Kari & Quin


Sahuarita, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a watercolor artist although i do a lot of other stuff also such as graphic work for my church. My husband and i have been married for 28 years and have 2 grown boys. So it was time to get a new baby to keep me company so we got a puppy=)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Quin was born on Nov 5 2009. She is a red and white, sable fluff with a white blaze on her head. I waited a year for a puppy. Her name is for one of my fav watercolor colors Quinacridone gold. She is becoming a wonderful companion.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sherry, Doug, Rocky & Bonnie

    Welcome, new friends!
  • Sunni A.

    Welcome Kari! Getting one soon? Or probably not soon?
  • Ramona

    Hi Kari! My boyfriend and I just moved from the Sahuarita area. We are now in the NW, Continental Ranch subdivision. We got Colbie from a breeder in Waddell, AZ. My bf and I love her wide blaze. It's slowly getting thinner as she grows like the breeder said it would. She's 10 weeks now! Where is the puppy you are looking at? When are you getting it?
  • Ramona

    Did you get Quin on New Years Eve as you had planned? If so, how is she? She looks adorable!
  • Joanna Kimball

    Oh, TEH FLUFF! She is lovely; congratulations!
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Kari, Quin is beautiful. Congrats on your new puppy
  • Beauty and the Beast

    That's one big furball with elephant ears!
    So cute!
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Denise Warren

    Quinn is adorable!!! lots of fur!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Oh my gosh what DOLL! She is too cute for words. My favorite picture is number 10!
  • Stacia & **Toby**

    Thanks for replying to my question. :-) You're puppy is so cute! When I first saw the picture she looked like a wolf! I love the color!
  • Spartan

    She is the cutiest thing ever!! I love her facial expressions
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Here's my Corgi:


    Corgis have a "What's in it for me"attitude. If you work with them, you will get great results!

  • Debbie and Gromit

    Kari and Quin! We've got to meet. Quinacridone Gold is also one of my favorite paint colors! We're sure to have lots in common. We must get together!
  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    Your dog is beautiful!
  • John Wolff

    Y'know, most of the sound effects on Star Wars were human vocals... but for the Wookie speech, I think George Lucas just recorded a corgi. We wake up to that every morning.
  • Molly and Isabella

    Oh Kari! Your Quin is glorious! What a pretty girl! She was quite the fuzzy puppy, too! I really enjoyed viewing all of your pictures. :o)
  • Molly and Isabella

  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    i appreciate your words of wisdom Kari., im diffidently going to follow your advise about the grand kids.
    i have a issue coming up that im not to sure how to deal with, maybe you or someone can give me advise.
    my sister and her family, 5 adults three kids (8 people in all) are coming and i know shell be ok with the kids and women , but the men may be a problem , Carly barks when a man comes over except for my husband and two sons of course. So how do i handle this, shes ok at the dog park with the men there and men at the pet store thats shes seen many times..
  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    ok kari..... i know they are dog lovers so im not worried how they will treat her , but she seems to be a little intimidated by their presence , so your right after a few days, she should be friends hahaha hopefully shes a good girl and im not embarrassed ..I want to show off my "corgi" and i want them to love her like i do.. oh well its like kids they usually embarrass us huh
  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    by the way ..what do you watercolor? i took fives yrs of lesson froma local artist and a couple more with another .. love it, but dont have time anymore , one day ill get back into it , i still have my paints, paper and all my supply's ..hahha my hubby thinks i should get rid of it all, but i know once i retire ill find some one to brush me up and ill get going again
  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    sounds fun i live vicariously through others , haha and when i see a watercolor i always stop and view/critique, looking a the techniques, designs, textures, lights mids and darks.. nothing like it!! as my teach use to say.."they make me salivate"
  • Molly and Isabella

    Kari, thanks for the comment on my blog.  I'm REALLY looking forward to the day that Isabella gets "Drop it!".  She's smart, but stubborn...like most corgis, I'm sure!  Oh, this is off the subject, but do you ever have problems with matted fur on Quin?  I brush and bath Isabella regularly and was sure I was doing a good job.  Well, I guess not because I found a mat behind each ear!  I can not get them out!  Isabella won't sit still long enough.  Poor baby.  I'm afraid to cut them.  I think I might need to take her to a groomer...at least for nails and the mats.  Do you have any suggestions?

  • Molly and Isabella

    Thanks so much, Kari!  I think I will keep working at them.  I've been trying to pull them apart with my fingers.  I know I need to cut them down the middle, at a right angle to the skin (opposed to parallel with the skin)...I started to try, but then stopped!  I need better scissors before I attempt that again.  Yes, the next time I bath her I will use conditioner for sure!  She is really good about brushing when I give her a kong filled with a tablespoon of peanut butter! Thanks for the pointers!

  • Marcia & MoJo

    Thanks for your comments on MoJo's pictures.  We did have fun taking those pictures.  A little cold here to lay on the ground now to take pictures!
  • Marcia & MoJo

    It is a good thing they are so cute because you forget how mad they make you sometimes.  I sure hope MoJo's fluff is a nice as Quin's when she grows up!  Quin is sure a cutie.
  • Toby {Brenda}

    Your fluffy girl is so adoreable...She reminds me alot of my Chevy--
  • Princess CoCo

    Thank you, Kari~~  Quin is very pretty~~ ^^
  • John Wolff

    Yeah, I've posted some links about the Belyaev stuff here.  Some of those fox faces are corgiesque.
  • John Wolff

    I've done a lot of backpacking in the Canyonlands area of Utah.  Aways thought the dogs would love it, but it's awfully rough terrain and I've never felt confident in being able to protect them from all the well-armed plants and arthropods and reptiles.  I've only been there in Sept-Oct and March.  I did bumble into a border collie in a very remote part of the Maze District of Canyonlands (quite illegally, National Park).  They said the dog did quite well, and didn't have to learn the hard way to stay away from things like Spanish Bayonet agaves and things.  But there are those sand burrs, goatheads, cheatgrass and such -- does Quin have trouble with such things?
  • John Wolff

    I don't know the altitude of Sahuarita, but it sure looks hotter than Seattle, and Quin's a fluff.  You should weigh in when people from warm places inquire about shaving corgis.  

    How does Quin do in the heat?

    I've noted that the only time I have to wait for Al or Gwynn in the Cascades is above timberline in summer sun.  They wilt.  I soak their bellies, or find snow and make a pupsicle.

  • John Wolff

    Wow.  So I guess the nice thing about living in Arizona is not having to clean up your corgi's poop because it burns to clean ash before it hits the ground?  No such thing as raw food down there, I s'poze.  :)
  • Lois B. Allen

    Kari,  I didn't have any problem clipping Sandy down to the skin as she did stay

    in the shade most of the time and it grew terribly quickly.  Due to her inability to

    control her temp., I had to do that for her along. She loved to lay outside all night

    to watch for Rodents.  When she was young, she worked quite hard at it but I don't

    think she ever caught anything. If Randy is a fluff, which it looks like he is, it will

    not be necessary to clip him and we have a doggie door so he can be in when ever he wants. He is so young that I don't think he has realized there are such things as rodents. It isn't always humid here but often it and that is a big factor.

  • DeeDea & Pudge

    Aww thank you. Your darling puppy photos of Quin were definitely an inspiration to go fluffy. She was impossibly adorable as a puppy and grew up to become a mind blowingly beautiful corgi! Her coat is sooooo pretty.