The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein


Glendale, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Heather and I'm a geek's wife. I love being a geek's wife, and we share our life with the world on a podcast called A Geek and his Wife. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay at home and manage our household (which is a miracle in this economy). Some day I may have to join the work force again as an Admin Assistant, but right now I'm loving the free time that allows me to pursue all manner of creative endeavors.

Since I'm currently not working outside the home and we have no children yet (and my companion Tally passed March '10), I thought it was the perfect time to add a puppy to our family. I got my very first corgi on 10/30/10, and I just love her to pieces. I miss my Tally girl deeply still, but Ein's spunk, personality, and snuggles have really helped me heal through my time of grieving.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Her name is Ein, after the corgi in Coyboy Beebop. She is technically a sable, but she looks red and white. She was born on Sept 16, 2010. She is extremely smart, playful, and loves EVERYONE. I hope to train her to be a therapy dog some day.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • debra stanger

    WELCOME  Heather and Ein!! I just love corgis too.
  • Elizabeth

    Ein is a doll!  Welcome. :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Heather and Ein! She sure is a cutie. Sidney is a therapy dog, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • Kayla Rae and Rowdy

    Loved your post about your little one and the laundry... Rowdy stole one of my shirts and cuddled up with it in his corner while I folded mine... Didn't have the heart to take it away from him... it was so cute!  Enjoy your baby!

  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Welcome to MyCorgi from another Zonie!  My pal Gromit has a mini-wiener dog sister named Holly.  They've had some epic chase games but since Holly is a mini she usually loses the tug o' war games.  You friend Philo looks like he's be a better size match for a full grown Corgi.
  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    unless your pup is around a intact male dog you dont need to worry about the spaying for the first 7 months, Carlyonly had a drop or two of pink blood and that was it... of corsue everyone is different and our vet did no do any of these extras , but every thing was perfect!No outside stitches, all inside no cone, no issues at all!!

    i had her spayed at eleven months.. but i waited for a reason ..

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

  • Stephen and Picadilly

    Thank you!!!
  • Einstein Batista

    nice corgi name
  • Marie McClearn

    Congrats on your new corgi.  I got my first one this year in April.  I lost my dear friend Cleo of 13 years in March.  Everyone said to wait to get another dog.  The house was just to empty.  I have always wanted a corgi and decided for the first time to get myself exactly what I wanted.  Lola was 9 months old when I got her and I love her to death.  I'd love to have more.
  • Marie McClearn

    It seems like most of the corgi owners I meet are on your side of town.  Maybe we'll see each other at the next corgi meet up.
  • Robyn

    thank you!
  • Alicia Byrd

    Hi Heather! Just reading your blogs. We lost my sweet little Cooper in July and we had just rescued a 4 month old black lab pup that was being abused. He is an absolute love, but my husband and I had a really hard time bonding to him. I had had Cooper for almost 12 years. I noticed that he was bonding to our Rottweiler and not to any of the people in the house. What a wake up that I was being a bad doggy mommy! We signed up for a puppy kindergarten class and that has really turned things around. We have really bonded and the other day he had a choice of running to sister or me, and he chose me for the first time. That just about brought tears to my eyes. The pain doesn't go away, but it does lessen. And it is a great thing to open up to another puppy. I love the pictures, she is sooooo cute!!
  • Lauren

    Caius is actually a boy! You pronouce it: "Kye - uss". Kye rhyming with Rye, like Rye Bread!

  • Marie McClearn

    Ein is the first corgi puppy we've seen.  I knew they were cute, but in person they are absolutely adorable.  It was nice to meet you both.
  • Nikki and Luca

    hi there! so i ended up getting luca one of those pet stages chew things. she loves it! i got her a couple of other things too. including a bully stick. she's attempting to chew on it lol not making much progress. anyways thanks for the advice :]
  • Nikki and Luca

    haha thanks! it seems that's the only time i can get a picture of her. she's a little demon right now. your little girl is gorgeous :] too bad we live so far away. our puppies could be friends!


    me and my fiance are geeks too btw :3

  • Nikki and Luca

    yeah no twitter. just facebook. I'm an art student and he's a marine. we like vidja games and anime. and anything on the internet lol like :D


    you should add me on facebook

  • Biscuit, Bentley & Anni

    Ein is so lovely!! Thank you for sharing her with us! I'm quite partial to a sable pembroke ;)


    And hooray for paddle pools! We've been dragging it out every once in a while (not very close to any beaches) and while Biscuit LOVES it, Bentley is taking his time to get in and out. I love how different corgi personalities can be - Biscuit is the fearless one who jumps in and THEN wonders what she's got herself in for, Bentley is the cautious and careful one.


    Hope this finds you well!

  • Lisa && Yoshi

    Thanks! I can't stop watching the video myself. haha

    It's funny because I told my boyfriend I'm going to make Yoshi famous and I kept updating him on how many views the video gets. One day he told me, "You know it doesn't count if all the views are from you." hahaha. Good to know that it's not just me that enjoys it. Now I can tell him that =)

    I'm following you on tumblr as well and I gotta say that I love Ein! She's so adorable!!

  • Lisa && Yoshi

    I was thinking the exact same thing that Yoshi and Ein have similar silhouettes. When I first got Yoshi, I kept wanting to feed him more because I wanted him to be pudgier like the other corgis I always see. But then I realized that he's just not built that way. Now I like him better this way. It gives him a more distinct look. Yay for our lean corgis! =)
  • Chezza

    Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • Frank Eibl

    Thanks.  Toby and I enjoyed our meeting, as well.  It really was a super day. 80 corgis and a few more corgi wanna-be's made it one fantastic day.  Hope to see you also at the next picnic/get-together.
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Was fun meeting you guys and Ein and Philo too.  Quite few people hung around until 3:00 PM or so which was fun.  Best of all, four (?) rescue Corgis got adopted!  We would normally make a Corgi meet up if it's at a time and place that works for us.  Driving up from Casa Grande, sometimes the time frames can conflict with the Phoenix freeway traffic.
  • Lisa and Baxter

    Hi Heather! I believe I briefly met you at the Corgi Picnic. I had the 7 month old tri named Baxter! What a fun day!
  • Lisa and Baxter

    Yes we will definitely have to meet up again! The park in Gilbert is called Cosmo park and it does have a big water area. I've only been there once. I tend to go to a park in Mesa...a bit farther for me but it is really nice. The people and dogs are very friendly and the owners pick up the poop so it keeps nice. It's called Quail Run. I'm not working so I'm pretty much available anytime. Let me know if Ein is itching for a playdate!
  • Patricia, Beauregard, and Tegan

    Hello! It's great to meet someone who got a puppy from the same breeder :). I adopted Tegan 1.5 years ago...I wonder if Tegan and Ein are related :) I love that you named your corgi Ein! My husband is also a Cowboy Bebop fan and we ended up registering our corgis with Ein in their names. My male corgi is Mr. Beauregard Ein and Tegan's full name is Tegan Myfanwy Ein.