Tina and Cooper


Labadie, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Labadie Missouri
About Me:
44 year old mother of three and wife for 29 years,Im a gardener and freelance photographer,,I love working and being outdoors,,My photo's are on flickr.com and i have alot of fun on that sight too,Ill be moving to a farm soon the end of May on 25 acers and i cant wait,,Cooper loves it and has so much fun in the creek,,,,

I use a Canon rebel xt digital camera
70-300 mm canon IS ultrasonic
35-50 mm canon
ultrasonis fisheye
wide angel
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cooper is my first Corgi,,,,I love him to death..:o) His Birthday is May 14th...yea he'll be 2 years old,Cooper loves to swim,chew my flip flops,snuggle at night,,go buy buy,,eat cheese burgers,,You might think im crazzy but when i get home he says i love you,,,why wov woo,,well its sure sounds like i love you,,,Hes the sweetest little Corgi and i love him so much:o)

Find more photos like this on MyCorgi.com
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  • chocky

    very nice photos! =)
    do u have to travel far to get to places like that? the area is so beautiful =)
    perfect setting for your little one. how old is he?
  • Joanna Hubbard

    Cooper is gorgeous and looks like such a corgi character! I'm always glad to see that I'm not the only one who takes corgi rump pictures :)
  • Debbie Landrie

    Thanks. We do enjoy having those little guys around. We got one of our females in Missouri.
    You photos are wonderful!!!
  • Brodey's Mom

    Wow. Cooper is so handsome. Where did you get him? My mom is looking for a sable.
  • Christiane

    Welcome back, Tina!
    Computer problems drive me nuts, you have my sympathy...
    Really love Cooper's photos. :)
  • Paula L.Beauchamp

    Tina, Cooper is beautiful. I see alot of my babies all grown up. It's great seeing what a great life you are giving him. I only hope my other puppies are loved half as much. All I've heard from are. Thanks again for the pics. It almost makes me cry! Paula
  • Karen

    Tina, Your page is wonderful. The lovely pictures, the nice background music...well done. I am curious what type of camera do you use? I am getting back into photography and have a lot to learn about the new cameras on the market.
  • Karen

    Thanks for the photographic insight. The Canon will hopefully be my next camera. I will check out the flicker site. I have downloaded Picasa, thanks!!!
  • Christie & Mauricio

    awesome pictures. Thanks for posting your Camera make and model - I was going to ask you! : ) My husand and I are in the market to for a better camera to capture our fast-moving pup.
  • Brodey's Mom

    Thanks for the info on Cooper's breeder. He is so handsome, I would love to have a duplicate of him. My mom found a breeder near her and she is picking up her own Cooper-look-a-like tomorrow. I am so excited for her. His name will be Winston. I'm sure she will join the Sable Group. All three of us will have handsome sable men. Are you ever overwhelmed with how handsome your dog is? It happens to me all the time. Usually it causes me to go squeeze him. He grunts and tells me, "Mom, you're embarrassing me!" Hehehe
  • Brodey's Mom

    Hehehe. Usually they are just like kids. Embarrassed by the embrace.
  • Carla

    So glad to have you back...was mising your awesome pictures of Coop. Carla
  • Mary Rose Baker

    You take lovely pictures of Cooper, he is such a handsome boy.
  • Florence

    I see you're on Flickr too, I'm going to look for you there because I like very much your photos !
    Like you, I love CORGIS and FLOWERS....
  • Charlie and Bode's Mom

    Thanks! Cooper is handsome too!!!
  • Gail and Ashton

    Hi Tina and Cooper! Your pictures of Cooper are gorgeous! He is such a handsome boy. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photographic talents with all of us. I look forward to many, many more great pics of Cooper. :)
  • Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's

    What a great picture of Cooper walking down the path...
  • Melissa S.

    you take AMAZING pictures!!!
  • Di-An Laperouse

    You're pictures are so beautiful! They truly grasp the moments with the puppy. Not to mention, you have a wonderful, outdoorsy-loving corgi! Amazing!
  • Melissa S.

    Our trip was amazing! Walker had a blast! Slept threw both nights like a champ! I was proud of him :)
    Cooper looks like he really enjoys him self!
    Any how, Have a great evening:)
  • Laura K.

    Your boy cooper is very handsome! I saw his picture in the "sable corgis" group.
  • Di-An Laperouse

    The digital portrait was done on a computer! A friend of mine did it on one of those art tablets.
  • Chris

    Tina, check your grocer's freezer. Purina makes Frosty Paws Ice Cream treats for Dogs. They are in little cups and Whisper thinks they are the BOMB!
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    What great pictures! Thanks for sharing Cooper's birthday memories.
  • Chris

    Cooper, you are such a good boy when your mom has the camera out! Whisper is forever the Diva and only takes good pictures when the mood arises (and thats not often and only if I am paying for some to take them!)
  • Meryl

    Thank you!! I LOVE Cooper's colors! loving the black tips on his ears! makes me wanna squeeze it.. lol.
  • D46

    I may have said this before but Cooper reminds me so much of my Bubba except for the black tipped ears and Bubba has the black "ferry saddle" back. I love the shot of him in the water with his tongue sticking out!! Another good one is the snow pic. Their little bunny butt nubs even look similar. I'd like to get more action shots of Bubba but, he's seldom that active unless I throw him treats. He won't run after anything else. Keep up the good photography and action/close up shots.
  • Fidencia Bonilla

    We love your pictures! He looks just like Juno!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Your photos are fantastic!!
  • Amanda & Tuck

    I really enjoyed looking at your photos! Cooper is so stinkin cute and always looks like he is having fun!
  • Bev Levy

    I love your page and pictures! Wish you lived closer and could photograph my pups!!
  • Harmons

    I am always still amazed at how good your pictures are of little Cooper. Great job!
  • Bev Levy

    Thanks Tina! I don't live close to the beach but I have a really nice guest room! I love the cool weather so Michigan is great for me. I guess I will just have to become a better photographer......
  • Steve

    Thanks for the pic comment. I know what you mean. I keep the windows up when car is in motion and only when parked the windows go down. I don't want to take the chance of him jumping out.....
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Cooper is such a handsome corgi. I just love his coloring.
  • Tina and Cooper

  • Tina and Cooper

    Bouquet of Flowers
  • Diana Zipperer

    I love the pics. Cooper is so cute.
  • CorgiTales

    Love your Cooper photography. He's a beauty!
  • Boothill

  • Elena Ignatova

  • Mary Fortin ~ Copper's Mommy

    We have a friend who insists on calling him Cooper...probably trying to get a rise out of me ~ but he says he thinks Copper looks more like a Cooper...I have no idea what a Cooper would look like. I chose Cooper from the movie the fox and the hound (which was one of my son's favorite movies when he was a little boy) and since he is red - Copper and pennies are made from Copper.
  • Rachel & Goldie

  • Anna & Rowan

    Hi! I just saw the pictures you uploaded on the main page and wanted to tell you that Cooper is just beautiful! I absolutely adore his coloring!
  • Anna & Rowan

    Hey Tina!
    I'm really hoping we'll hear more about that Corgi in the ad soon. It's gotten me interested in working with rescues too. :) There needs to be a place to turn when pups like that appear!

    I get my pup, tentatively named Rowan on March 1st. My husband keeps trying to get me to bring him home earlier. :) We're really excited.
  • Roger/Laurie

    We love our tri but..............we are convinced that tri's have an extra goofy and crazy gene in their makeup.
  • Courtney and Zoe

    Thanks for sharing all your great pictures!  Cooper is such a handsome boy! ; )

  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    your pics of cooper are amazing!!
  • Jill M

    Hi, TIna.

    FTCR has annual picnic in June at the Dog Museum that we attend every year.  Not sure a date has been set yet for 2012 but I will let you know.  Other wise, our friend Jess and her rescue Wynne meet us occasionally at Du Sable Dog park in St. Charles.....We used to doit more when I had my trio but the end of last year was not good to us and we lost two of our precious furkids. ....We have since rescued another but he has dog aggression issues that we are working on so he has not gone to the dog park and it's winter!!  ...looking forward to meeting you and Cooper one day soon. He's a handsome guy!!!

  • Jill M

    I'll look for you on FB...I think I saw you make a comment on Wendtworth Corgi's page....as for the picnic, the more the merrier. It is a fund raiser for FTCR  and tons of fun to meet and play with corgis, it is not near as big as the one in NC or FL  that I've seen pictures for on here and FB but it's fun!!! And non- corgis are welcome too, there are several honorary corgis that come ! :)