Melissa S.


Ririe, ID

United States

Profile Information:

Born in rexburg, Livin in Ririe, spendin most of my time in IF town tho
About Me:
I am a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and a corgi owner!!!

I was born a country girl, up rooted and moved to the city for most of my younger years!
5 Years ago I married my hubbie and he moved me back to the country. We have a 19 acre farm with a Australian cattle heard called Murray Grey. I have many(4) horses (go figure huh? what corgi parent doesn't lol) and I have 2 children. We adopted my sisters Pannish dog named Laci, she has been a twinkle my kids and I's eye for the past 2-3 years now.
We also have a border collie that my son claims to be his!!

I am a Equitharapy Coordinator for a company who takes care of adults with M.R.(mental retardation) All though stressful, my job tends to be very rewarding!

Some day I will start a breed program, but first I must research and flood myself with every bit of knowledge I can possibly absorb! My thoughts are, if I am going to do it, do it right, and do it well!

If you want to chat, give advice, or ask for some, I am happy to talk, and share!

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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Walker is our first Corgi, and so far he is the light of our life (aside from our 2 children)! Walker was born Feb 27th 2009 and came to live with us April 28th!! and we enjoy him very much! Walker will be competing in agility summer 2010.

Since he came home, our lives feel complete, he fits in with us so well!! In fact, he has warmed our hearts so much, we looked to find another perfect corgi to become a part of our family! And I think we have!! Willow, a R&W joined our family a few weeks ago!! Willow comes to us from CA.
Willow, thus far has been a dream come true! I adore her and every single silly antic she has! Willow has every single thing I wanted when I started my search for "that perfect show pup" she is personality plus, she so far appears to be very attentive, and Willow is also very well built! I cant wait to make our début this summer!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • Sunni A.

    Welcome Melissa and Walker!
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Hi Melissa and Walker!!!!

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Melissa and Walker! I loved seeing your pictures.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you for the compliment. Enjoy the site.
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Bet you are totally excited for Walker to be released friday! I can't wait till my girl gets 16 weeks so I can take her out... Puppy river walks, that would be fun :)
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Duck herding would be great fun!!! Haha. Ray would love that.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Sidney thanks you for the compliment :)
    Which video was the one you liked?
  • Caroline (and Beldar)

    They're from the same litter, and they're half Corgi and half Chihuahua.
  • Caroline (and Beldar)

    Dakota went to a different home, so it's just going to be the one. I'm picking him up tomorrow!
  • Ann B., Scout and Summer

    Hi Melissa! Greetings from another Idaho corgi owner! Too bad that being in the same state doesn't mean that we are CLOSE to each other! Your corgi is a cutie! Who was your corgi's breeder? We are looking for another pup--our Scout's breeder, Kathleen Mallery in Parma is working hard to breed the gene for Degenerative Myelopathy out of her line; she is trying to get a couple of her females bred to a "DM clear" male right now.
  • Ann B., Scout and Summer

    Melissa, there was an interesting discussion about DM on the Corgi Health forum a while back. It may be too old for you to view now. One of the folks in My Corgi who is very interested in this is John Wolff in Seattle area--he works in a genetics lab (for humans), but from his info I learned that DM is similar to Lou Gerhig's disease in humans. For great information on the disease and how it is carried among corgis and other dogs, check out Kathleen Mallery's website--just do a Google search under "Castell Corgis".
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks for your sweet comments on Cooper,,I love Photoography and im still learning alot :o) ~tina` and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    Walker is so sweet and looks like he has lots of friends too :o) ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    Was just wondering how the camping trip wen't,,,Cooper love camping and the water too,,:o) ~tina~
  • Kelly Morse

    Thanks! Walker is so adorable! I love the pic of him in the tent...What a sweet face. How old?
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    Thanks for your comment :-)
    I am truly hoping that time will speed up for the next 2 weeks. I want my Bailey home already :-). 4 months wait that seems unbearable haha.
    Walker is such a cutie...I was looking at his pics and thinking that might be what my Bailey will look like when she gets a bit bigger :-)
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Not yet. I figure I'll bug her next week on the papers since I already asked her this last week.
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    Yep, Bailey is finally at her new home :-) She is adjusting well and keeps us busy busy :-)
  • Chris

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Tammey & Caven

  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    aww thanks...Walk Walk is absolutely adorable.
    And yes, they do look very alike...How old is your little guy?

  • Mal Schaal

    Congratulation (a bit late) on your CGC! All of your dogs are beautiful!
  • Crystal Whittenton

    Walker is very handsome!
  • Melissa S.

    MVP Pet Photo Contest sponsored by BISSELL, maker of pet vacuum cleaners.
  • Joanna Kimball

    Hi! I think of those four I'd try Solid Gold and Innova first. Probably Innova initially. If he eats eagerly, stick with it. Anything is going to put weight on him if he eats it well! All are good foods, though, so just see how he does. And you can mix and match them if you'd like, or add canned food to the dry as long as the canned is the same quality.
  • Ray Lee


    We got them from our local petstore in HK.
  • Melissa S.

    I would start out with one teaspoon of each for a few daYs till he gets used to it then bump up a full table spoon. I feed Walker once a day(he won't eat twice a day) so when I was giving it to him I was feeding 2 tablespoons per feeding of each. If you don't se progress in the next few weeks I would recomend taping. But the calcium suplmented via yogart and cottagecheese should help ;)
  • Melissa S.

    Sorry about the sp's my phone is difficult at times
  • Blue Corgi Zena

    Happy Birthday to Walker!!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Walker's a little beauty and so are his friends. Thanks for inviting us to join your group. Unfortunately we're not eligible because Lucy is overage and we probably won't get a puppy in the near future : (
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    To go from seeing all your funny, sweet and often hilarious photos and then view the puppy mill makes it even more heartbreaking!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    So how are things going with Walker and Willow?
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    what the heck. lucy's no longer a puppy, but we will happily join your group. it will give me an opportunity to post more puppy pix of her and pretend that she's not getting older!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I love the photo of the 2 of your corgis sleeping on their backs in a car!!!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    OMG...mirror images. Too cool. So I'm a member & will post photos of Lucy and pretend that she is still a puppy. Love the photos of W&W. Are they getting along famously yet? I would love another Corgi, but worry how Lucy (now 4) would respond.
  • Lynn

    My Lucy (Rocky L female) is such a sweetie pie. She loves barking at dogs when they walk by the house, but she's pretty quiet otherwise. She LOVES playing ball! How are you liking Willow?
  • Lynn

    Lucy's parents are Marker and Meg. My guess is that she's full sister to the mother of your puppy (probably from Patty's litter?) Lucy was the one mis-mark. She has a triangle of white on the back of her left ear, but we love her even more for it!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Willow is a beauty. She's looking beautifully turned out at 5 months. Our little rescue Rafa is listed at 16 weeks, but our vet said there is no way that he is that old. He thinks, based on Rafa's teeth that he's more like 12 weeks. We got him a week ago and he weighed only 7 lbs.

    sounds like you have a wonderful family 2 and 4 footed. I commend you on your work with mr adults my son had a head injury as an infant and is handicapped even as an adult. he now works with mr adults in colorado, with the help from people like yourself he has grown into a remarkable man.An inspiration to all. He is on the USParalympic cycling Team.He raced in china and hopefully will be going to London in 2012. So thank-you for all the people you have helped,you do make a difference in their lives. And you have beautiful pems. best to you thanks.