Lisa & Precious


Merritt Island, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Merritt Island
About Me:
My hobbies are scuba diving, swimming with my corgis, and making jewerly.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a female corgi named Precious. My male corgi named Corky just passed away from lymphoma, but did well on cemo for three years.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carol Rea

    Welcome to Lisa and Precious, i am Sorry about Corky - but glad you had him for the additional 3 years. Looking forward to pictures. Carol, Lucky and Sonny
  • Carol Rea

    Lisa, thank you for taking the time to leave me a note! Lucky recently got a cart from CorgiAid. Let your inlaws know about a wonderful website that I found thru CorgiAid's website-has given me so much information on Lucky's IVDD, but also on DM. It is a yahoo group that you have to be accepted to, but if their corgi has problems, it will be worth it for them! It is I don't have it quite right, I will let you know!
  • Carol Rea

    Lisa, they can go to or click on CorgiAid on this website, go to cart program, click on related links and find it from there. Good Luck!!
    I hope it is not DM, how old is the corgi? Carol
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hello and welcome Lisa and Precious! We love your pictures - what happy faces! We are so very sorry to hear about Corky. We lost our Algy this past March to Lymphoma and he fought everyday until the end. It's so hard when they leave us! Wishing you and Precious all the very best!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Lisa and Precious! I'm so sorry about Corky. Your photos are really good!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!! Sorry to hear about Corky. :( Love your pics!!

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the sweet compliments. :) I love taking pictures, I cant seem to stop myself, lol. Too bad I didnt make a carreer out of photography. :) Mycorgi is such an awesome place, glad I happened to find it 2 years ago.
  • John Wolff

    Altitude isn't an issue until you get to, say, 9,000 feet or more. Very few Cascade peaks are near that. This peak (Dickerman) is 5,600 or so, nothing, but the nearby rivers are 1-2000', so the relief here is huge. Rugged country. They do everything but coarse boulder fields and deep snow. Oddly, it's sun and heat that slows a corgi: no shade above treeline, we have 2 months of Mediterranean climate, and the corgis wilt. Dogs can get heat stroke. I find some snow and make a pupsicle out of them, they love it.
    Your beastie is gorgeous.
  • Chili

    Oh I'm glad you told me that haha...ya I think it's pretty cute because it's his way of showing love, but I just fear bringing him around little kids. It's so funny because when I lay down he attacks me like crazy. He's even bit my chin before which didn't feel so good haha...I love him so much though! They are such funny little dogs! :)
  • Buddy & Wynstan

    thanks, that is a friend of mine. It looks to me that Wynstan is faking a smile for the camera
  • WhiteDove

    Hi Lisa,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Corky. I can only imagine what you are going through. Loss is never easy and I hope in the coming months the pain will lessen. I know he'll always be in your heart. This brought a tear to my eye. I'm glad you were able to stop by. . .we are all here for you.
  • WhiteDove

    Take care and be well. . . .
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    They really are =) and thanks, i love your waterfall and couch pics! soooo cute!
  • WhiteDove

    Hi Lisa,

    I have butterflies as a hanging cursor on my page(s). . .check it out if you like. There are 11 pages total and the last page has hanging kokopellies. . .lol

    lisa & precious , sorry to take so long getting back to you .....he certainly did answer everyones prayers !! i m still in shock ; she is a blessing