Sir Wiggles Freeland

26, Male

Vero Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Vero Beach, FL
About Me:
We live in Vero Beach, FL - Phil is a computer lab manager at an elementary school, Fran works at Northwestern Mutual and Melanie is about to graduate from high school and head off to college.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Wiggles is an 11 1/2 year old red & white Pembroke Corgi. He came to us by way of friends at a horse show in Ocala. Wiggles LOVES to eat, as you can tell by his physique, and he also loves to play and sleep. He is a sweet, friendly corgi who LOVES everyone. He enjoys herding our two cats and letting them know who's boss!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Phil, Fran and Melanie!
  • Sam Tsang

    Great! you're welcome to create a group page here and attract more members to participate in your local group, that will give your group more exposure :)
  • Kristen

    Welcome Phil, Fran, Melanie and Wiggles! Great profile pix. What a handsome devil Mr. Wiggles is.
  • Sasha

    I love your avatar picture! It's adorable! Did you go to photo shop or something? I'm curious! :) It's really cute, anyhow!
  • Sasha

    Well your daughter is cutely creative! :) Your pics are really cute! I saw your avatar picture in one of your pictures! That's funny!
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome to Wiggles and family!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome to our Corgi family. . . .♥love♥ the cap and glasses. . . .LOL
  • Florence Fong

    Wiggles' colouring is beautiful. I just love the red/white combination. I have my 3rd. Corgi, Ritz with me now. All my 3 Corgis (2 have since passed on) are of the red/white combination.
  • Hoogie's Family

    That profile picture is so amazing!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you so much! We appreciate it!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you guys so much. I would love to see Mr wiggles some time. As each day is going by I am feeling better, I know my heart will heal one day. Tell your daughter that I saw her photo on your website and she is really growing up. She has turned into a beautiful young lady. I remember seeing her years ago, but back then I was a kid too. I have since gotten married and live 5 minutes down the road from my parents.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks again! I talked to my dad and he laughed remembering woozie and mr wiggles and how excited they got when he had cookies on his mail route. He said there was a mean dog he came across and every day he threw it a cookie and then one day it ranover to him because it liked him so much. The owner ran out and said "oh my gosh I'm sorry he is usually so mean" and was shocked lol
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I have two cats, Sadie and Kira. Kira acts like a dog she is so funny. She rolls on any little bit of dirt she can find on the porch (I don't let them out) and she also eats anything! I dropped a cracker and she gobbled it up. She reminds me a lot of Riley by funny things she does so it helps. Riley was so funny when I took him to the beach. Give Mr Wiggles a hug from us
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! I have been cuddling with the kitties and I do feel better. My dad is still having a tough time because he lives where Riley lived his whole life! I have my own house now but everytime I visit them I catch myself looking for Riley so that is what makes it so tough for him~
  • Lauren + Winston

    Your picture makes me laugh lots.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yeah I usually say good morning and night to him everyday. I am still waiting for my necklace to be made they said 4-8 weeks! Once that is made I will feel better because his photo will be on it and it will be as if he is going everywhere with me. I believe me and my mom will be going to the corgi roundup in nov 15 in palm bay but my dad is still too sad. Maybe I will see you and Mr wiggles there. Give him hugs from us
  • Lauren + Winston

    haha ohh no it is a iguana! i laughed a great amount when i saw the picture after i took it, before i did winston was just sitting there and not trying to lick the top of his nose or whatever he's doing... strange dog...
  • Lauren + Winston

    haha ohh yes i know. winston's the best begger around
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    How is Mr wiggles doing? The breeder that we got Riley from is having 6 litters that will be ready by February/March! It looks like we will have a lot of puppies to choose from for our new best friends. My sister got me a lisence plate with a corgi on it that says Riley, it was so thoughtful.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks we hope you have a Merry Christmas too! Do you know of any pet friendly beaches around the area? In Riley's last days I snuck him to a beach risking a fine just so he could enjoy himself.I really had fun at the corgi party I wish we had a fenced area here or at least a more fun large dog park. Yeah it seems like time is slowly ticking because I am so impatient to get the puppies! Talk to you soon
  • Lauren + Winston

  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    My parents got their german shepherd puppy yesterday! She is beautiful! They named her Kori. I have been playing with her and she seems like she is going to be a smart puppy! Two more weeks we get our corgi's!! I am so excited! My parents are getting the brother to the corgi I am getting. I am hoping he will be more sable like mr wiggles! We will have to see though
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    When is the next corgi round up? Will it be in April? Let us know! We will be there!!
  • Dyllan

    Thanks for getting everything together! We had a lot of fun! Keep in touch!
  • Anne

    Can you post some pictures from yesterdays event. Sorry I missed it. We will be in Vero later in April.
  • Tracey

    Butterball and Baxter had a great time yesterday! They slept the rest of the day they were so tired! I am so glad we went and we look forward to next year already! All those Corgi's were beautiful, each one special in there own way!
  • Chris and Bugg

    I look forward to next years event. We need more dog get-togethers/events in Vero/Sebastian.
  • Anne

    thanks for sharing the pictures of the Vero Beach corgi round up. Looks like it was fun and I am sorry we mised it this year. We will be in Vero mid-April.
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey I just wanted to ask what flea medicine do you use on Mr wiggles. I am using advantage and I just want to be sure to use the safest one out there. Also what food does Mr wiggles eat? I want to know what good brands are out there. Thanks
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Hey thanks so much for the information! Did you have a special website with all the photos from the round up? How is Mr Wiggles doing in this heat? Koby was born in the winter so he is not used to it yet. He keeps hiding in the shade
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Koby will be 8 months old on the 10th of next month!!! He is getting to old! How is Mr wiggles doing? I have been so busy at work they laid 2 people off in my dept!! How have you been?
  • Dyllan

    We missed Mr. Wiggles at the Palm Bay Cordi picnic,we had dogs to bring this time, hope all is well with Mr Wiggles we were looking for him.
  • Michelle

    Happy Birthday Sir Wiggles!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Hi Everyone - Sorry we've been crazily busy and my people have not been on this site!!! Thanks for all the birthday wishes, and I'm doing wonderfully well at 12 years old. Have a few "fatty lumps" so not so svelt as my younger self, but otherwise I'm just dandy!!!! Corgially, Wiggles
  • Dyllan

    Dyllan and Koby will be there saturday cant wait to see all their friends and you can see how much our little guys have grown!!!