treats that she likes, and that worked until the surgery. The night before the surgery I was walking her and a hot air balloon went over us! That really scared her! I just keep trying but I am a little frustrated with all the storms and the kids with fireworks!
  • Lynne Cerny

    I have more things that I left out. I don’t think that Sally has been people socialized at all. She lived in a barn kennel where we pick up her up from. The other Corgis were as friendly as our Bucher, so I don’t think her abuse happened there. When we first brought her home she ran from us if we had anything in our hand. She also did this pounce and spin thing a lot! If we leave the bathroom door open she moves the rugs out. When we took her to the vet for the first time, the vets comment was she was very un-Corgi like. She has improved with us majorly. Maybe I just need to give her more time. I just feel so bad that everything upsets her.
    She doesn’t like to travel either! We have to put the kennel in the back seat so she doesn’t go under the seats. We have a place up north, a 3 ½ hour drive, and she likes it up there. There isn’t as many people as it is in the country. I think that from going up there a number of times, she acts better in the truck.
    She has gotten brave as far as stealing Bucher’s bones! She doesn’t really like to chew, but if Bo leaves the moist bone alone she will grab it and take it to her kennel or in our bedroom. We were going to get her teeth cleaned but the vet had to bring her out from surgery quickly because of her blood pressure.
    She was on Fromm from the breeder and that is what we have always feed Bo so the diet hasn’t changed. From us she has learned to like treats, I don’t think that she received many before.
    When I got home from work tonight I feed the dogs and took her for a walk, but the neighbor was on a riding lawn mower and the wind has really picked up again, so she hasn’t gone poo all day today. I will try again in a little while.
    Sorry for the long info, just trying to get you anything that would be helpful.
    Thanks so much
  • Lynne Cerny

    Sam, thanks for your reply! I thought that 1 year was to young to bred her! I can't read your message after the "put her in her cage, provide her with yummy treats and away from the sound source". ...continue (but I can't)

    We are willing to try anything to help her, so what ever advise you have I will try!
  • Lynne Cerny

    Thanks so much for the info. I'm going to start with your yummy treat walking this weekend!
    I appreciate the time you took to answer me back!

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hi Sam! Calvin is doing pretty well. He wants to be loved and to play with everyone he meets, but he is scared too. He does warm up to people pretty quickly though, so he has already made some new friends. He really is such a sweet boy - we are so glad to have him!