

Brighton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Owner of Lily. Female lovebug. From a breeder who did not sell Lily due to a gene defect she did not want propagated.

Owner of Camber; a 7 year old tri-colored Corgi that we rescued in March 2008. Died 1-18-2014.

My girlfriend Elys is also post on this forum about Camber.

I am in IT and a partner in a micro-machining / prototype company that is family run and based out of Switzerland.

I am into cycling, F1, and collecting wine and vintage port.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
She was a kennel dog that we rescued and likes my girlfriend more than me. Good on the leash, but often frieghtened, rarely affectionate, and does not know how to play. She rarely looks me in the eye and I am the one who walks her, feeds her, and brushes her... No love from that dog!

She is certainly sweet and everyone adores her as she is so quiet and never barks. She is not much for dog treats, and does not know what toys are.

I would like to see her get out of her shell.

Her favorite spots are the corner of our couch, corner of our bed room, and in front of our sub-woofer.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Dominique

    thanks for rescuing and welcome to the site!
    i tried to rescus but there weren't any available when i got Bibi - had to get her from a breeder.
    i'm sure camber will blossom eventually...
  • mosesbotbol

    Thanks, we weren't looking for a "rescue", but I wanted an adult dog that was house-broken. We both work and do not have time for a puppy. I was hoping for a dog from an elderly person who couldn no longer take care of their dog, but no luck with that.

    My friend had a corgi in school, Captain and he was great dog. Always loved corgi's.
  • Anne

    I can relate to your problems. We went thru the same thing but were looking for a 2-3 year old since we can not deal with a puppy. Our girl came from a breeder but was so fearful when we 1st got her we did not know what to do. I knew there would be some adjustment issues but she was freaked at being in the real world not in her kennel on a quiet ranch. She likes females more than males. She has taken longer to trust my husband than me. It took Gary feeding her real meat for her to start looking at him. She did not know what a toy was let alone how to play with one. But she was just 2 and the breeder said she was not shy and was sweet and needed a home where she would get the attention she needed. I guess when she said you will know her persanality more than me soon I should have realized that we would not know what we are getting. We were told she was kneed by her handler so she would not jump. So we think her handler when she was shown was tough on her. Might be on reason she does not like to approach peolpe. The advice I got from obedience people were to give lots & lots of treats. I also made her sit on my lap and gave treats. she likes other dogs and she has spent time with my parents PWC and learned about toys and playing plus she plays with my sister's dog. It has taken 5 months and we still have to work with her. Though she is a Mama's girl. She has gotten better. I hope this helps. I know with your girl being older it might take longer. It is really hard to go thru a dog being fearful of you but with us time has helped.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Camber, Elys and family!
  • Elys

    Do you want to be my friend?? :) See, I told you that she'll come around...we have proof it happened for another owner! You just got to have, Faith, Faith, Faith...
  • Elys

    She's ALWAYS cute... she was running around the yard today, all happy. And that George Michael concert kicked butt!
  • sandra

    thanks for comment on the pic...good thing she did not fall off!

    i love the two dogs, your corgi and mountain pup, hehe, sorta like a lil me, same coloring!
  • Elys

    Hey, babe. It's 7:48 am. Just took precious out for her morning walk. Took a different route this time. She's now konked out on the living room floor. I'll be leaving here by 8 am.
  • Mike Hammer

    They do look a like.
  • Judy

    Camber is so pretty! I'm sure she'll come around and be a loving Daddy's girl! It just takes a little time. Good for you for rescuing her!
  • Kristen

    From my experience with Fern, you will see some dramatic changes, but for some it does take time. Fern must have the "cuddle" gene because after she felt part of the family she takes every opportunity for some attention. She has figured out toys, but not necessarily how to play with a human and the toy at the same time, but she is coming around... Camber will come to enjoy the good life you are providing her.
  • Andy Lin

    no i wish, i have an EVO IV
  • Trenton and Denise

    Thankx for the comment on her agility. We try to get her to do things it helps with keeping her active. Thank you for rescueing Camber. Don't worry things will get better she just needs to relearn a few things. You have a looking BMD also. I gre up with Newfie's so Malibu got use to big dogs quick. Keep working with Camber and her switch will finally switch and it will be her to go up up ans away with fun.
  • Leasa

    Thanks so much. You have a cutie tri also but sounds like she has had a tough childhood. We also have a Bernese Mountain dog. He is our corgi's mascot. His real name is Sampson but I call him 'doopee do' a lot as the corgis run circles around him in so many ways!! ;)
  • Jaime

    Thanks! Little Corgis are the best!
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    The shelter said that about Rueben as well. Would never be an affectionate, outgoing, lap sitting dog. He was very skittish, stand offish etc. wouldn't go for walks (put the brakes on at the end of the driveway and wouldn't budge) wasn't house trained etc. He's been with us 3 years now and is really a joy to be with. He was a quick learner and really wants to please so his training was easy. He is absolutely attached to me and my buddy. I'm sure he will come around. Don't give up!
  • JoAnne

    Camber looks and acts alot like my Riley...........she's in Marlboro! After my daughter got Riley she brought her to Key West for a few ended up being a little longer than that though, I loved it..lots of Corgis is the best! Riley is so shy even though she's been socialized with lots and lots of dogs.I think it's just her nature to be Sweet! I bet we'll be hearing about Camber coming out of her shell with you and depending on you for hugs and kisses. Especially now because it's getting cold up there.When I go to Ma. to visit I tell Riley "It's her job to keep me warm" she seems to understand that.
  • Leasa

    Great shot! Your corgi looks like my Casey Girl a lot (she was 6 also, wonder if similar bloodlines). I see you also have a 'thing' for black, white & tan marked dogs ;) How old is your Bernese? I nick name mine the 'doopy doo' dog compared to the smartness of my corgis, they run circles around him but he makes me laugh cause he tries to be a lap dog like them.
  • Jessica

    How sweet of you!!! Thank you so much for caring that much to want to take her....What a great person you are...
    She is actually going back to her breeder, and she is going to have puppies of her own there....she is such a pretty dog, I just can wait to see what pretty pups she has. But if she wouldn't have asked to take her back, I would totally consider you for a new home...that was always my worry, was finding a loving family for her, and will spoil her like we do....
    We will miss her terribly but she will be close that we can visit anytime we want.
    I love your other dog, is that a Burnese Mountain Dog?
    Thanks again for wanting to welcome scarlet into your family : )
    That made my heart smile!!
  • Jessica

    She is only 11 months old, but keep her in mind..celeste does adoptions for other corgis, and I don't think she sells them..I think it is just free to a good home. Check her website often for her and others...her website is

    Thanks again
  • Monty

    your camber looks alot like my sweets. we rescued her from the SPCA and she is also estimated to be 6 years old. i wonder if they are long-lost sisters!
  • Frankenstein

    Camber is sooooo cute! I love the pic of her sleeping under the blanket...awww....cute :)
  • Buffy Bell

    Hi, Check out our page. We have similar taste! Buffy
  • Rachel

    Hi he's doing alright for the time being, we have another vet appointment in two weeks to see how the Hill's s/d food is working. I'm really hoping to prevent surgery but if its what he needs he'll get it. Thank you for asking. :) You have a very beautiful corgi. :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Just FYI, there are 2 corgis looking for homes in MA. Good Luck!
  • Susan Stanton

    Hi - I got an email saying you'd commented on my photo of Bertie Wooster, but then I accidentally deleted the photo. Yikes! Sorry. Im new to these networks. But I'm slowly getting the hang of things....
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Yeah, that's an option too. I asked my husband about it and he really would prefer a puppy though. He wants to start with a blank slate so training will be easier and the way we want it to be. I know that older dogs that need homes can also be trained even before you get them, but I don't know. I don't think I'm experienced enough for a rescue yet.
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Yeah, I agree with what you're saying, but my husband is pretty adamant about it. Besides, I know having a puppy will be a lot harder in the beginning than having an adult dog, but it will be that much more rewarding for us in the long run. I guess it's kind of like wanting to adopt a human baby rather than a teenager. But rescue is an option maybe for a second dog when we have more living space. :)
  • Carleigh and Ein

    I hope they do! :)
    He's already come really far in the last week.
  • Carleigh and Ein

    He only really does it when he's winded or playing around in the dirt lol I'm thinking it could be allergies
  • Carleigh and Ein

    I'm not sure if it last all year (i've only had him for a little over a week)
    But it doesn't seem to bother him too much or cause him any stress so i'm not worried about getting medicine or anything at this point
  • Deanna

    Good Morning, Mosesbotbol! I just wanted to pass you a link to a great website that you may not know about:

    Type in Corgi in the box for "breed," and you will find listings for puppies as well as older corgis that people are willing to ship. I read your discussion about rescues being a hassle, and, yes, I agree, they really can be. I'm a volunteer rescue transport. I only "rescue" the dogs from "death row" and take them to a rescue place that has room for them, but I know how they operate and I'm sorry you've had such a hard time finding a new furbaby. I hope the link is helpful to you. Let me know if I can help you out further.
  • Andrew Janke

    What you are looking at in this photo is not a tapestry but a blanket that was created from a photo taken of the dog, Cyclone, several years ago. You can get these "photo blankets" from CVS Pharmacy or Pet Smart. We don't normally have the blanket on the sofa so when we did and found Cyclone in this positon we felt we had to take a pic and share. Thanks for the comment.
  • Chelle

    i found that icon online and i use it as an avatar for my messaging programs. I don't know who own's all the corgies, but i strive to have a pack like that some day. When i have enough room of course.
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    I saw a picture of Camber and just had to see your other pictures of her. She is very sweet and looks a lot like my corgi. I like the one of her sacked out on the couch - very cute!! Stay well!
  • Christine

    How funny. Not this guy, he's still a virgin... much to his dislike. Mommy is happy though. LOL

    Camber is cute!
  • Jane Christensen

    I'm so glad you rescued Camber! As a rescuer and a person that has kept a rescue (Wiley) there is nothing as great as seeing them progress and every time I feed Wiley she does this little "prance" like she is so excited to have her "own" food.I believe that Wiley survived on the other dogs leftovers and now she has her own.She couldn't even walk when I got her and my vet also believes she was the most abused out of the 4 I rescued...also on Livvy and the least she stays in the tub...some of my others think they need to jump out...
  • WhiteDove

    That's Sid running with that toy. . .he loves running. . . .
  • Leasa

    I think they grow up to be pretty cute big dogs just like your girl is too ;0
  • Leasa

    Hi mosesbotbol I tried to reply to your note but not working so sending new message. I might have a pup going to boston from this litter so if your friend wants a pup they could share a shipping fee and save $$$ plus pups are happier traveling. I have photos on mycorgi page or if better they can email me direct and I can send photos back